Log message #4160813

# At Username Text
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:41 graziel cake doesnt have many videos for beginners but quite a bunch on more advanced topics in their cakephp channel on youtube
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:40 savant probably start there :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:40 alpereneser @savant document, video, etc... :relaxed:
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:39 alpereneser Thank's :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:37 graziel https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/tutorials-and-examples.html
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:37 graziel start with tutorial in book
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:37 savant ?
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:37 alpereneser Way to learn? :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:35 savant i like cakephp :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:35 alpereneser What do you recommend to learn?
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:34 alpereneser I understand. Thank you so much :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:32 savant frameworks end up being largely personal preference
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:32 savant i would suggest taking a day or two with each option and figuring out which one you like better
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:32 savant it was my first framework and I didnt really know how to program
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:32 savant i learned cakephp over a week like 10 years ago
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:31 savant not sure
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:31 alpereneser Which one is easiest to learn? @savant
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:25 savant its great
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:25 savant I use cakephp
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:25 savant use the one you feel most comfortable with
# Jul 20th 2018, 05:21 alpereneser CakePHP or Laravel?*:relaxed:
# Jul 20th 2018, 04:11 thomasnucleus thanks
# Jul 20th 2018, 04:11 thomasnucleus that should work well
# Jul 20th 2018, 04:07 savant ^
# Jul 20th 2018, 04:07 jslamka5685 delete anything you dont want once its local, redump and you have a clean sql export
# Jul 20th 2018, 04:06 jslamka5685 mysqldump
# Jul 20th 2018, 04:06 thomasnucleus I'm wondering how other developers handle this. I would like to get a copy of my production database to use for local development. Ideally I would need to sanitize private data. What is the best way to go about this?
# Jul 20th 2018, 01:48 jslamka5685 @beakman I am working on a concept and am building in Cake3. The docs were down last night so I ended up here :P
# Jul 20th 2018, 01:47 jslamka5685 @beakman You missed me by, like, one hour.
# Jul 19th 2018, 22:54 D-rex hah
# Jul 19th 2018, 22:54 D-rex oh sh*t
# Jul 19th 2018, 22:53 sdevore it’s in the url ;)
# Jul 19th 2018, 22:53 D-rex yeah
# Jul 19th 2018, 22:53 sdevore you mean the one at https://discourse.cakephp.org
# Jul 19th 2018, 22:52 D-rex what forum software is cakephp main site using?
# Jul 19th 2018, 22:09 lpouzenc thanks guys. Cake is great :-)
# Jul 19th 2018, 22:04 okelet Question rewritten: I have extended ADmad/JwtAuth.Jwt overriding the getUser method. If in that method I return an entity, I always get 401 unauthorized; if I return the entity as an array, it works fine. I want to return an entity because I would like to use some methods on the class, accessing the user using $this->Auth->user(). Is not possible to return an object instead an array?
# Jul 19th 2018, 21:52 okelet With some plugins to enhance autocomplete
# Jul 19th 2018, 21:51 okelet I use visual studio code without problems
# Jul 19th 2018, 21:42 lpouzenc Other question : what developer environnement fit the best for Cake 3.6 and autocomplete ?
# Jul 19th 2018, 21:37 lpouzenc admad, slackebot : $table->associations()->getByType('BelongsTo') (with "s") works as a charm