Log message #4124516

# At Username Text
# Mar 13th 2018, 10:18 steinkel ^ I understand this is a qa/staging environment
# Mar 13th 2018, 10:15 steinkel enable debug, you should get a more verbose message description from security component
# Mar 13th 2018, 10:14 spriz @steinkel 3.4.x :)
# Mar 13th 2018, 10:13 turkles Hi, is it possible to use paginate after tampering with some data? I have tried looping through my result set and adding/modifying data, but when I put the result into paginate it seems to reload the data from original query and not the modified stuff I have
# Mar 13th 2018, 10:09 dereuromark acosonic: all of them resolved, right?
# Mar 13th 2018, 10:04 steinkel @spriz which version of the framework?
# Mar 13th 2018, 10:03 alysson-azevedo Hi.
# Mar 13th 2018, 10:01 pierre-baptiste.varle Hello, anybody there?
# Mar 13th 2018, 09:39 acosonic Hi all, cakephp rulez :) only 10 CVE entries...
# Mar 13th 2018, 09:31 spriz anyone have an idea why cakephp would blackhole all requests to a heroku instance? :thinking_face: With “security” as reason - while it’s running with SSL already
# Mar 13th 2018, 09:30 dereuromark asdfsdfsdfs : did your cat run over the keyboard? :slightly_smiling_face:
# Mar 13th 2018, 09:04 asdfsdfsdfs hey
# Mar 13th 2018, 09:01 dereuromark Does it work?
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:47 dereuromark Wrong commit message at 3 in the morning - but hey.. :slightly_smiling_face: Good night
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:47 dereuromark I might have fixed it: https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-tags/commit/a9b30fca9ebb88ffc65219d7a533d4f2d47d5385
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:32 bakro.istvan Thank you for your help again :slightly_smiling_face:
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:31 bakro.istvan Is there any sec. concern about this at all? I will check on that...
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:25 bakro.istvan I havent studied the security aspects, but I feel some questions
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:25 dereuromark Yeah I think so - https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/entities.html#modifying-the-guarded-fields-at-runtime
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:24 bakro.istvan I mean
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:24 bakro.istvan Is it possible at all?
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:24 bakro.istvan Thank you for your help. I hope hope I can put a passing PR together :slightly_smiling_face:
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:23 dereuromark Can you make a PR for the behavior that whitelists the tags property? so we can fix this for others?
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:22 bakro.istvan Voila it works
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:21 dereuromark Most likely you have your entity whitelist narrowed down too much. I usually use https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-sandbox/blob/3.0/src/Model/Entity/User.php#L33-L34 etc. Maybe we have to add whitelisting for the entity fields here somehow in your case.
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:20 bakro.istvan Me neighter, but the beforeMarshal does its job.
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:20 bakro.istvan ``` public function beforeMarshal($event, $data, $options) { debug($data); die; } ``` ``` /src/Model/Table/PeopleTable.php (line 71) object(ArrayObject) { name => 'steve' description => 'desc' tag_list => 'my1tag' tags => [ (int) 0 => [ '_joinData' => [ 'fk_model' => 'People' ], 'label' => 'my1tag', 'slug' => 'my1tag' ] ] } ```
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:19 dereuromark I dont see any tags_list or tags for that matter.
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:19 slackebot '2018-03-13T01:17:48+00:00', 'timezone' => 'UTC', 'fixedNowTime' => false }, '[new]' => true, '[accessible]' => [ 'name' => true, 'description' => true, 'created' => true, 'modified' => true ], '[dirty]' => [ 'name' => true, 'description' => true, 'created' => true, 'modified' => true ], '[original]' => [], '[virtual]' => [], '[errors]' => [], '[invalid]' => [], '[repository]' => 'People' } ```
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:19 bakro.istvan I put the following: ``` public function beforeSave($event, $data, $options) { debug($data); die; } ``` ```/src/Model/Table/PeopleTable.php (line 71) object(App\Model\Entity\Person) { 'name' => 'steve', 'description' => 'desc', 'created' => object(Cake\I18n\Time) { 'time' => '2018-03-13T01:17:48+00:00', 'timezone' => 'UTC', 'fixedNowTime' => false }, 'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\Time) { 'time' =>
# Mar 13th 2018, 01:10 dereuromark How does the data look like right beforeSave() end?
# Mar 13th 2018, 00:55 spencdev But as they say, this too shall pass.
# Mar 13th 2018, 00:55 bakro.istvan Could you please look at it. Am I missing some configs?
# Mar 13th 2018, 00:55 spencdev Now I'm having a fixture not inserting properly. Lol. One thing after another!
# Mar 13th 2018, 00:54 dereuromark ok :slightly_smiling_face:
# Mar 13th 2018, 00:54 spencdev I think I got it solved. I'm not sure how, I just deleted it and restarted. I'm not sure why it's fixed. lol
# Mar 13th 2018, 00:54 dereuromark try looking into my plugins that have route based integration testing
# Mar 13th 2018, 00:54 dereuromark yeah, unfortunately, i dont quite remember the details of what fixed it for me
# Mar 13th 2018, 00:52 spencdev ah, hmm. It's very... aggravating. lol
# Mar 13th 2018, 00:51 dereuromark something
# Mar 13th 2018, 00:51 spencdev sth?