Log message #4189299

# At Username Text
# Jun 13th 2019, 03:10 challgren First why not just update the entity instead of trying to do a bulk update?
# Jun 13th 2019, 02:56 slackebot1 can I implement an error handler for this one?
# Jun 13th 2019, 02:56 drailanjohn.gss ``` $query = $resourceTimetables->query(); $query->update() ->set([ 'last_reservable_time' => $prm['last_order_time'], 'max_treatment_minutes_of_last_reservation' => $prm['max_last_order_min'], 'last_reservable_kind' => $prm['only_personal'] ]) ->where(['mst_reservation_resource_id' => $resource_id->id]) ->execute(); ``` How
# Jun 13th 2019, 02:36 noel From the bake helper, how can I check if a table exists?
# Jun 13th 2019, 02:28 challgren :cakephp: 3.8.0-RC3 is released!!! https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/releases/tag/3.8.0-RC3
# Jun 13th 2019, 02:09 noel @admad ok tx, makes sense. Btw I'm extending bake to handle self-referencing many-to-many. Not sure if it's of interest as a PR?
# Jun 13th 2019, 02:08 admad They are 2 separate things with same name
# Jun 13th 2019, 02:07 admad `columns()` is the public method
# Jun 13th 2019, 02:06 admad @noel it's because `columns` is a protected property, you can't access it from outside the class
# Jun 13th 2019, 01:02 graziel i just used whats in manual https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/schema-system.html#accessing-column-data
# Jun 13th 2019, 01:02 noel Isn't it an object? Standard object properties in php are referenced with `->columns` not `->columns()`
# Jun 13th 2019, 01:01 noel I'm so confused
# Jun 13th 2019, 01:01 noel yeah that works.... but why?
# Jun 13th 2019, 00:59 graziel and `->getSchema()->columns();` ?
# Jun 13th 2019, 00:58 noel Also `get_object_vars($model->getSchema()) returns an empty array.
# Jun 13th 2019, 00:56 noel How do I get the properties of a schema? I do `print_r($model->getSchema())` and it shows an object that has a `columns` property but then I do `print_r($model->getSchema()->columns)` and it says that the property does not exist??
# Jun 13th 2019, 00:41 graziel enable query logging in app.php and check generated sql in query.log
# Jun 13th 2019, 00:35 rightscoreanalysis but related data exits in my db
# Jun 13th 2019, 00:35 rightscoreanalysis the result has p.id => null
# Jun 13th 2019, 00:35 slackebot1 <rightscoreanalysis>
# Jun 13th 2019, 00:35 rightscoreanalysis anyone able to help with a leftJoin
# Jun 12th 2019, 22:42 ricksaccous ;)
# Jun 12th 2019, 22:42 ricksaccous it is possible
# Jun 12th 2019, 22:42 ricksaccous figured it out
# Jun 12th 2019, 22:36 challgren @noel the schema-dump-default.lock keeps track of your database structure for generating `cake bake migration_diff`s
# Jun 12th 2019, 22:29 ricksaccous in the resolver
# Jun 12th 2019, 22:29 ricksaccous to the finder rather
# Jun 12th 2019, 22:29 ricksaccous to the resolver
# Jun 12th 2019, 22:29 ricksaccous is there a way to feed options
# Jun 12th 2019, 22:29 ricksaccous https://book.cakephp.org/authentication/1.1/en/identifiers.html#identifiers
# Jun 12th 2019, 22:29 ricksaccous in loading an authenticator
# Jun 12th 2019, 17:52 ricksaccous i have no idea but that sounds most likely
# Jun 12th 2019, 17:52 ricksaccous probably a change in Type
# Jun 12th 2019, 17:03 cnizzardini not being able to decrypt financial data will make your balls go WAY UP into your stomach :flushed:
# Jun 12th 2019, 17:02 cnizzardini for reference stream_get_contents(resource) must now be called
# Jun 12th 2019, 17:02 noel @admad What does `parent_id` do in `findBelongsTo` method of bake's `ModelTask.php`? What is the intention behind that check? What sort of relationship does that support? Is it a self-referencing one-to-many?
# Jun 12th 2019, 16:55 cnizzardini We have encrypted data in there that must be passed into a Security::decrypt as a string, anyone know what changed between 3.5 and 3.7
# Jun 12th 2019, 16:55 cnizzardini After upgrading to 3.7, cakes orm results are treating a varbinary datatype as a resource
# Jun 12th 2019, 16:51 noel What is `config/schema/schema-dump-default.lock` for?
# Jun 12th 2019, 16:47 noel Oh never mind.. it's because somehow the bake documentation redirected me to cookbook for 1.x and then the search function is looking in the wrong book.
# Jun 12th 2019, 16:44 noel I can't find any documentation for Migrations?