Log message #4143215

# At Username Text
# May 23rd 2018, 12:05 spencdev If you look at the history in your debug log, and click the path and look at the log, it may show you there as well
# May 23rd 2018, 12:03 spencdev Alright, because even with the debug set to false, a missing controller action should still be a 404 error. The 500 makes me believe that it's something deeper.
# May 23rd 2018, 12:01 bad5ect0r I mean I can look through the logs but nothing immediately stands out
# May 23rd 2018, 12:01 bad5ect0r Hmmm
# May 23rd 2018, 11:57 spencdev My guess is that there is an error somewhere else, and every time an exception is thrown it's hitting the 500 before the 400. Have you looked through your logs?
# May 23rd 2018, 11:54 bad5ect0r Not that I know of
# May 23rd 2018, 11:54 bad5ect0r That's what my debug is set to.
# May 23rd 2018, 11:54 bad5ect0r `'debug' => filter_var(env('DEBUG', true), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN),`
# May 23rd 2018, 11:54 spencdev Yeah, it should be a 404 error. Have you changed any error handling?
# May 23rd 2018, 11:52 bad5ect0r And you're right, I thought I would expect a 404 error rather than internal server error...
# May 23rd 2018, 11:52 bad5ect0r Looks like any error
# May 23rd 2018, 11:52 bad5ect0r Missing controller is an easy one to cause
# May 23rd 2018, 11:51 spencdev or 400
# May 23rd 2018, 11:51 bad5ect0r Pretty much any error
# May 23rd 2018, 11:51 spencdev and the error just occurs when there is a missing controller exception, or any 500 error?
# May 23rd 2018, 11:50 bad5ect0r On bootstrap.php I have it as true. I can see the little cake debug tool at the bottom when there is no internal server error
# May 23rd 2018, 11:50 spencdev Is your debug set to false?
# May 23rd 2018, 11:49 bad5ect0r I can do?
# May 23rd 2018, 11:49 bad5ect0r Hello all. I've been having an annoying error with CakePHP lately. If I try to cause an error such as a missing controller action, rather than rendering those helpful error pages, it just says internal server error occured. I have no idea what I might have changed to cause this problem and now it's getting annoying when debugging. Any idea on what
# May 23rd 2018, 11:10 dereuromark We really have to improve the CLI commands, they really are not at a modern standard yet, feels a bit like steps backward right now. I invite people to contribute ideas: https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/issues/12123
# May 23rd 2018, 10:56 neon1024 My first thought for things like that would be a View Cell
# May 23rd 2018, 10:17 cjquinn To clarify this is only for pages that don’t require authentication but the page might be altered if the user is logged in. For example the homepage of the shop shows user recommendations if they are logged in but logged out users can also see the homepage just without any tailored recommendations.
# May 23rd 2018, 10:10 cjquinn File uploaded https://cakesf.slack.com/files/U1449QQ91/FAULR828J/either_way_this_is_my_current_solution__just_wondering_what_others_approach_was_to_this_problem_.php / https://slack-files.com/T053DPNCM-FAULR828J-7642436f47
# May 23rd 2018, 10:09 cjquinn Definitely authentication :slightly_smiling_face:
# May 23rd 2018, 10:08 cjquinn Yeah not every time just once the session has expired
# May 23rd 2018, 10:08 neon1024 This sounds like confusion of Authentication with Authorisation
# May 23rd 2018, 10:08 neon1024 Why would you need to indentify the user every time?!
# May 23rd 2018, 10:08 neon1024 But but, the Auth info is in the Session usually if you’re using defaults
# May 23rd 2018, 09:54 cjquinn It’s for an e-commerce shop so the majority of the site doesn’t require authentication until they checkout. Would I just call `$this->Auth->identify()` and set the user before each action that doesn’t require authentication or is that a bad idea?
# May 23rd 2018, 09:51 dereuromark "where authentication isn’t required" => you dont here :slightly_smiling_face:
# May 23rd 2018, 09:50 cjquinn Has anyone implemented cookie/remember me authentication? And if so how do you check for a cookie and login in the user on a route where authentication isn’t required?
# May 23rd 2018, 07:47 k4t yeah
# May 23rd 2018, 07:47 admad then write your own log engine, would be pretty simple to change the rotation logic :slightly_smiling_face:
# May 23rd 2018, 07:47 k4t based on this we can create our own Logger I think
# May 23rd 2018, 07:47 k4t yeah, I noticed that, but unfortunatelly we need days rotation
# May 23rd 2018, 07:46 admad @k4t file log engine already has log rotation. it's just mb based instead of days
# May 23rd 2018, 07:45 k4t yeah, looksl ike this is the only way
# May 23rd 2018, 07:45 nitishkumardiwakar Ok, but can you provide some hint
# May 23rd 2018, 07:44 neon1024 @nitishkumardiwakar Sorry, I don’t have the patience to help you today.
# May 23rd 2018, 07:44 nitishkumardiwakar @neon1024 As you told yesterday, adding belongsTo will effect in inserting data. I am facing this now. How can I solve this?
# May 23rd 2018, 07:42 neon1024 @k4t You could write your own Logger class for that I would imagine