Log message #4184277

# At Username Text
# Apr 24th 2019, 07:06 COOurb I need to select last (by date) entry from table for every velue of some field
# Apr 24th 2019, 07:03 ra7bi Yes i got it
# Apr 24th 2019, 07:03 conehead Oh and you wouldnt need the join table anymore
# Apr 24th 2019, 07:02 conehead Although it sounds like you could use hasMany as well. But then, the `photos` table would have to have the field `user_id`. Now as you configured it, photos may be "owned" by multiple users
# Apr 24th 2019, 07:00 ra7bi i had a problem with the type of relation , it must be `belongsToMany `
# Apr 24th 2019, 07:00 conehead Sweet. What did the trick? I am always here and ask questions myself. Looks like I was able to help someone else for the first time ;)
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:59 ra7bi Thanks a lot
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:57 ra7bi let me confirm that
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:57 ra7bi i guess it works now
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:57 ra7bi wow
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:56 ra7bi `UsersPhotos` hasMany `Photos ` Relation between UsersPhotos and Photos table
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:56 conehead You wouldnt need a join table for hasMany
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:55 conehead Hm shouldnt it be belongsToMany?
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:55 ra7bi and the relation type = hasmany
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:55 ra7bi user_id
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:54 conehead is the name of the fields `User_id` oder `user_id`? Should be all lower cased
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:53 ra7bi @conehead i changed the name as you mentioned but , data get stored in photos and users but nothing stored in photos_users
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:52 COOurb I have inner join and max(0 function
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:52 COOurb hi, I need to get last occurrence of entry based on it's field value, like "max(date)". I have sql expression but dunno how to convert into query buildeer "call chain"
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:43 conehead @ra7bi As far as I know...tables would need to be named: `users`, `photos_users`, `photos`. See: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/intro/conventions.html#database-conventions So you would probably at least have to change the join_table when defining your association. See here: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/associations.html#belongstomany-associations
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:17 ra7bi Please help .and thanks
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:17 ra7bi ``` Users -------> UsersPhoto <-------- Photos ``` Like this
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:16 ra7bi do cake will understand this type of relation or i need to write the code myself
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:15 ra7bi Hello , i need a help , i've three tables ``` Users , UsersPhotos , Photos ``` i want to insert User data with photos and `UsersPhotos` FYI UsersPhotos have User_id , Photo_id coz it's many to many relation
# Apr 24th 2019, 06:13 challgren @voycey is right incognito mode
# Apr 24th 2019, 04:04 admad Thanx!
# Apr 24th 2019, 03:28 voycey I thought even new windows share the session in modern browsers? I always use Incognito for a second
# Apr 24th 2019, 02:40 admad ronsavage_: thats not Cake specific, it's just how browsers work. Cookies and thus sessions are shared across tabs. You need to use a new *window* if you want to do another login simultaneously
# Apr 24th 2019, 01:05 ronsavage_ I'm stuck on Cake 2.10.10. My users want to log on to the app using 2 browser tabs simultaneously, but Cake (I assume) assigns these 2 logins to the same session. I'm using tasktimer to manage timeouts, but am getting random timeouts. Any and all suggestions welcome.
# Apr 23rd 2019, 22:01 noel Is this some kind of convention that I’m missing or do I need to register an autoload?
# Apr 23rd 2019, 22:01 slackebot widget.
# Apr 23rd 2019, 22:01 noel I can’t figure out how to get hold of the widget. I’ve tried this: ``` $this->loadHelper('QuasarAdmin.QuasarForm', [ 'widgets' => ['text' => ['Cake\View\Widget\QuasarBasic']], ]); ``` and this ``` $this->loadHelper('QuasarAdmin.QuasarForm', [ 'widgets' => ['text' => ['\QuasarAdmin\View\widgetQuasarBasic']], ]); ``` this latter actually reflects the path to the widget.. but it can’t seem to locate the
# Apr 23rd 2019, 21:58 noel Hi all. I’m trying to figure out how to create and use a Widget within a Plugin. All the examples here seem to make use of Widgets defined in the app rather than defined in the Plugin: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/views/helpers/form.html#using-widgets
# Apr 23rd 2019, 20:58 hollistergraham123 Ok cool. Thanks
# Apr 23rd 2019, 20:49 ricksaccous wherever you're developing
# Apr 23rd 2019, 20:49 ricksaccous or App\Listeners
# Apr 23rd 2019, 20:49 ricksaccous i think
# Apr 23rd 2019, 20:49 ricksaccous and make the namespace Plugin\Listeners;
# Apr 23rd 2019, 20:49 ricksaccous usually i make a Listeners folder
# Apr 23rd 2019, 20:48 ricksaccous wherever you want
# Apr 23rd 2019, 20:47 hollistergraham123 Hey, where in the folder structure should I put event listeners?