Log message #4189149

# At Username Text
# Jun 11th 2019, 22:03 ricksaccous https://github.com/cakephp/authentication/issues/214
# Jun 11th 2019, 22:03 ricksaccous wow
# Jun 11th 2019, 22:03 ricksaccous nah saw the pr and was able to fix it
# Jun 11th 2019, 21:56 ricksaccous but not sure yet
# Jun 11th 2019, 21:56 ricksaccous for form Authenticator
# Jun 11th 2019, 21:56 ricksaccous i think the authenticator loginUrl might be bugged
# Jun 11th 2019, 21:28 ricksaccous hmmm
# Jun 11th 2019, 21:28 ricksaccous can i do it from the AuthenticationService
# Jun 11th 2019, 21:28 ricksaccous of an authenticator
# Jun 11th 2019, 21:28 ricksaccous how do i set the identifier
# Jun 11th 2019, 19:52 challgren Sorry gotta jump on a conference call be back in 45 minutes but look at the ORM docs on book.cakephp.org
# Jun 11th 2019, 19:52 rightscoreanalysis but it will be a rightJoin
# Jun 11th 2019, 19:52 rightscoreanalysis I can get a similar result with a contain and a condition
# Jun 11th 2019, 19:51 challgren I believe its whatever you have your relationship setup as
# Jun 11th 2019, 19:51 challgren If you have your relationships setup
# Jun 11th 2019, 19:51 rightscoreanalysis contain is rightJoin isn't it?
# Jun 11th 2019, 19:51 challgren The contain will do that
# Jun 11th 2019, 19:50 rightscoreanalysis what if I want a leftJoin though?
# Jun 11th 2019, 19:50 challgren `$ListingsTable->find()->contain(['ListingImages'])`
# Jun 11th 2019, 19:48 rightscoreanalysis which doesn't work incidently
# Jun 11th 2019, 19:48 rightscoreanalysis $query->select(['ListingImages.*']);
# Jun 11th 2019, 19:47 rightscoreanalysis eg. $query->select(['ListingImages.id', 'Listings.id']);
# Jun 11th 2019, 19:46 rightscoreanalysis hi - anyone know if when I am building an array can I use a wildcard to select all table columns, instead of explicitly specifying each
# Jun 11th 2019, 18:57 challgren <script>alert(‘This is injected js’);</script>
# Jun 11th 2019, 18:56 ricksaccous yeah, you'll have to think of things like that
# Jun 11th 2019, 18:56 challgren But doing so is risky because anyone that can insert a record into the db can potentially introduce javascript
# Jun 11th 2019, 18:56 ricksaccous then when you display it don't use h() on it
# Jun 11th 2019, 18:55 ricksaccous save it normally
# Jun 11th 2019, 18:55 noel How can one save HTML content to the db and then get it out again and display it as HTML content in the template
# Jun 11th 2019, 18:20 admad @noel since you are in controller just use `$this->loadModel('Articles')`
# Jun 11th 2019, 18:19 skie there is MethodTest class where exists example how to call method inside package
# Jun 11th 2019, 18:17 noel I'm trying to work with the ORM (https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/query-builder.html)and having some trouble. I have a controller and I want to work with a particular table. I've tried this: `$articles = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Articles');` but it's giving me an error: `Class 'TableRegistry' not found`. Any clues?
# Jun 11th 2019, 18:16 skie Did you checked tests cases, in the oracle driver plugin?
# Jun 11th 2019, 18:15 skie ck
# Jun 11th 2019, 18:12 challgren @noel if you use mac this https://getgrav.org/blog/macos-mojave-apache-multiple-php-versions is the best guide
# Jun 11th 2019, 18:09 nucc1 Arckame: if you are writing the plain query yourself, i believe you have to list all the fields you want. (i don't know if cake has special sauce to do different though).
# Jun 11th 2019, 16:57 noel never mind.. malformed URL
# Jun 11th 2019, 16:50 noel When I use the cake Http Client for a given GET request I get no body in the response and 301 http code. When I do the same request from POSTMAN I get the expected response with body. What am I missing?
# Jun 11th 2019, 15:58 noel bizarrely after all my failed attempts to install intl.. I tried composer again and now it's working :man-shrugging:
# Jun 11th 2019, 15:48 hochwender Reporting my question: I'm using attempting to use the CakePHP 3 Driver for Oracle Database to call a stored procedure. Can someone point me to a working example? I'm unable to make it work.
# Jun 11th 2019, 15:47 noel Also just noticed that my PHP info seems to think that intl is configured. It shows `--enable-int`