Log message #4174927

# At Username Text
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:24 royalty pc-world, you could still do that in the entity before you save it
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:23 pc-world royalty: Yeah that's what it seems to be doing, but I potentially want to override what the user wrote in the original form after they submitted it.
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:22 pc-world one could of course directly modify the request data in the controller, but that seems more like a hack
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:22 royalty not sure though
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:22 royalty hmph
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:22 royalty but prioritize request data
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:22 royalty I think initially it would use your value
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:21 pc-world (I mean all code in IRC)
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:21 royalty oh ok
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:21 pc-world royalty: yes, 3.7 (all code I wrote is pseudo code)
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:20 royalty pc-world, are you using cakephp3?
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:14 pc-world *s $this->FormHelper->create($entity)
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:13 pc-world royalty: That's what I originally thought, but it's more of a general issue, see my previous message. It also happens without relations. If I change $entity->someAttribute = $newVal, and in the view pass it as $this->FormHelper->($entity), it ignores that I changed someAttribute because it only fetches from the request data.
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:04 royalty pc-world, are you having issue with hasMany indexing?
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:04 pc-world royalty: I think what you first wrote is true. However in my edit() action, I get the entity from $entity = $table->get($id) and use $table->patchEntity($requestData), and then modify said entity and pass it to FormHelper::create(). However FormHelper completely ignores my changes to $entity, as it gets all values from request data instead.
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:02 royalty that is actually done via entity i think
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:02 royalty oh wait
# Jan 24th 2019, 21:01 royalty pc-world, formhelper uses request data to populate the data just entered
# Jan 24th 2019, 20:52 pc-world The reason I don't understand is that as I'm passing the entity to Form->create() in the first place, I don't see why it should look at request data at all.
# Jan 24th 2019, 20:48 pc-world (btw the slack bot seems to have reversed the order of my messages from 2 hours ago)
# Jan 24th 2019, 20:48 pc-world Why is there no option to ignore request data, should there be one?
# Jan 24th 2019, 20:48 pc-world However I don't understand: Why does it prefer request data over the entity itself, shouldn't it be the other way round?
# Jan 24th 2019, 20:47 pc-world I've pinned my problem down to https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/d2bd61dbe40ec9db28057bc7e5004703452568e6/src/View/Helper/FormHelper.php#L2962 and https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/d2bd61dbe40ec9db28057bc7e5004703452568e6/src/View/Form/EntityContext.php#L238
# Jan 24th 2019, 19:48 slackebot1 <flashios09>
# Jan 24th 2019, 19:47 flashios09 i found it, it’s on packagist :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jan 24th 2019, 19:47 admad `4.x`
# Jan 24th 2019, 19:46 flashios09 last question @admad in the github repo there is no *4.x-dev* branch, from where *composer* get the source code ?
# Jan 24th 2019, 19:44 admad better with it
# Jan 24th 2019, 19:43 flashios09 without prefer-dist flag ?
# Jan 24th 2019, 19:39 admad use 4.x branch of cakephp/app. `composer create-project cakephp/app:4.x-dev`
# Jan 24th 2019, 19:32 flashios09 how can i create a new app using the 4.x github branch ?
# Jan 24th 2019, 19:31 flashios09 i want to play a little bit with cake4(i know there isn’t a release yet)
# Jan 24th 2019, 19:30 flashios09 hi
# Jan 24th 2019, 18:31 pc-world To workaround that issue, I need to modify the request body directly with $this->setRequest(), and reindex the associated array with array_values(), which is quite cumbersome.
# Jan 24th 2019, 18:31 pc-world Then I remove the associated entity whose delete button was pressed from the main entity's association array. Now I don't want to save to the database yet, but reload the form again. However when the view is displayed again and I create form controls with e.g. 'associated.3.id', CakePHP messes up the indices and displays the old request body data, and ignores my changes to the entity that I passed to Form->create().
# Jan 24th 2019, 18:31 pc-world Is it a feature or a bug that for populating form values, FormHelper seems to prefer request body data over the actual entities? E.g. I have a form that displays hasMany relations with a delete button (and <input>s) on each. When the delete button is pressed, I use patchEntity with the request body (as you normally do in an edit() action).
# Jan 24th 2019, 17:49 aro haha
# Jan 24th 2019, 17:49 jeremyharris welcome back :)
# Jan 24th 2019, 17:48 aro i havent done any php coding in like 7 weeks
# Jan 24th 2019, 17:48 aro cool
# Jan 24th 2019, 17:47 jeremyharris https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/wiki