Log message #4183994

# At Username Text
# Apr 19th 2019, 17:36 NickBusey Sounds about right to me
# Apr 19th 2019, 17:35 slackebot right way to do it. Any suggestions?
# Apr 19th 2019, 17:35 swimboy I'm a little lost regarding displaying dates and storing them in my database. I want to display them (and have the user enter them) as "04/19/2017" but the database wants them stored as "2017-04-19." I've originally set `Cake\I18n\Date::setToStringFormat('yyyy-MM-dd');` in my bootstrap, and then use a function to convert any date field in POST requests to the SQL format before saving the record. It works, but it sure doesn't feel like the
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:55 admad the autocomplete is contextual and it will list only methods of current class, so it's not like you are going to get multiple "create" in the list
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:53 mehov I thought having a noun first would kind of help when you're looking up that function in the list (so it'd all get sorted by it), but I guess that's not important
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:52 admad no need for "createAccount()
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:51 admad I would actually drop the noun too. Cause for eg. $this->Accounts->create() is good enough
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:51 mehov Got it, thanks a lot!
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:51 admad nmv, using the verb first is common practice
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:50 admad in which class?
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:49 mehov Hi guys, what do you think would be a better practice, naming methods `createAccount()` and `deleteAccount()` or `accountCreate()` and `accountDelete()`? Checked book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/intro/conventions.html and it says *While you can route multiple word controllers in any way you like*. Nothing on https://www.dereuromark.de/2010/10/08/complete-cakephp-naming-conventions/ either
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:15 asdfgh thanks
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:15 asdfgh ok
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:07 royalty and then you can add caching to those, using findBy is just a quick convenience method that you should probably avoid
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:07 royalty or getById(int $id)
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:07 royalty getByWhatever(string $param)
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:07 royalty like
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:07 royalty asdfgh, it's better to define your own findBy queries
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:06 asdfgh i have tried to add cache() but it is not recognized
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:06 asdfgh ricks it seems that we cannot use cache() for findBy... queries
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:05 ricksaccous it might work without using TableRegistry
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:05 ricksaccous so if you want to try again with tableLocator
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:04 asdfgh yes correct
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:03 ricksaccous you'd have to do TableLocator->get();
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:03 ricksaccous the mistake you might be making is if you use TableLocator::get it won't work because the method is not static
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:03 asdfgh debug(TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get("ActivityTypes")->findByActivity('view')->first());
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:03 ricksaccous it seems that
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:03 asdfgh ricks your code works!
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:01 ricksaccous oh weird
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:00 asdfgh thanks
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:00 asdfgh ok i try
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:00 asdfgh i mean tableregistry is still working but i would like to understand how to use tablelocator
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:00 asdfgh we must use tablelocator
# Apr 19th 2019, 11:00 asdfgh ricksaccous i read it is deprecated in 4
# Apr 19th 2019, 10:58 ricksaccous then you should be able to do $activityType->id
# Apr 19th 2019, 10:57 ricksaccous $activityType = $activityTypesTable->findByActivity('view')->first();
# Apr 19th 2019, 10:57 ricksaccous so like $activityTypesTable = TableRegistry::getTableLocator->get('Activitytypes');
# Apr 19th 2019, 10:56 ricksaccous I think that you should first set the table to a variable, and isn't TableRegistry the recommended way to do that?
# Apr 19th 2019, 10:47 asdfgh anyone?
# Apr 19th 2019, 10:13 asdfgh and i have to get the ID of that record that has value "view"
# Apr 19th 2019, 10:12 asdfgh basically i have a filed named "activity" in the activity_types table