Log message #4188730

# At Username Text
# Jun 7th 2019, 03:54 kgb.acct.personal https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/saving-data.html#saving-with-associations
# Jun 7th 2019, 03:53 kgb.acct.personal Too bad. Looks like saveAll is not in Cake3 anymore. You can use just save() or saveMany()
# Jun 7th 2019, 03:47 liaogz82 sorry I misinterpret what you say
# Jun 7th 2019, 03:47 liaogz82 this is it
# Jun 7th 2019, 03:47 liaogz82 ``` public function add() { $worker = $this->Workers->newEntity(); $success = false; if ($this->request->is('post')) { $worker = $this->Workers->patchEntity($worker, $this->request->getData()); if ($this->Workers->saveAll($worker)) { $success = true; } $this->set([ 'success' => $success, '_serialize' => ['success'] ]); } } ```
# Jun 7th 2019, 03:39 kgb.acct.personal You're supposed to use your model table to call saveAll()
# Jun 7th 2019, 03:38 kgb.acct.personal I mean the statement where you call saveAll()
# Jun 7th 2019, 03:36 liaogz82 this is the data i want to save
# Jun 7th 2019, 03:36 slackebot "phone_number":"019-8998571" } ```
# Jun 7th 2019, 03:36 slackebot "worker_overtime": [{ "code":"5S", "description":"AUDIT 5S", "amount":"1000", "remark":"PAJAK(5S)" }] }, "date_of_birth":1555862400000, "date_join":1555862400000, "ic_number":"831108-12-6180", "epf_number":"21783801", "income_tax_number":"N/A", "socso_number":"831108126180", "document":"NI", "citizen_id":1, "race_id":1, "religion_id":1, "bank_number":"4-6944323-23", "is_vip":0, "date_resign":1555862400000,
# Jun 7th 2019, 03:36 liaogz82 ``` { "name":"JIAH BINTI NUNO", "location_id": 1, "job_description":"PEKERJA AM(PACKING MEE)", "gender":"F", "payment_type":"D", "worker_section_type":{ "section_id":1, "worker_gaji": [{ "code":"PM_3U", "description":"MI 3 UDANG", "amount":"20", "remark":"PAJAK(1 BAG)" }], "worker_tambahan": [{ "code":"FULL_2U", "description":"F/HARIAN >100 BAGS 2 UDG", "amount":"10", "remark":"PAJAK(BAG)" }],
# Jun 7th 2019, 03:35 liaogz82 this is the api call
# Jun 7th 2019, 03:35 liaogz82 ``` { "message": "Unknown method \"saveAll\"", "url": "/workers/add.json", "code": 500, "file": "/var/www/html/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/ORM/Table.php", "line": 2512 } ```
# Jun 7th 2019, 03:31 kgb.acct.personal Can you post the whole syntax?
# Jun 7th 2019, 03:28 liaogz82 where could this gone wrong?
# Jun 7th 2019, 03:28 liaogz82 Hi guys I am using cakephp 3.6 and it keep giving this error `Unknown method "saveAll"`
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:22 ckjksl but no worries, i'll figure it out. Thanks for the ideas!
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:22 ckjksl the problem with randomized ID is that they need to be associated to the tag.
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:21 jeremyharris many ways to solve it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:20 ricksaccous oh well
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:20 ricksaccous which makes that unfeasable
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:20 ricksaccous that's why i said closest, butttt, he also needs a subset of ids anyway
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:20 jeremyharris hence the fetch idea above
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:20 jeremyharris maybe, but there’s no guarantee those IDs exist (e.g. 1- 5, what if 2 was deleted)
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:19 ricksaccous or maybe he can count get a randomized [1, something between the count] and then find the closest id to that if that's a thing
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:19 jeremyharris first make sure you know what is slow before you start trying to optimize
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:19 jeremyharris yes I think you’ll need to figure out something better hahah
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:19 ckjksl but ... 20s page render time is sad for local 1 user
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:19 ckjksl so i'm not worried about the database getting hammered
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:19 ckjksl lol. i have a wee bit of leeway because it's a local app and only 1 user at a time
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:18 jeremyharris might work well for 2k rows, might not for 1 billion :P where as rand in the query might work better for 1 billion over 2k (though I doubt it)
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:17 jeremyharris it’ll be up to you to figure out the most optimized way to do this depending on your data. for example, you can fetch all IDs only, don’t hydrate, get a random one within PHP, and do a quick SELECT on it
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:17 ckjksl lol okay, i'll try that
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:16 jeremyharris if contain doesn’t work with rand/limit, you can always make a new query for the random result and slap it on the entity :)
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:16 ckjksl but 2500 tags with associated assets is a 20 second page load :(
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:15 ckjksl for me, $q->order('random()') returns all associated data randomized.
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:15 jeremyharris perhaps try a subquery instead?
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:15 ricksaccous and he can't first() in a contain()
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:15 ricksaccous i didn't type that out right
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:14 ricksaccous yeah that's what i gathered, but it seems limit on order->rand() returns nothing
# Jun 6th 2019, 20:14 jeremyharris I think what lorenzo meant by that comment in the SO post is that rand doesn’t perform well regardless of how you try to optimize it at the query