Log message #4190314

# At Username Text
# Jun 20th 2019, 11:27 edgaras.jan If class/trait is not annotated with `@internal`, it should be backward compatible for at least major version (3.x.x). ModelTrait won't change in 4.x too. Any architecture changes are documented in migration guides in CakePHP documentation
# Jun 20th 2019, 11:16 khalid is there any possibility cake changes the entire architecture? is there any communication or documentation update about these?
# Jun 20th 2019, 11:15 khalid how safe is it to use cakephp core traits in custom Classes, e.g. ModelTrait and so?
# Jun 20th 2019, 11:12 edgaras.jan You should look at docs for Cake2 https://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/installation/url-rewriting.html
# Jun 20th 2019, 11:09 mehov Second screenshot: could be the messed up web server rewrite rules
# Jun 20th 2019, 11:08 mehov A hotfix may be defining that default value in the database structure, but I don't know if that may break something else down the road
# Jun 20th 2019, 11:06 mehov First screenshot: apparently, `wp_bleuscape` has a `thumbnail_desc` column which needs a value, but you're not providing it. It then tries to revert to a default value to use it instead, but there's none
# Jun 20th 2019, 11:04 slackebot1 Can you kindly share info on how to fix this since I am not familiar on CakePHP. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
# Jun 20th 2019, 11:04 noypi2020 Hi, Good day! Can you kindly assist me regarding the query I have with our install that uses CakePHP. I recently updated the CakePHP to version 2.10.18 from version 2.4.4 then now I am getting this error - https://www.screencast.com/t/U9o0J5D5CfIU, when trying to add a new project. Also upon login, I am getting this error which says Missing Controler - https://www.screencast.com/t/GoW8Yxxg0I. Is there anybody who experiences this error?
# Jun 20th 2019, 10:29 neon1024 Think I’ll stick with filtering by surname initial for the meantime
# Jun 20th 2019, 10:08 neon1024 So far I have a search based on my bloom filter, which works fine, but I’m unsure how to manually narrow down the result set to match. Presumably using a callback, but the callback returns a query, rather than a result set
# Jun 20th 2019, 10:07 neon1024 I am using encrypted fields with a bloom filter, and I have friendsofcake/search implemented. How would I approach creating a search field which returns a manually created subset of data based on my bloom filter?
# Jun 20th 2019, 10:07 nils I’m on 2.x. If I saveAll() using deep it’s not fetching the id from the top. For example. I have Product -> ProductImage (product_id) -> ProductProductImageColor (product_id, product_image_id, color_id). I would like the save to contain the product_id in the ProductProductImageColor Model as well. But it only lands in ProductImage.product_id
# Jun 20th 2019, 09:38 peppejaripappalardo @neon1024 thx for your reply, i will follow the second point, with the option
# Jun 20th 2019, 09:37 neon1024 `$this->Examples->find('published')->find('isLive')->contain(['Extra' => ['Stuff']]);`
# Jun 20th 2019, 09:36 neon1024 You can compose finders
# Jun 20th 2019, 09:36 neon1024 Or I would wrap the finds using my own custom finders in my table classes, which checked the user role using something like muffin/footprint to pass the user data into the table, or just passing the user entity into the finder as an option
# Jun 20th 2019, 09:36 peppejaripappalardo but my problem is that: i have to add custom finder, into a contain, because the entity are related
# Jun 20th 2019, 09:35 neon1024 So I would probably swap the finder based on the user role, if that’s the kinda of approach you’re looking for
# Jun 20th 2019, 09:35 neon1024 If you are using muffin/trash it has a custom finder for finding trashed items
# Jun 20th 2019, 09:35 neon1024 I don’t think that’s a good approach
# Jun 20th 2019, 09:34 peppejaripappalardo @neon1024 its a good way to do? because i need the behaviour for soft cascade delete, but in a certain point of the controller have to unload it, because i can't show the soft-deleted entity
# Jun 20th 2019, 09:30 neon1024 Something like `$this->Examples->behaviors()->unload('Thingy')` if I recall
# Jun 20th 2019, 09:30 neon1024 ..using the BehaviorCollection
# Jun 20th 2019, 09:30 neon1024 Sure, you can unload it from the Table class
# Jun 20th 2019, 09:26 peppejaripappalardo Guys, there is a way to deactivate a Behaviour in a certain point into a controller?
# Jun 20th 2019, 09:01 challgren https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/development/routing.html#using-named-routes
# Jun 20th 2019, 09:00 scuadra In Cake 3 which is the preferred migration to named params from Cake 2? I read that Cake 3 still has backwards compatibility to support them but maybe it's better to avoid using them in Cake 3.
# Jun 20th 2019, 08:53 challgren Yeah your at the point where I gave up and just did it all manually
# Jun 20th 2019, 08:51 peppejaripappalardo mm i think is the contain "users", that check if user is deleted and the query will not show it
# Jun 20th 2019, 08:50 challgren Good luck, it sounds like the behavior is modifying the find query
# Jun 20th 2019, 08:49 peppejaripappalardo anyway, thanks for your reply! :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jun 20th 2019, 08:49 peppejaripappalardo but if the user is soft-deleted i get the notice
# Jun 20th 2019, 08:49 peppejaripappalardo if i leave out from the trash, the user tha query work fine
# Jun 20th 2019, 08:49 challgren I started off using that plugin and then just went the manual way
# Jun 20th 2019, 08:48 challgren Hmm at this point Im not sure
# Jun 20th 2019, 08:47 peppejaripappalardo yes, this one: Notice (8): Trying to get property of non-object [APP/Template/Volunteers/index.ctp, line 85], that is because i have soft deleted the user
# Jun 20th 2019, 08:46 challgren A warning?
# Jun 20th 2019, 08:45 peppejaripappalardo without the matching it is working, but i get a warning for the user, because it is soft deleted
# Jun 20th 2019, 08:44 challgren Try removing the matching part for now and see if your contains are correct.
# Jun 20th 2019, 08:43 peppejaripappalardo @challgren Thanks for your reply, now i dont get the error, but the system do not filter the entity deleted, there is a way to do withTrashed into an entity on a contain?