Log message #4114000

# At Username Text
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:19 hmic provide the data by different means
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:19 hmic i'm not on slack
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:18 hmic !fail
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:18 sayed kinda strange ,:)
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:18 sayed no
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:18 sayed File uploaded https://cakesf.slack.com/files/U8SE5F2NN/F949JJQ0N/screen_shot_2018-02-03_at_18.17.37.png / https://slack-files.com/T053DPNCM-F949JJQ0N-52f86cc5e9
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:17 hmic is the guid setup as the primarykey for that table too?
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:17 sayed field
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:16 sayed and oww yeah unique also works on the emailadres
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:16 sayed ``` public function buildRules(RulesChecker $rules) { $rules->add($rules->isUnique(['guid'])); $rules->add($rules->isUnique(['emailadres'])); return $rules; } ```
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:16 sayed yes
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:16 hmic do you have rules setup too, for the validateunique to work?
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:16 sayed Any ideas ?
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:16 sayed but not for unique, it just goes through and mysql itself gives out an error, since the column is marked as unique
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:15 sayed and the thing that i really dont get is, if i for example leave the `guid` field empty, it does validates it as required
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:14 sayed but it passes through
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:14 sayed In my users table i am clearly checking the item with the validator
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:14 sayed ``` $validator ->scalar('guid') ->maxLength('guid', 255) ->requirePresence('guid', 'create') ->notEmpty('guid') ->add('guid', 'unique', ['rule' => 'validateUnique', 'provider' => 'table']); ```
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:13 sayed ``` { "message": "SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry \u0027290b0b55-01fc-4c7e-a8b8-1234234\u0027 for key \u0027guid\u0027", "url": "\/api\/users\/add", "code": 500, "file": "\/Users\/sayedshahidi\/sites\/rendement\/vendor\/cakephp\/cakephp\/src\/Database\/Statement\/MysqlStatement.php", "line": 39 } ```
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:13 sayed ```
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:12 sayed fields *
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:12 sayed It does works in the case of other fiels
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:11 hmic whats the error
# Feb 3rd 2018, 17:11 sayed Hi guys, i have a problem with the validation process of an entity. For some reason the cakephp 3 validator passes through the validation process, and it is the mysql that gives out the error on save.
# Feb 3rd 2018, 16:26 admad yup
# Feb 3rd 2018, 16:20 hmic but i can add that to be pulled out of my provided config easily myself
# Feb 3rd 2018, 16:19 hmic :-)
# Feb 3rd 2018, 16:19 hmic as i try to just throw it in the mix, without writing *any* code for it to work as a backend
# Feb 3rd 2018, 16:19 hmic i actually think thats a good feature, especially for crudview
# Feb 3rd 2018, 16:03 admad thought about it but don't want to go about stuffing too much in global config
# Feb 3rd 2018, 16:02 hmic can't specify it in the crud.php config even? :D
# Feb 3rd 2018, 16:02 hmic sounds reasonable ;-)
# Feb 3rd 2018, 15:59 admad all you should need is: $this->viewBuilder->setHelpers([ 'CrudView' => [ 'className' => 'CrudView.CrudView', 'fieldFormatters' => [ 'datetime' => function () {..} ] ] ]);
# Feb 3rd 2018, 15:58 admad just extra safety to ensure the view's beforeLayout to run before any helper's beforeLayout
# Feb 3rd 2018, 15:57 hmic i see you did set a priority on the event - probably for (that?) reason
# Feb 3rd 2018, 15:57 hmic the htmlhelper got loaded differently though, i think the prg component injected it in an event that screwed things up badly
# Feb 3rd 2018, 15:56 hmic that was the idea, yeah
# Feb 3rd 2018, 15:55 admad i have taken care of that :slightly_smiling_face: For the use case you explained earlier you just need to configure the helper through view builder in controller, don't need to extend everything
# Feb 3rd 2018, 15:54 hmic which resulted in a fatal error in the helperregistry checkduplicate method
# Feb 3rd 2018, 15:54 hmic so that the array_merge would have an array like: [0 => 'Html', 'Html' => ['className'] ...]]
# Feb 3rd 2018, 15:53 hmic at least i run into a problem where the htmlhelper got loaded before here: https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/crud-view/pull/231/files#diff-117e49cbe8d9eb7722b105868b236b4eR133