Log message #4170988

# At Username Text
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:23 neon1024 Then I could preserve the content and deal with the sorting just by index
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:23 rrd564 Thanks for the hint, let's see where I iwll ended up :slightly_smiling_face:
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:23 neon1024 I would probably use `usort()` and write my own function
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:23 rrd564 I know, but it is not a problm for me at that point
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:22 neon1024 If you are using an array of entities though they will not become entities again
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:21 rrd564 but actually converting into an array, use ksort and converting back to a collection is an option
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:20 neon1024 Ahok
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:20 rrd564 ksort gives me: ksort() expects parameter 1 to be array, object given
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:20 neon1024 Although, I’m not entirely sure on that you’d have to try it :slightly_smiling_face:
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:20 neon1024 I believe, as it implements an iterator
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:19 neon1024 https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/src/Collection/Collection.php#L27
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:19 neon1024 No
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:18 rrd564 But than I have to convert my collection to an array, right?
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:18 neon1024 Collection implements ArrayInterface iirc
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:18 neon1024 Use ksort or usort then
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:18 rrd564 And I want to keep the indexes, just reordering them
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:17 rrd564 @neon1024 That is not good for me, as I have several items in every group
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:15 neon1024 `Collection::indexBy()`
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:06 rrd564 Is there a way to sort a collection by the index of its items? Something like ksort for arrays? The collection is after a groupBy and I want to sort after the grouping
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:01 martin update of my problem yesterday, it was just a fileserver that was not responding 100% :P
# Oct 9th 2018, 09:01 martin Morning :)
# Oct 9th 2018, 08:56 neon1024 Morning all :wave:
# Oct 9th 2018, 08:52 dereuromark remove the specific file
# Oct 9th 2018, 08:49 blancessanchez30 aside from $this->redirect('/'), what are the other redirection
# Oct 9th 2018, 08:44 lubos @dereuromark what is the best way to clear just TinyAuth cache?
# Oct 9th 2018, 07:26 xenogew If i want to adopt Twitter bootstrap as css framework. What should I do? What I googled are downloading->copying method, a lot of plugin and forks. I prefer the way using `composer require` method, can anyone guide me how to accomplish that?
# Oct 9th 2018, 07:17 rightscoreanalysis it's a bug because I call this on another collection with the same structure
# Oct 9th 2018, 07:16 rightscoreanalysis does anyone know what this means: Hash::combine() needs an equal number of keys + values.
# Oct 9th 2018, 05:13 zomb leaving it as 'alphanumeric' for now
# Oct 9th 2018, 05:13 zomb meh going to bed
# Oct 9th 2018, 05:08 zomb and then ```public function isUsername($username, $context) { return preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{3,20}$/', $username); }```
# Oct 9th 2018, 05:07 zomb ``` 'rule' => [$this, 'isUsername'], 'message' => "..." ```
# Oct 9th 2018, 05:07 zomb tried that... still not working
# Oct 9th 2018, 05:05 blancessanchez30 @zomb
# Oct 9th 2018, 05:05 blancessanchez30 make a custom function for regex validation
# Oct 9th 2018, 05:04 zomb sorry it's late... why won't this validate via regex? ``` ->add('username', 'isUsername', [ 'rule' => ['custom', ['/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{3,}$/']], 'message' => 'Username can only contain letters, numbers and underscores.' ])```
# Oct 9th 2018, 03:50 zomb and switch your `Session` section in `config/app.php`
# Oct 9th 2018, 03:50 zomb basically create the table in your DB
# Oct 9th 2018, 03:50 zomb whoops meant to link to the section: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/development/sessions.html#database-sessions
# Oct 9th 2018, 03:49 zomb start with a review of the docs: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/development/sessions.html
# Oct 9th 2018, 03:47 blancessanchez30 were there any tutorials that could help me?