Log message #4151227

# At Username Text
# Jun 14th 2018, 07:37 tylergel How do I use a css file in only my template content page, not the element header?
# Jun 14th 2018, 07:31 narendravaghela I haven't tried it though
# Jun 14th 2018, 07:30 narendravaghela @birdy247 Check this - http://www.vertabelo.com/
# Jun 14th 2018, 07:13 birdy247 any tips on generating an er diagram from an existing DB?
# Jun 14th 2018, 04:15 itamer cakephp2 - any reason why this fails to pick up webhook data from mandrill? $data = $this->request->input('json_decode');
# Jun 13th 2018, 22:18 itmpls nevermind :slightly_smiling_face: needed an inner use
# Jun 13th 2018, 22:00 itmpls http://dpaste.com/3TZD7KF what am I doing off that would cause an incomplete query?
# Jun 13th 2018, 21:56 hippo @jb360 Turns out I was using an old version of Bake :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jun 13th 2018, 20:58 jb360 Usage: cake bake test [options] [<Entity|Table|Controller|Component|Behavior|Helper|Shell|Task|ShellHelper|Cell|Form|Mailer|Command|entity|table|controller|component|behavior|helper|shell|task|shell_helper|cell|form|mailer|command>] [<name>]
# Jun 13th 2018, 20:58 jb360 @hippo check the command order
# Jun 13th 2018, 20:49 slackebot `/var/www/digital2go/d2go_cms/app/tests/TestCase/Controller/ApplicationsControllerTest.php` ```
# Jun 13th 2018, 20:49 slackebot `/var/www/digital2go/d2go_cms/app/tests/TestCase/Controller/ApplicationsControllerTest.php` bin/cake bake test Controller --prefix Customer Applications Baking test case for App\Controller\ApplicationsController ... File `/var/www/digital2go/d2go_cms/app/tests/TestCase/Controller/ApplicationsControllerTest.php` exists Do you want to overwrite? (y/n/a/q) [n] > y Wrote
# Jun 13th 2018, 20:49 hippo Trying to generate controller tests with prefixes but both generate the exact same file.. ``` bin/cake bake test Controller --prefix Admin Applications Baking test case for App\Controller\ApplicationsController ... File `/var/www/digital2go/d2go_cms/app/tests/TestCase/Controller/ApplicationsControllerTest.php` exists Do you want to overwrite? (y/n/a/q) [n] > y Wrote
# Jun 13th 2018, 20:00 sdevore Ok, just wanted to check. So I’ll dig into thing to see if I can figure out why I am doing this to myself
# Jun 13th 2018, 19:59 lorenzo right, they should not mess with the ones in the main view
# Jun 13th 2018, 19:58 sdevore I agree with the design BTW ;)
# Jun 13th 2018, 19:57 sdevore but they shouldn’t null the main view blocks right?
# Jun 13th 2018, 19:57 lorenzo That’s by design
# Jun 13th 2018, 19:57 lorenzo Cells do not share blocks with the main view
# Jun 13th 2018, 19:55 sdevore So I am starting to play with View Cells a bit more and I’m wondering if what I am seeing is a ‘bug’ or a ‘misunderstanding between the screen and chair’. When I use a view cell it seems that view blocks that are set outside of the cell are getting reset to null after the cell is displayed. That there is not complete isolation. (note I am not looking to share the blocks)
# Jun 13th 2018, 19:07 nakodatechnosoft composer require friendsofcake/cakepdf:version
# Jun 13th 2018, 19:04 saeideng >hello finally i am able to download cakepdf 3.2.1 nice, how ?
# Jun 13th 2018, 19:03 nakodatechnosoft @admad plz help
# Jun 13th 2018, 19:03 nakodatechnosoft also where i have to define Configure::write('CakePdf', [])
# Jun 13th 2018, 19:02 nakodatechnosoft now how can i config it download pdf file without showing PDF in url
# Jun 13th 2018, 19:01 nakodatechnosoft hello finally i am able to download cakepdf 3.2.1
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:51 itmpls nevermind, that's not it
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:49 itmpls i'm guessing that might be relative to the same connection which causes the issue..
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:49 itmpls let me flip flop and see
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:49 itmpls @lorenzo there is a ->save() call right above this call for another model
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:41 spencdev Because if the value is an array, it doesn't even register it
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:40 spencdev So in `friendsofcake/search` if you want to search by date, you have to convert the date to a string?
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:13 lorenzo Could be another behavior retaining false in a callback
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:13 lorenzo Check the docs and see if it changed, but that actually sounds like either you started the transaction somewhere else or that an association failed saving or something like that
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:07 itmpls nope doesn't fire
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:04 itmpls ok lemme see
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:04 lorenzo Add an afterSaveCommit function in your table and see if it gets triggers there
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:04 itmpls i don't have anything special on my end from what I know
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:04 itmpls maybe it changed in 3.6. hmm
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:03 lorenzo Or maybe afterSaveCommit changed in 3.6?
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:03 lorenzo Maybe. You have a callback stopping the events in after save?