Log message #4100340

# At Username Text
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:41 phantomwatson So the code that I posted would normally be wrapped in `if ($this->request->is('post') {}`
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:41 obinoob sorry I was read https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/table-objects.html#beforesave
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:40 phantomwatson The code that I posted was in the context of a controller method. `$this->request` isn't available in a table.
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:39 obinoob beforeSave() in table right?
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:37 obinoob and make them ->empty('number')
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:37 phantomwatson Like ``` $data = $this->request->getData(); foreach ($data as $datum) { ... (if a number is empty(), remove that 'Phone' member from $data) ... } ```
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:36 phantomwatson Though there's likely a more elegant solution involving putting that logic in a `beforeSave()` callback.
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:36 phantomwatson If it were me, I'd loop through the request data and remove empty phone numbers before saving.
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:34 obinoob the thing is how can it be done?
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:34 obinoob exactly
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:34 phantomwatson It sounds like you need to actually `allowEmpty('number')` and then add some logic in your controller or `PhonesTable` that ignores any `Phone`s with empty numbers instead of saving them to the database.
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:32 phantomwatson Is there any error that is still occurring that you would like help solving?
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:32 obinoob but then I need to provide two phone number as they are not allowed to be empty...
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:32 obinoob no, with not Empty() it will fail in validation as expected
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:31 phantomwatson Even after you added the `notEmpty()` validation rule?
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:30 obinoob at phones table
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:30 obinoob no they are not however the entity is filling up the id and client_id automatically and filling the phone number with null
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:29 phantomwatson So they're not obligated to enter two phone numbers?
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:29 obinoob only saving whats available
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:29 obinoob quite the opposite I only want to save registry in database if available I can't predict if client has or wants to give phone number that are the business rules get that so I can't force them to be required
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:27 phantomwatson It sounds like you need some client-side validation to require values for both phone numbers. if you also include `$validator->requirePresence('number')`, I think the FormHelper will automatically mark the field as required, and modern browsers will automatically prevent the form from being submitted until a value is entered.
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:24 obinoob but the deal is it will fail and I'm obligated to enter two phone numbers
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:24 obinoob sorry not it doesn't
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:23 obinoob yes it does
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:23 phantomwatson Even after you add the `notEmpty()` validation rule it still saves empty values for `number`?
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:22 obinoob phantomwatson the first time it will save empty but the second the "NULL" value is duplicated in DB and by then it will throw a SQL exception at uniqueness constraint
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:19 obinoob phantomwatson INSERT INTO `phones` (`number`, `client_id`, `created`) VALUES (NULL, 44, '2017-12-01 20:38:05')
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:19 phantomwatson In the `PhonesTable` class, try adding `$validator->notEmpty('number');` to `validationDefault()` and removing `allowEmpty('number')` if it's there.
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:18 obinoob phantomwatson entity is saving empty phone...
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:15 phantomwatson What is the error that you're trying to correct?
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:14 obinoob next when I enter a second client with one phone number (a second empty) it fails due to UNIQUE constraint obviously I'm not allowing duplications in database...
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:12 obinoob phantomwatson yes I can, I have and entity with multiple association ex: client hasMany phones! in form I have two inputs for phone numbers (phones.0.number and phones.1.number) so if only enter one phone number the second goes empty. with client FK id and PK id as well...
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:07 phantomwatson *Question for the rest of the channel:* can anyone recommend a way to change a component configuration value from inside an integration test? (I'm trying to turn off reCAPTCHA response checking in a test.)
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:05 phantomwatson You need a validation rule that invalidates entities if they're missing a foreign key for an association?
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:05 phantomwatson Could you be more specific in your question? I don't understand.
# Dec 1st 2017, 21:04 obinoob anyone willing to help?
# Dec 1st 2017, 20:26 obinoob how can I avoid entity from saving association if empty allowed and no value is passed?
# Dec 1st 2017, 19:56 obinoob h.mavisakalian I would start by checking the XHR request under Network -> Chrome (or oder) so you can take a closer look at "Form Data" then obviously debug($this->request->data())... in controller action
# Dec 1st 2017, 19:48 h.mavisakalian I am fetching data from a JSON url
# Dec 1st 2017, 19:48 h.mavisakalian ?
# Dec 1st 2017, 19:48 h.mavisakalian Any ideas