Log message #4179610

# At Username Text
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:58 ricksaccous can be a field that doesn't exist in db if it doesn't need to be saved
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:58 kaliel i tought about it but i will have a duplicate field :S
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:57 ricksaccous @kaliel create another field that you populate yourself with Time::now();
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:53 kaliel I'd like to create a custom validation rule based on previous persisted entity by checking the filed 'created' populated by TimestampBehavior. Seems that TimestampBehavior adds 'created' in beforeSave so i can't validate, any idea on how to manage this please ?
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:44 dereuromark https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-tinyauth/pull/97/files if anyone can help maybe?
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:43 neon1024 Seems I can use `ini_set('user_agent', 'Daves great new user agent string')` :slightly_smiling_face:
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:42 dereuromark yeah that one. I wanted to try to upgrade it fully to support them.
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:41 neon1024 @dereuromark The middleware one? I haven’t tried it in a long time
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:40 neon1024 How can I change the user-agent string from ‘CAKEPHP’ to something else for a post request using the HttpClient?
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:40 dereuromark anyone working with authentication or more importantly authorization plugin yet? "The request to `/cars/add` did not apply any authorization checks." must be missing sth for tinyauth to work with new new plugins.
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:05 ricksaccous thanks @neon1024;)
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:04 neon1024 Thanks @dereuromark setting my default logging to false scope worked :thumbsup:
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:03 neon1024 I don’t even think you *have* to pass an array, I think `where()` might take string, so you could lose the `[]` also :thinking_face:
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:02 ricksaccous yeah i'll prob just do it that way
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:02 ricksaccous yeah it's mysql
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:02 neon1024 Assuming MySQL :point_up:
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:02 ricksaccous oh wew
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:02 neon1024 Well, if you’re doing that, why not `->where(['login_lockdown < NOW()'])`
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:02 ricksaccous or is that evil
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:02 ricksaccous \DateTime();
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:01 ricksaccous for a quick dirty one can i just do 'login_lockdown < ' => new
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:01 neon1024 There is also the `->lt()` method
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:01 neon1024 `->where(['login_lockdown <' => $datetimeInstance])` is the approach I use
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:01 ricksaccous but i'm never sure what's the best way
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:01 ricksaccous i've done this different ways
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:00 ricksaccous 'login_lockdown <' => todays date in cakephp3 terms
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:00 ricksaccous let's say i'm querying
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:00 neon1024 `$datetime->isToday()`
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:00 ricksaccous datetime i should say
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:00 ricksaccous in cake 3 what's the best way to compare a field to today's date
# Mar 13th 2019, 15:00 neon1024 It just feels very counterintuitive to my brain
# Mar 13th 2019, 14:58 dereuromark but nowadays you need to always enable listeners on app side for everything. no more good old "just lock to file x"
# Mar 13th 2019, 14:58 dereuromark I had similar feelings once upgrading stuff from 2.x :slightly_smiling_face: https://sandbox.dereuromark.de/pages/best-practices#logging still is useful as default for all apps.
# Mar 13th 2019, 14:57 neon1024 Not without writing it to a variety of handlers
# Mar 13th 2019, 14:57 neon1024 I just want to log a message to a text file and it feels like the Log class can’t do this
# Mar 13th 2019, 14:57 dereuromark known issue from back in 3.0, yeah. scopes need to default to false as per new app templates
# Mar 13th 2019, 14:57 Martin` hmm never used scopes for debug
# Mar 13th 2019, 14:56 Martin` now it works?
# Mar 13th 2019, 14:51 neon1024 How do I make this exclusive to just exitlinks.log? Can I use this form of logging or do I need to use a different implementation
# Mar 13th 2019, 14:51 neon1024 However, when I log using `Log::debug('Example', ['scope' => ['exitlinks']])`, it is logged to both my debug.log and exitlinks.log
# Mar 13th 2019, 14:50 slackebot <neon1024>