Log message #4141355

# At Username Text
# May 16th 2018, 12:37 Guest95046 Hi everyone. If I have $this->Auth->allow() in beforeFilter function of a controller, will it bypass authentication if I try to add data using api calls
# May 16th 2018, 12:29 rudy1976s I have a warning: Notice (8): Undefined property: Acm3Core\View\Cell\PostsCell::$viewClass [CORE/src/View/Cell.php, line 307] . I have never had that before
# May 16th 2018, 12:29 rudy1976s Good afternoon!
# May 16th 2018, 11:32 nitishkumardiwakar I am trying to inner join two tables by following this reference https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/associations.html getting Trying to get property 'name' of non-object
# May 16th 2018, 11:10 unclezoot neon1024, are you around?
# May 16th 2018, 10:39 unclezoot neon, when working with dates where do you store your timezone/locale for display within cake? we have the actual app as UTC within bootstrap.php, and I can see someone here has configured the TimeHelper within AppView to use Europe/London. Does it make sense to sniff it from there? if it helps, im just trying to remove the locale from this: $mydata->start->i18nFormat('dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss', 'Europe/London')
# May 16th 2018, 09:54 david now, I have a question... When using i18n behavior, I can access to the translations If I am browsing the main language site. But... could I access the main language if I am browsing a translated site version?
# May 16th 2018, 09:46 saeideng https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/releases/tag/3.6.3
# May 16th 2018, 09:46 saeideng `Fixed missing attribute emulation for ServerRequest::$here`
# May 16th 2018, 09:45 saeideng yeah , a bit change was in 3.6.3 about `http`
# May 16th 2018, 09:44 david thank you, guys
# May 16th 2018, 09:44 david File uploaded https://cakesf.slack.com/files/UAPU3DV3J/FARHH470W/captura.png / https://slack-files.com/T053DPNCM-FARHH470W-4ef3741ad7
# May 16th 2018, 09:43 saeideng thanks to confirm the 3.6.3
# May 16th 2018, 09:42 david @saeideng that's it...
# May 16th 2018, 09:42 david and it works
# May 16th 2018, 09:42 david forget this... I have just updated via composer update to 3.6.3
# May 16th 2018, 09:42 saeideng cake 3.6.2 or 3.6.3?
# May 16th 2018, 09:40 saeideng i mean was `debug($this->request->getUri()->getPath())`
# May 16th 2018, 09:39 neon1024 @david Just had a thought. You might want to check your middleware, just in case the request is being modified somewhere
# May 16th 2018, 09:39 david result is null
# May 16th 2018, 09:39 david @saeideng if I use this in my controller: debug($this->request->getAttribute("here"));
# May 16th 2018, 09:38 saeideng ``` debug($this->getUri()->getPath()) debug($this->request->getAttribute("here")) ```
# May 16th 2018, 09:38 david I saw the deprecation in debugkit tab
# May 16th 2018, 09:38 neon1024 I’m on 3.6.2
# May 16th 2018, 09:38 neon1024 I recently updated my project to use that code and it’s worked okay for me
# May 16th 2018, 09:38 david thank you neon1024
# May 16th 2018, 09:38 neon1024 @david I’m not too sure then. I would check the Request tab in DebugKit to see what’s in the request
# May 16th 2018, 09:37 neon1024 Whereas the template one hasn’t been deprecated yet
# May 16th 2018, 09:37 neon1024 @saeideng Yeah, just checking as it could be a deprecated `->request` in a controller still
# May 16th 2018, 09:37 saeideng @neon1024 unrelated to `$this->getRequest()` ;P
# May 16th 2018, 09:36 david it's 3.6
# May 16th 2018, 09:36 neon1024 @david..and you’re running a 3.6.x build of CakePHP?
# May 16th 2018, 09:35 saeideng use your relation type instead of `belongsToMany`
# May 16th 2018, 09:35 neon1024 Or do this :point_up:
# May 16th 2018, 09:35 saeideng ``` $this->belongsToMany('Categories', [ 'foreignKey' => 'cat', .... ```
# May 16th 2018, 09:35 neon1024 @nitishkumardiwakar If you are going to update your database schema, it should be `category_id` have a look here -> https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/intro/conventions.html#database-conventions
# May 16th 2018, 09:35 david (same result)
# May 16th 2018, 09:35 david Yes, neon1024, it's in a template, but I also tried it in a controller
# May 16th 2018, 09:34 nitishkumardiwakar @neon1024 Should I change 'cat' ( in products table) to 'category_id' or 'categories_id'?
# May 16th 2018, 09:34 neon1024 @david What is `$this` in your code you pasted? Is that in a template?
# May 16th 2018, 09:33 neon1024 I would recommend fixing your association configuration instead. Just set the correct foreign key in the association