Log message #4189750

# At Username Text
# Jun 17th 2019, 09:16 office HI, how can i give public acces to a folder located in root?
# Jun 17th 2019, 06:32 ra7bi Now i understand , thanks
# Jun 17th 2019, 06:26 ra7bi there is no validation for save function ?
# Jun 17th 2019, 06:24 ra7bi im modifying the data in PHP without form ,
# Jun 17th 2019, 06:22 kgb.acct.personal @ra7bi Use `patchEntity`
# Jun 17th 2019, 06:21 ra7bi in `edit` action i dont have `newEntity`
# Jun 17th 2019, 06:21 ra7bi how i can use validation on fly in `edit` action
# Jun 17th 2019, 05:32 kgb.acct.personal Can I do ORM stuff inside src/Console/Installer.php?
# Jun 17th 2019, 02:39 waspinator @darryl https://cakephp.org/get-involved#findjobdeveloper
# Jun 17th 2019, 02:34 darryl I'm new here and I'm looking for someone to help with a couple of PHP/CakePHP projects. I used to do the programming myself, but I just don't have the time anymore. Other Slacks I'm on have a Jobs channel people can post in, have you considered that? Or does anyone know of good websites to post on to find someone? It's full-time work in the Reno/Tahoe area.
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:11 graziel kind of hard to tell without all code thou
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:11 graziel no problem
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:11 swimboy I’m going to have to stop working on this now and pick it up again later. Thanks for your help.
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:09 graziel how you patch your entitry
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:09 graziel different error or same?
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:09 swimboy Still no go
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:08 graziel maybe i have older code but it should work
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:08 graziel Add a localized time, date or datetime format validation rule to a field.
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:07 swimboy Shoud that be `$validator->localizedDate('date', 'date');`
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:06 graziel $validator->localizedTime('date', 'date');
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:06 graziel there is different validator for localized format
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:06 swimboy Yes, I get a validation error
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:05 graziel you get validation error?
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:05 graziel but what do you mean accept format?
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:05 swimboy Nope, that doesn’t work either. Still only accepts it in “2019-06-16” format
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:04 graziel try ->setLocaleFormat('MM/dd/yyyy')
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:03 swimboy It’s frustrating. I know I have it working in one app I built two years ago, but I can’t figure out what I did.
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:02 graziel well you could write your own data type and set it manually in table
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:02 swimboy I dug through my old code, and the last time I just threw up my hands and wrote a function to change the format manually after submitting my form. It was a PITA because I had to call it every time I used a date in a form.
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:01 graziel something silly
# Jun 17th 2019, 00:01 graziel hm i remember i had something simmilar issue but i cant remember what it was
# Jun 16th 2019, 23:59 swimboy Besides, no matter what I change, the only format that gets accepted is “2019-06-16”
# Jun 16th 2019, 23:57 swimboy It says it uses icu
# Jun 16th 2019, 23:54 graziel i cant remember which format it takes icu or iso :S
# Jun 16th 2019, 23:53 swimboy Still doesn’t work with ```Type::build('date') ->useImmutable() ->useLocaleParser() ->setLocaleFormat('M/dd/y');```
# Jun 16th 2019, 23:51 graziel try forcing your format with ->setLocaleFormat
# Jun 16th 2019, 23:51 swimboy I have it like this: ```Type::build('date') ->useImmutable() ->useLocaleParser();```
# Jun 16th 2019, 23:50 swimboy I also have `Type::build('date')->useLocaleParser();` in my bootstrap
# Jun 16th 2019, 23:50 graziel so you need Type::build('date') not datetime
# Jun 16th 2019, 23:49 swimboy date
# Jun 16th 2019, 23:49 graziel or time or date?