Log message #4184135

# At Username Text
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:25 neon1024 You can see here running the same test case file twice, gives different results
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:25 phantomwatson Is this CakePHP 3?
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:24 neon1024 Nope, it’s a closed source project
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:24 phantomwatson @neon1024, is your code online for us to look through? That's a weird problem.
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:24 neon1024 Yeah it seems, having used a unit test, that every time you call encrypt it returns a different value even with the same input and key
# Apr 23rd 2019, 15:02 neon1024 When I try in the `bin/cake console` it just quits to command line
# Apr 23rd 2019, 14:59 neon1024 Why is it that when I use `Security::encrypt($value, Configure::read('encryption.key'))` the output is different every time, even when `$value` doesn’t change?
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:51 neon1024 Or if they’re related you can traverse the table associations
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:42 edgaras.jan https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/controllers.html#loading-additional-models
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:42 COOurb yeah, thnx
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:42 edgaras.jan add $this->loadModel('Users'), then you'll be able to use $this->Users
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:40 COOurb I forgot how to use other tables in controller
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:39 edgaras.jan $usersquery = $users->find(); $query = $articles->find()->where(['field IN' =>$usersquery]);
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:38 edgaras.jan use another query in place of array
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:36 COOurb I can do it in sql then parse, but I wanna use Paginator features
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:36 COOurb like "select * from tab1 where tab1.field1 in (select field2 from tab2)"?
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:35 COOurb what if my array is slection from other table?
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:35 edgaras.jan without IN, array won't be accepted
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:34 edgaras.jan where(['field IN' => [1, 2, 3]])
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:33 kgb.acct.personal 'field' => [1, 2, 3]
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:33 kgb.acct.personal You just pass an array as value
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:32 COOurb|2 hi, how to create query with "IN" statement?
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:22 dereuromark We just dont have a life :P
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:22 kgb.acct.personal Daamn. How do you guys balance your work while making developments for Cake?
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:20 dereuromark Soft deprecations and smaller upgrade steps then.
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:20 dereuromark We often backport useful things from the new major into the previous one to ease migration.
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:20 dereuromark yeah
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:12 Letze I see 3.8 and 4.0 being worked in parallel?
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:12 Letze I meant 3.8 >_<
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:12 Letze haha! nice joke and catch.
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:09 josbeir ;)
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:08 edgaras.jan 3.8 however very soon :D
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:08 edgaras.jan I think in 4+ years
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:07 josbeir maybe in 2 years?
# Apr 23rd 2019, 09:06 Letze Anyone know when Cake 4.8 will be released?
# Apr 23rd 2019, 08:36 challgren Man RFID is some crazy stuff, was about to figure out what products my neighbors have.
# Apr 23rd 2019, 07:53 challgren Morning
# Apr 23rd 2019, 07:50 conehead Good mornin
# Apr 23rd 2019, 07:43 neon1024 Morning all
# Apr 22nd 2019, 22:53 phantomwatson I'm trying to port a CakePHP 3 site to 4 and running into a weird problem where the `HTTPS` env variable isn't being set, even when the request is using the HTTPS protocol, resulting in `request->is('ssl')` incorrectly returning `false`. In the CakePHP 3 version of this site, `$_SERVER['HTTPS']` is being set to `'on'`, but it's not being set at all in CakePHP 4. I'm having trouble figuring out what's causing this.
# Apr 22nd 2019, 22:12 lorenzo @phantomwatson was objecting to what @sdevore suggested