Log message #4117111

# At Username Text
# Feb 14th 2018, 14:57 saeideng `$this->request->data['department'] ` is not immutable
# Feb 14th 2018, 14:56 birdy247 Is it possible to use the Form helper date input and have a blank date?
# Feb 14th 2018, 14:56 saeideng neon `request` is not immutable
# Feb 14th 2018, 14:55 dereuromark you can $data = $this->request->getData(); $data[...] = .. and then use $data in patchEntity()
# Feb 14th 2018, 14:52 pidlo after this or before?
# Feb 14th 2018, 14:52 pidlo $item = $this->Model->patchEntity($item, $this->request->getData())
# Feb 14th 2018, 14:51 pidlo $this->Model->patchEntity($item, $this->request->getData())
# Feb 14th 2018, 14:51 pidlo Yes it is but can help me where can i write this?
# Feb 14th 2018, 14:49 hmic this looks more like 2.x syntax, doesnt it?
# Feb 14th 2018, 14:49 neon1024 `$request = $this->request->withData('department', null)`
# Feb 14th 2018, 14:48 neon1024 Yes, requests are immutable. Meaning you need to assign data to them using a method, and assigning the return
# Feb 14th 2018, 14:47 pidlo this has no effect and field has previous value
# Feb 14th 2018, 14:47 pidlo $this->request->data['department'] =null
# Feb 14th 2018, 14:47 pidlo hello all how can i set NULL value with update?
# Feb 14th 2018, 14:02 hmic or even headers?
# Feb 14th 2018, 14:02 hmic have you tried: header => ['Accept-Version' => 3]
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:57 acosonic hm, does not work...
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:48 acosonic would this work HttpSocket(array(header'=>'Accept-Version: 3' ));
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:47 acosonic I'm trying to simulate this curl request curl -H "Accept-Version: 3" "https://lookup.binlist.net/45717360"
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:45 acosonic another question in httpsocket, how to add custom request header like Accept-Version: 3
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:40 makallio85 Quite strange behavior
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:39 makallio85 We finally resolved that problem. Looks like if you are doing several posts in plugin testsuite, second one will for some reason use ConsoleLog as engine instead of File. We try to reproduce this with skeleton app and open issue of it.
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:38 hmic which is the harder part, if you don't already have it ready to go
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:37 hmic you still need secure storage for the rsa keys (every dataset needs it's own key!) and a (public key infrastructure with) key management for the differnet users to use
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:35 hmic you can have a json field for that and encrypt it's contents
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:35 acosonic like Names, birth ID's etc...
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:35 acosonic So I'll only encrypt 3rd party's personal data
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:35 acosonic No I'm just trying to make my app, GDPR compliant...
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:35 hmic which makes it, depending on the security level you need to achieve, useless
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:34 hmic and you cant encrypt everything too with that approach
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:34 hmic sure, but you need a keymanagement solution for that for multiple users still
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:34 hmic encrypting the data on disk is a totally different approach and beast and a good thing often times. it's relatively easy to achieve too, compared to - especially *using* - table data encryption
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:33 acosonic hmic, I have figured out a way to encrypt/decrypt particular fields in DB, as proposed https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/core-libraries/security.html there
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:31 hmic with the database *data* encrypted in the tables, you can't use search and other operations *at least*, if you want the data to be "well encrypted" you need to encrypt the associations too, as thats a lot of useful information on it's own, which means basically no use for the ORM anymore and you need uuid (and composite) keys everywhere
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:29 hmic acosonic, you can't en/decrypt the "whole database" on the fly, and you need a quite difficult keymanagement solution to allow multiple users with differnt keys on that process - but you very likely already know that and have the neccessary setup in place already
# Feb 14th 2018, 13:12 acosonic @jotpe Yeah I'm considering different scenarios... This one also https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/data-at-rest-encryption/
# Feb 14th 2018, 12:57 makallio85 Plugin has no special configs for setting logging engine
# Feb 14th 2018, 12:57 makallio85 Application tests work just fine, but plugin ones write errors to Console for some reason. We have pretty much debugged everything we just can without understanding this.
# Feb 14th 2018, 12:56 makallio85 Any idea why controller unit tests are writing errors to Console instead of File while running additional testsuite for plugin along with application tests?
# Feb 14th 2018, 12:53 neon1024 I think you could do that, but I wouldn’t do that.
# Feb 14th 2018, 12:53 jotpe @acosonic What would happen, if the Session Key to decrypt the data is destroyed or modified?