Log message #4190229

# At Username Text
# Jun 19th 2019, 19:01 kiwi_17 i want to start a project with phpcake for my company
# Jun 19th 2019, 19:00 kiwi_17 hI guys
# Jun 19th 2019, 19:00 challgren 3. Orientate image in background queue
# Jun 19th 2019, 18:48 chris-andre Image upload - image oriantation - Does anyone have a tip/thought about which option is the best? 1. Orientate image in storing process, or 2. Orientate image on print/echo
# Jun 19th 2019, 18:37 admad $import is only for importing schema, not records
# Jun 19th 2019, 18:37 admad @kailas https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/development/testing.html#importing-table-information
# Jun 19th 2019, 18:18 kailas I’m trying to import both the schema AND the data from my test database, into my fixture. I’ve heard that its possible, but doesn’t seem to be working. Is that the case (that you can import data from datasource, not just the structure)? In my fixture i have: public $import = [‘table’ => ‘actions’, ‘records’ => true, ‘connection’ => ‘test_orderdb_aws’];
# Jun 19th 2019, 17:42 ricksaccous @olanowsubomi https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/installation.html#development-server
# Jun 19th 2019, 17:26 olanowsubomi hello anybody with knowledge of cakephp usage with netbean
# Jun 19th 2019, 17:16 olanowsubomi hello do you have experience with netbean?
# Jun 19th 2019, 17:14 olanowsubomi but istill have some question to ask concerning the net bean you suggested
# Jun 19th 2019, 17:13 olanowsubomi hi, have been resolving issues based on your information
# Jun 19th 2019, 16:31 jeremyharris also, PHPStorm does have some support for javascript, including jQuery, it’s just a PHP IDE first. I think there were a few other IDE suggestions that you can try out if you find PHPStorm’s javascript support not good enough
# Jun 19th 2019, 16:28 jeremyharris all modern frameworks use composer to install them nowadays, so I think it is worth investing time learning how to make composer work with your setup first. Like many people mentioned, cakebox will help with setting up a virtual server that is all ready to go. Otherwise, if you’re using XAMMP you will need to do that configuration yourself, regardless of the framework you choose
# Jun 19th 2019, 16:23 olanowsubomi and find another framework
# Jun 19th 2019, 16:22 olanowsubomi if not that i have invested a lot of time learning it i would have abandon it
# Jun 19th 2019, 16:21 olanowsubomi i dont understand how a big organization like cakephp would not make there application easy to download for the first time, i have never experience this kind of difficulty downloading an app before
# Jun 19th 2019, 16:18 olanowsubomi or do you know any ide that support cakephp, php, javascript, jquery
# Jun 19th 2019, 16:16 olanowsubomi you know after i finished learning cakephp, i got specification for the project i want to use it for, and i drafted my programmes in paper which include jquery which phpstorm does not support
# Jun 19th 2019, 16:07 neon1024 So you use one of those editors to write your code on your desktop, then the folder with your code in is shared to your virtual machine. When you view the code in your browser, it will use the web server in the virtual machine to run your shared code files.
# Jun 19th 2019, 16:06 neon1024 I quite like VS Code also
# Jun 19th 2019, 16:06 neon1024 There are lots of other tools, Netbeans is a free one which works on Windows
# Jun 19th 2019, 16:06 olanowsubomi ok let me view there website about there details and get back to you
# Jun 19th 2019, 16:05 graziel if you cant afford it (its paid) there is also EAP version you can use
# Jun 19th 2019, 16:04 neon1024 Yes, very well
# Jun 19th 2019, 16:04 olanowsubomi does it work with cakephp?
# Jun 19th 2019, 16:04 olanowsubomi ok
# Jun 19th 2019, 16:02 neon1024 @olanowsubomi I like to use PHP Storm :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jun 19th 2019, 16:00 graziel then no, you can use any ide you want files will be same on windows and vagrant
# Jun 19th 2019, 15:59 olanowsubomi i mean to write cakephp program
# Jun 19th 2019, 15:59 graziel cake has quite a few automation helpers like bake command
# Jun 19th 2019, 15:59 graziel depends on what you mean by 'code'
# Jun 19th 2019, 15:58 olanowsubomi are u saying i wont need to code in command line
# Jun 19th 2019, 15:57 olanowsubomi or is there any solution around it or only best for ubuntu users?
# Jun 19th 2019, 15:57 graziel you code like you want vagrant will use your current files
# Jun 19th 2019, 15:57 neon1024 Your files are shared from your desktop into the virtual machine :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jun 19th 2019, 15:56 olanowsubomi and i don't think i like to code in command line im not used to it
# Jun 19th 2019, 15:55 olanowsubomi i use 32 bit window
# Jun 19th 2019, 15:54 bravo-kernel hola bakers
# Jun 19th 2019, 15:53 neon1024 Hey dude 8)
# Jun 19th 2019, 15:53 neon1024 Cakebox is a pre-configured environment, so most of the hard work is done for you