Log message #4184218

# At Username Text
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:53 josbeir sychronous
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:53 josbeir so each cron is a worker that runs tasks
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:52 josbeir hmm
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:51 dereuromark cronjob based (x minutes until max limit reached per server)
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:51 josbeir never use the plugin
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:51 josbeir (tasks)
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:51 josbeir how does cakephp-queue spawn processes ?
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:50 josbeir rightr
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:50 dereuromark not possible with exec() in php, very hard to find the real values
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:49 josbeir and why not implement resource monitoring of the spawned process ?
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:49 steinkel maybe using `nice` over the worker shells will allow the OS handle that for you
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:49 dereuromark for composer update, yeah. very expensive..
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:49 dereuromark you fine tune it over time, for now we need a solution to not overload the server(s) :slightly_smiling_face:
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:49 steinkel the problem is CPU consumption making other processes slow in that server?
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:48 phantomwatson Aside from it maybe being difficult to put a number on how "big" a process is, that's a neat solution. If resource use can be measured, then maybe that could be added to logs so people could tweak their "score" values to be more accurate.
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:48 dereuromark this can be even auto-adjustable based on the statistics we already have of finished tasks and their trend. but as a base line a value from 0...100 should already make it clear based on the amount of servers you provide.
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:47 josbeir jobs can get more intensive in time
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:47 josbeir its too abstract
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:47 josbeir @dereuromark i'm not sure a static 'cost' number will be sufficient
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:46 dereuromark jep, and the fetching then allows only to get the jobs that still "fit" the current estimated work load
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:46 phantomwatson @dereuromark, like queued jobs would have a value for how processor-intensive they are, and some maximum simultaneous score threshold is set?
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:46 dereuromark https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-queue/issues/226 is my current idea.
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:45 phantomwatson Which didn't preclude the processes running at the same time, it just handled the timing of the rougher parts of those processes.
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:45 dereuromark thats the easiest solution, sure. I was thinking more into a score thing for my queue plugin.
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:45 josbeir the thing is, thats mostly why we have queue workers
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:44 phantomwatson I have an app that runs some very CPU / database intensive tasks and I started running into problems when I'd run more than one of these processes at the same time, so I implemented a cached flag that just says "hold on, another process has called dibs for the moment" that delays all other processes trying to do potentially conflicting / overloading stuff.
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:44 josbeir yeah.. never mind that, there is.
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:44 josbeir there's no such things as bad ideas
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:44 josbeir haha, the modest developer aproach, i hear ya
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:42 phantomwatson I suppose that's just what I tend to say when I anticipate there being a more elegant solution I haven't figured out yet and want to at least look self-aware. :slightly_smiling_face:
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:42 josbeir if it works...
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:42 josbeir @phantomwatson why is it hacky
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:41 phantomwatson Kind of hacky.
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:41 phantomwatson [shrug] A lock flag?
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:40 josbeir wr
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:40 josbeir amqp
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:40 slackebot anything for it in CakeResque, Fresque, Queuesadilla, Gearman either.
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:40 dereuromark How do people do job queuing (those that actually do this kind of thing in their apps^^) when you have limited resources per server and some more expensive tasks? we have some 2GB composer update, and we need to limit simultaneous runs here per queue server (either per job type or by cost of those tasks in general). I have to extend my plugin here, just wondering how the other solutions handle this kind of thing in (Cake)PHP. I didnt see
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:39 neon1024 You taking over from ADmad ?
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:39 dereuromark Actually, I have an important queue issue to solve.
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:39 neon1024 Haha