Log message #4189642

# At Username Text
# Jun 15th 2019, 19:35 joey.mukherjee when I do a form submit with csrf middleware I can get it to work the first time, but after an ajax request which changes the contents of the form, I get a _Token not found error. anyone have any ideas?
# Jun 15th 2019, 08:27 admad @rightscoreanalysis you need to "use" the listingtable class, not TableRegistry
# Jun 15th 2019, 07:37 rightscoreanalysis I think I need this: use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
# Jun 15th 2019, 07:35 rightscoreanalysis In my model table file I have a constant: const TYPES = ['Sale' => '1', 'Wanted' => '2']; in another model table file I can reference the const with: ListingTable::TYPES['Sale']; but how can I reference it in a controller? the error I get is: 'App\Controller\Api\ListingTable' not found it's trying to find a controller
# Jun 15th 2019, 07:35 rightscoreanalysis still strugglng with this
# Jun 15th 2019, 05:15 admad As for how the middleware handles various exceptions walk through the errormiddleware code it
# Jun 15th 2019, 05:14 admad @khalid don't understand what $next does read up about PSR-7 double pass middlewares. It's a general standard from the PHP-FIG group
# Jun 15th 2019, 03:34 khalid what I want is one place where I have Exception object which I can use to do post exception tasks.
# Jun 15th 2019, 03:33 khalid but CoreException seems to by pass all that..
# Jun 15th 2019, 03:33 khalid SPL Exceptions more or less follow the same structure of Errors
# Jun 15th 2019, 03:33 khalid my question is: where and how it decide it how it needs to treat Core Exception differently than errors or spl exceptions
# Jun 15th 2019, 03:32 khalid in error middleware what does this do? return $next($request, $response); I checked next its an object and its as far as I can notice its same for both error and exception but in case of Error it goes to Throwable, but in case of Exception it goes to Core Exception class constructor
# Jun 15th 2019, 03:05 joey.mukherjee In case someone else has the same problem with the "Fatal error: Class 'App\Shell\Task\QueueTask' not found" error - the documentation is wrong. The Task needs to go into /src/Shell/Task/Queue and not /src/Shell/Task/ as the documentation says
# Jun 15th 2019, 02:50 khalid @admad does cake have this in their documentation? Thanks for help mate
# Jun 15th 2019, 02:30 joey I am getting this error when trying to use the queue plugin. I think I am missing a use line, but I have it! Any ideas? This is the error: Fatal error: Class 'App\Shell\Task\QueueTask' not found
# Jun 15th 2019, 02:30 admad @khalid you need a custom exception middleware and load that instead of the core one in your Application:: bootstrap ()
# Jun 15th 2019, 02:28 admad @stephenzgalbraith yes they have cake 4 compatible branches
# Jun 15th 2019, 01:34 stephenzgalbraith Does anyone know if the official cakephp authentication/authorization plugins are working on the 4.x releases ?
# Jun 14th 2019, 23:38 khalid @rightscoreanalysis yes or maybe you can paste code
# Jun 14th 2019, 23:37 khalid @dereuromark can you check my exceptionhandler issue.. any suggestion would be highly appreciated
# Jun 14th 2019, 23:03 rightscoreanalysis something like: use use App\Model\ListingTable ?
# Jun 14th 2019, 22:50 ricksaccous phew
# Jun 14th 2019, 22:50 ricksaccous hang
# Jun 14th 2019, 22:50 ricksaccous I'm starting to get tthe hand of widgets
# Jun 14th 2019, 22:34 dereuromark You just forgot your use statement. Use an IDE, it helps to do those things
# Jun 14th 2019, 21:14 khalid Or with tablelocator get object of model and call its getter method
# Jun 14th 2019, 21:13 khalid I guess you can try to load model in controller
# Jun 14th 2019, 21:13 rightscoreanalysis it's trying to find a controller
# Jun 14th 2019, 21:13 rightscoreanalysis the error I get is: 'App\Controller\Api\ListingTable' not found
# Jun 14th 2019, 21:09 rightscoreanalysis but how can I reference it in a controller?
# Jun 14th 2019, 21:09 rightscoreanalysis in another model table file I can reference the const with: ListingTable::TYPES['Sale'];
# Jun 14th 2019, 21:08 rightscoreanalysis In my model table file I have a constant: const TYPES = ['Sale' => '1', 'Wanted' => '2'];
# Jun 14th 2019, 18:01 fr3nch13 How I do it is I always keep server specific settings, and account settings like the api username/password/keys in the .env file, then use the env() function in the app.php. I use the .gitignore to keep the .env out of the git repo, and include the app.php in the repo. Example in app.php Configure::write([ ‘App’ => [ ‘Name’ => env(‘APP_NAME’, ‘default if not set’) ] ]);
# Jun 14th 2019, 17:56 khalid And this error handler is a class in src/error
# Jun 14th 2019, 17:56 khalid You mean from where I am throwing exception? That would be controller yes
# Jun 14th 2019, 17:37 ashish_onmobile @khalid where are you throwing your exception in controller or else where
# Jun 14th 2019, 17:04 khalid Any suggestions help would be appreciated
# Jun 14th 2019, 17:04 khalid I even tried core error handler someone exceptions dont go to their display function too it goes upto constructor but not after
# Jun 14th 2019, 14:55 khalid it doesn't go to these functions.
# Jun 14th 2019, 14:55 slackebot1 _displayException($exception) { die('DIEING'); echo 'Theres has been an exception!'; } ```
# Jun 14th 2019, 14:55 khalid @admad Thanks for your reply, but I also tried it, but it doesn't seem to work or I am missing something so what I did was following. In bootstrap added my CustomErrorHandler and called register method (like it said in documentation). and in my CustomErrorHandler I have following ```public function _displayError($error, $debug) { die('DIEING'); echo 'There has been an error!'; } public function