Log message #4189812

# At Username Text
# Jun 17th 2019, 22:08 ricksaccous it says in the docs that i need to load it after authentication
# Jun 17th 2019, 22:08 ricksaccous wait
# Jun 17th 2019, 22:06 ricksaccous i suppose i don't need that interface after all
# Jun 17th 2019, 22:06 ricksaccous interesting
# Jun 17th 2019, 22:06 ricksaccous authorization should be loaded before authentication...
# Jun 17th 2019, 22:06 ricksaccous so
# Jun 17th 2019, 22:05 ricksaccous interestinggggg
# Jun 17th 2019, 22:05 ricksaccous this is the error i'm getting Error: Identity found in request does not implement Authentication\IdentityInterface
# Jun 17th 2019, 22:05 ricksaccous oh heh
# Jun 17th 2019, 21:58 ricksaccous the identity object does not look correct
# Jun 17th 2019, 21:57 slackebot1 <ricksaccous>
# Jun 17th 2019, 21:57 rightscoreanalysis that makes no sense
# Jun 17th 2019, 21:57 rightscoreanalysis if I debug $query->count() the result is 0
# Jun 17th 2019, 21:57 rightscoreanalysis I have a query - if I debug the sql and pasteinto mysql I get two results
# Jun 17th 2019, 21:56 rightscoreanalysis I have some unexaplained behaviour:
# Jun 17th 2019, 21:55 ricksaccous and my entity has it but the user obect here: $authorization = new AuthorizationMiddleware( $this, [ 'identityDecorator' => function ($auth, $user) { debug($user); return $user['data']->setAuthorization($auth); } ] );
# Jun 17th 2019, 21:55 ricksaccous it's telling me the setAuthorization method doesn't exist
# Jun 17th 2019, 21:55 ricksaccous I'm getting stuck around here: https://book.cakephp.org/authorization/1.1/en/middleware.html#identity-decorator
# Jun 17th 2019, 20:51 ricksaccous woo woo
# Jun 17th 2019, 20:51 ricksaccous i'm about to delve into authorization
# Jun 17th 2019, 18:05 daniel.upshaw Anyone have information on why the "`autoload`" option was removed from `$app->addPlugin()`? https://stackoverflow.com/a/56386760
# Jun 17th 2019, 17:29 neothermic @dereuromark might implement that shim for testing
# Jun 17th 2019, 16:15 phpraven maybe you're right, I will think about it
# Jun 17th 2019, 16:12 admad having the Profiles table in its own plugin is wacky nonetheless :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jun 17th 2019, 16:11 phpraven I used cake bake all and the className was wrong User.Profiles should be Profile.Profiles just like you said @admad now it works :slightly_smiling_face: thanks guys
# Jun 17th 2019, 16:09 ricksaccous oh he put the class on it, it's probably already just plopping out as a text field, i wonder if his db typing is correct, but yeah
# Jun 17th 2019, 16:08 ricksaccous maybe he over-rode the date type with his own widget XD
# Jun 17th 2019, 16:04 admad since you don't have have it seems formhelper isnt aware of your profile table schema and thus your table class isnt being used
# Jun 17th 2019, 16:03 admad since you are using a JS datetime picker you would generally need `'type' => 'text'` in options to get Form->control() to generate a text field, cause by default cake would give you 3 dropdowns for datefields
# Jun 17th 2019, 16:03 ricksaccous or just validate default
# Jun 17th 2019, 16:03 ricksaccous not sure if you want a custom validation method
# Jun 17th 2019, 16:03 ricksaccous in patchEntity and Form Helper
# Jun 17th 2019, 16:03 ricksaccous @phpraven it's also about settng it up correctly
# Jun 17th 2019, 16:00 phpraven ok I will check, thanks
# Jun 17th 2019, 15:59 admad check debukit and ensure you table class are being used and not `Table` for the 2 models
# Jun 17th 2019, 15:58 admad i see className is set like that
# Jun 17th 2019, 15:58 admad err sorry
# Jun 17th 2019, 15:58 admad then you need to use `User.Users` and `Profile.Profiles` when setting up associations
# Jun 17th 2019, 15:57 phpraven @admad I have two plugins User and Profile
# Jun 17th 2019, 15:57 admad only if they are in separate plugins should they be under separate namespaces
# Jun 17th 2019, 15:56 admad both should be under `App\Model\Table`