Log message #4190552

# At Username Text
# Jun 24th 2019, 09:42 dereuromark sure, whats the issue
# Jun 24th 2019, 09:38 JayCH Hi! I've inherited a cakephp 3.7 app at work and can't quite get my head around plugin routing. Is this the right place to ask?
# Jun 24th 2019, 09:15 dereuromark any adapters here you could add to awesome list for us all?
# Jun 24th 2019, 09:12 steinkel @dereuromark using syslog here, then letting syslog fw it elsewhere
# Jun 24th 2019, 09:10 dereuromark See https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog/blob/master/doc/02-handlers-formatters-processors.md#log-specific-servers-and-networked-logging
# Jun 24th 2019, 09:10 dereuromark with monolog you can log to anything without having to change more than config, ideally that one as wrapper then
# Jun 24th 2019, 09:09 conehead What logging? I am logging to graylog
# Jun 24th 2019, 08:57 dereuromark I am surprised to not see any (monolog) wrapper logging engine in awesome list. what are people using these days? besides the database log maybe?
# Jun 24th 2019, 08:28 dereuromark capability of retry is definitely powerful and useful here, same for better usability as you dont have the waiting time on the frontend.
# Jun 24th 2019, 08:27 dereuromark @joey.mukherjee You can even use the queue usually for tasks that should be started right away, as with a good setup you have only a lag of a few seconds. it would only wait a few more if the workers are still all busy.
# Jun 24th 2019, 08:26 dereuromark But this is usually not adviced for things that need to run longer than a second, or if those could be failing and could need a rerun.
# Jun 24th 2019, 03:16 admad @joey.mukherjee if you want to trigger a task your self there's no need to use the queue plugin. Just run the shell/command your self with `exec()/shell_exec()` function
# Jun 24th 2019, 02:23 joey.mukherjee Thanks @challgren! Can you explain "If you just want to call the queue task then call your custom task" a little bit. By call my custom task, do you mean run the task without the queue? I am looking for a way to start the task immediately or trigger it somehow so it starts? Ideally, I'd rather not use cron if I can help it.
# Jun 24th 2019, 01:50 challgren You should always run it from the Shell. Running it from a web request will block that connection and eventually timeout. If you just want to call the queue task then call your custom task
# Jun 23rd 2019, 23:34 joey.mukherjee With the dereuromark/cakephp-queue plugin, is there a way to start the queued workers from my app instead of using a cronjob? I tried using a ShellDispatcher but it waits for a response. I am doing this in case I can tweak it: ``` $shell = new ShellDispatcher (); $command = ['cake', 'queue', 'runworker', 'and']; $output = $shell->run ($command);```
# Jun 23rd 2019, 19:39 vossen.steven @madbbb ok ty, I'll have to check out my host then to see how I can access it
# Jun 23rd 2019, 19:39 vossen.steven I checked my db, it was only on the db not on the tables
# Jun 23rd 2019, 18:15 madbbb you always have access to mysql encoding settings on shared hosting
# Jun 23rd 2019, 18:15 niel45 @vossen.steven isn't utf8mb4 set on the individual database or table?
# Jun 23rd 2019, 18:01 vossen.steven figured it out with your help, I have to add this to my.ini `character-set-server = utf8mb4` how would one fix this if they don't have access to it though?
# Jun 23rd 2019, 17:31 slackebot encoding anymore in my code
# Jun 23rd 2019, 17:31 madbbb my seeds with Russian characters work fine with this settings: app.php Datasources['default']['encoding'] uses default utf8 and I use docker version of mysql 5.7.23 with override.cnf with this settings: ```[client] default-character-set = utf8mb4 [mysql] default-character-set = utf8mb4 [mysqld] character-set-client-handshake = FALSE character-set-server = utf8mb4 collation-server = utf8mb4_unicode_ci ``` I don't have to specify collation or
# Jun 23rd 2019, 17:17 vossen.steven cause as far as I know you can't pass a collation and I have no clue where it's getting it from
# Jun 23rd 2019, 17:16 vossen.steven and that doesn't fix the issue if you use newEntity either
# Jun 23rd 2019, 17:15 vossen.steven so if i do this ``` $data = ['charr' => 'ë']; $table = $this->table('test', ['collation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci']); $table->insert($data)->save(); ``` it works fine, but it seems to me it shouldn't be like that, because if I change my datasource encoding I would have to change that as well
# Jun 23rd 2019, 17:10 vossen.steven if i pass `'collation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'` as option when I call $this->table in the seeder it works fine
# Jun 23rd 2019, 17:09 vossen.steven been reading the docs and I might have a solution
# Jun 23rd 2019, 17:08 vossen.steven both utf8mb4
# Jun 23rd 2019, 17:02 madbbb @vossen.steven what's is your table collation and Datasource.encoding?
# Jun 23rd 2019, 15:49 slackebot object(Cake\ORM\Entity) { 'id' => (int) 2, 'charr' => 'ë', } ] ``` as you can see the seeder doesn't encode the data properly.
# Jun 23rd 2019, 15:49 vossen.steven Does anyone know how to get the seeder to encode data properly? I have the following test in my controller and a seeder ``` $testTable = TableRegistry::get('test'); $new = $testTable->newEntity([ 'charr' => 'ë', ]); $testTable->save($new); ``` now when I retrieve the data I get ``` [ (int) 0 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) { 'id' => (int) 1, 'charr' => 'ë', }, (int) 1 =>
# Jun 23rd 2019, 15:06 olanowsubomi hello, goodday. please can i asked some few questions concerning cakephp download
# Jun 23rd 2019, 08:23 challgren Does anyone have any pros vs cons for using CakePHP over .NET core? Client wants to use .NET and I want to persuade him otherwise
# Jun 22nd 2019, 19:14 joey.mukherjee Nevermind! I can just move my $userGroups into the function ($q)! Cool!
# Jun 22nd 2019, 19:11 slackebot1 return $q->where (['OR' => ['Groups.name' => 'public', 'Groups.id IN' => $userGroups]]); });``` These queries work independently. However, by doing a subquery, I get an `Undefined variable: userGroups` error. clearly userGroups is there in the line before. Any ideas?
# Jun 22nd 2019, 19:11 joey.mukherjee I've made some progress on my querying, but I'm having one more issue: ``` $userGroups = $this->Groups->find ()->select (['id']) ->matching ('MyUsers', function ($q) { return $q->where (['MyUsers.id' => $this->Auth->user ('id')]); }); $query = $this->Projects->find ()->select (['name']) ->matching ('Groups', function ($q) {
# Jun 22nd 2019, 19:04 madbbb and now all models' beforeMarshal event fire this listener. How do I connect to only InvoiceTable model?
# Jun 22nd 2019, 19:01 madbbb I want to move all my events to listener class to keep all callbacks in one place. bootstrap.php: $invoices = TableRegistry::get('Invoices'); $invoiceListener = new InvoiceListener(); EventManager::instance()->attach($invoiceListener); invoicelistener.php: class InvoiceListener implements EventListenerInterface { public function implementedEvents() { return [ 'Model.beforeMarshal' => 'test', ]; }
# Jun 22nd 2019, 18:52 Chetan Can anyone tell me, how to update cakephp 3.7.8 to 4.0 alpha 1 ?
# Jun 22nd 2019, 18:48 chetanvarshney Please help me, How to Update cakephp 3.7.8 to 4.0 alpha1 ??
# Jun 22nd 2019, 18:47 chetanvarshney Hello