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May 3rd 2019, 01:10 |
daniel.upshaw |
So the safest way I've found is to use an `id` field as your primary |
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May 3rd 2019, 01:10 |
daniel.upshaw |
And, it might not support it yet actually! Not sure how closely one has to follow a certain convention |
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May 3rd 2019, 01:09 |
daniel.upshaw |
That's right -- Ideally I would set it up that way... And it's probably possible to do this in a Cake way that supports it, but it's may take some digging to find out how |
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May 2nd 2019, 23:37 |
waspinator |
it's old, but should give you an idea of something to try |
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May 2nd 2019, 23:36 |
waspinator |
@noel https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8070914/how-to-implement-a-self-referencing-parent-id-model-in-cakephp |
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May 2nd 2019, 21:04 |
challgren |
@noel http://docs.phinx.org/en/latest/migrations.html |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:37 |
noel |
or for that matter how to write migrations / SQL CREATE statements for the things it does support? |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:36 |
noel |
@waspinator there isn’t much bake documentation… how would one tell if bake supports something? |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:30 |
waspinator |
if it bakes your models, make sure to remove any auto generated code which references a `parents` table |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:29 |
waspinator |
oh I see. I haven't had a chance to make one like that yet, so I'm not sure if it's supported by bake |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:28 |
noel |
Normal, non-self-referencing many to many associations work fine with bake. I’m not having trouble with those. It’s the self-referencing variety that I’m trying to conquer. |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:27 |
noel |
It’s supposed to be self-referencing. |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:26 |
noel |
But then it will look for the parents table. There is no parents table. |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:26 |
waspinator |
join tables should be named with their associated table names. so `tests_parents` instead of `tests_tests` |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:24 |
noel |
Same error message. |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:24 |
slackebot |
->create(); } public function down() { $this->table('tests')->drop()->save(); $this->table('tests_tests')->drop()->save(); } } ``` |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:24 |
slackebot |
=> false, ]) ->addPrimaryKey(['id']) ->addColumn('test_id', 'integer', [ 'default' => null, 'limit' => 11, 'null' => false, 'signed' => false, ]) ->addColumn('parent_id', 'integer', [ 'default' => null, 'limit' => 11, 'null' => false, 'signed' => false, ]) |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:24 |
slackebot |
->addPrimaryKey(['id']) ->addColumn('name', 'string', [ 'default' => null, 'limit' => 255, 'null' => true, ]) ->create(); $this->table('tests_tests') ->addColumn('id', 'integer', [ 'autoIncrement' => true, 'default' => null, 'limit' => 11, 'null' => false, 'signed' |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:24 |
noel |
Here’s the updated migration: ``` <?php use Migrations\AbstractMigration; class Initial extends AbstractMigration { public $autoId = false; public function up() { $this->table('tests') ->addColumn('id', 'integer', [ 'autoIncrement' => true, 'default' => null, 'limit' => 11, 'null' => false, 'signed' => false, ]) |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:24 |
noel |
@waspinator ok I can make it so.. but it still doesn’t fix the error :slightly_smiling_face: |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:23 |
waspinator |
there should only be a single primarykey, the `id` field. set use `$table->addIndex(['test_id', 'parent_id']);` instead |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:22 |
noel |
@waspinator tx for the feedback. it’s a link table for self-referenced many to many records from tests. You say it needs an id as well… why? It’s just a link table. Other many-to-many relationships work fine with Bake without their own id fields. Also adding the id field doesn’t fix the error. |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:16 |
waspinator |
your `tests_tests` table `belongsTo` the `tests` and `parent` tables, but it needs it's own `id` as well |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:15 |
waspinator |
normally every table should have an `id` column |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:14 |
waspinator |
what is `'tests_tests'` table supposed to be for? |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:11 |
slackebot |
->addColumn('parent_id', 'integer', [ 'default' => null, 'limit' => 11, 'null' => false, 'signed' => false, ]) ->addPrimaryKey(['test_id', 'parent_id']) ->create(); } public function down() { $this->table('tests')->drop()->save(); $this->table('tests_tests')->drop()->save(); } } ``` |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:11 |
slackebot |
->addPrimaryKey(['id']) ->addColumn('name', 'string', [ 'default' => null, 'limit' => 255, 'null' => true, ]) ->create(); $this->table('tests_tests') ->addColumn('test_id', 'integer', [ 'default' => null, 'limit' => 11, 'null' => false, 'signed' => false, ]) |
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May 2nd 2019, 20:11 |
noel |
@waspinator ``` <?php use Migrations\AbstractMigration; class Initial extends AbstractMigration { public $autoId = false; public function up() { $this->table('tests') ->addColumn('id', 'integer', [ 'autoIncrement' => true, 'default' => null, 'limit' => 11, 'null' => false, 'signed' => false, ]) |
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May 2nd 2019, 19:29 |
waspinator |
https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/migrations.html#generating-migrations-from-an-existing-database |
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May 2nd 2019, 19:28 |
waspinator |
@noel |
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May 2nd 2019, 19:28 |
waspinator |
user `bin/cake bake migration_snapshot Initial` to generate your table migrations from your database, and share them to help troubleshoot |
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May 2nd 2019, 16:42 |
noel |
I’ve tried removing the Primary keys – it doesn’t change the error.. so for some reason it’s still saying “some of the primary key values are missing” |
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May 2nd 2019, 16:40 |
noel |
@josbeir but I’ve selected tests from the select – which should define parent_id. Also having null values in a link table will cause any many to many relationship to break. |
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May 2nd 2019, 16:38 |
noel |
If not concatenated keys, then which should be primary? It’s a link table – my understanding is that for link tables both are primary. What do you suggest instead? |
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May 2nd 2019, 16:37 |
noel |
What do you mean by this? “That, and giving Cake the expected table names for the relationships” |
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May 2nd 2019, 16:36 |
noel |
@daniel.upshaw Yes I’m using the same table names as in the SO post. |
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May 2nd 2019, 16:24 |
daniel.upshaw |
And add `lft` and `rght` columns |
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May 2nd 2019, 16:23 |
daniel.upshaw |
You would add this behavior to your `tests` table: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/behaviors/tree.html |
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May 2nd 2019, 16:23 |
daniel.upshaw |
I like using concatenated keys... but in the case of Cake/bake, I try to keep it simpler.. There may be some way to make it use concatenated keys, but you might use an `id` column on your pivot table.. Why wouldn't your `parent_id` be in the test table itself? |
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May 2nd 2019, 16:22 |
daniel.upshaw |
Oh... also it looks like you are using a concatenated key, that could be the issue |
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May 2nd 2019, 16:20 |
daniel.upshaw |
I'm not 100% sure if Cake reads the foreign keys, but it wouldn't hurt to have them defined just in case.. That, and giving Cake the expected table names for the relationships should make it bake properly |