Log message #4096816

# At Username Text
# Nov 15th 2017, 12:24 obinoob hi, anyone ever used x-editable with cakephp 3? i'm having a bit of trouble sending csrf token this is my front end example https://gist.github.com/obinoob/0f037cddba9a5e268245d663155455f9
# Nov 15th 2017, 12:23 acosonic my team also logs to mysql errors, and stuff like when some bots are trying to access wp-login or phpmyadmin... And once I catch some time I'll create honeypot trap and fail2ban rule to ban such bots...
# Nov 15th 2017, 11:40 inoas I'd consider myisam for mysql/mariadb log ;)
# Nov 15th 2017, 11:40 inoas too much of a real database for pure logs anyway ;p
# Nov 15th 2017, 11:36 dereuromark yeah, not sure about the postgres compat. yet
# Nov 15th 2017, 11:36 inoas you mean you are using mysql as the log backend, ok same plan
# Nov 15th 2017, 11:35 dereuromark only for mysql though
# Nov 15th 2017, 11:35 dereuromark sure
# Nov 15th 2017, 11:35 inoas dereuromark are you using https://github.com/dereuromark/CakePHP-DatabaseLog in production recently?
# Nov 15th 2017, 11:24 dereuromark Looking forward to seeing you later @ https://twitter.com/dereuromark/status/930757638803087360
# Nov 15th 2017, 10:59 danishkhan3621 I want to point to webroot of a plugins folder but this code echo $this->Html->css('/dist/css/skins/_all-skins.min.css'); is pointing to the main application webroot in cakephp 3
# Nov 15th 2017, 10:44 acosonic hey @dereuromark I'm at "La pascarella" :) sitting alone, great place...
# Nov 15th 2017, 10:34 dfens like cake bake migration CreateCampaignDays name winset_id
# Nov 15th 2017, 10:34 dfens can i add a foreign key when doing cake bake migrations?
# Nov 15th 2017, 10:19 stoykovnet Thanks a lot! :-)
# Nov 15th 2017, 10:16 dereuromark also check awesome list
# Nov 15th 2017, 10:16 dereuromark Search eav term and cakephp
# Nov 15th 2017, 10:07 slackebot2 each custom field should have it's own type. Can you tip me with anything: like good practices, plugins or projects where such situation is handled nicely? :thinking_face: ,:) I was thinking of creating the following tables: `post_custom_fields` related to `custom_field_types` and `posts`. But would it do any good?
# Nov 15th 2017, 10:07 stoykovnet Hey Cake! At work I was asked to implement a functionality, where the users should be able to define their own custom fields (up to 5) to some model (let's say Posts). For example, one user would want to add two fields with labels "Source" and "Publisher", but another user wants to have fields with labels "Company name" and "Status". Then for each Post the user should be able to add values for those fields. To add more to the challenge
# Nov 15th 2017, 09:56 saeideng or see validation and chronos classs maybe you able to find proper method
# Nov 15th 2017, 09:55 saeideng dfens : custom validate
# Nov 15th 2017, 09:44 k4t just a typo neon :P
# Nov 15th 2017, 09:40 kaliel Hi everyone, is that the expected behavior for Collection::sortBy() to keep original index of array ?
# Nov 15th 2017, 09:39 megan lol
# Nov 15th 2017, 09:37 neon1024 I’m neither a lady, nor married. Sorry ;)
# Nov 15th 2017, 09:36 neon1024 Mrs?
# Nov 15th 2017, 09:36 k4t hello Mrs neon1024
# Nov 15th 2017, 09:33 neon1024 Morning everyone
# Nov 15th 2017, 09:28 dfens but whats the validation method for it
# Nov 15th 2017, 09:16 saeideng `$timestamp1<$timestamp2`
# Nov 15th 2017, 09:15 saeideng convert to timestamp
# Nov 15th 2017, 07:42 dfens somethink like $validator->greaterThan('startTime','endTime')
# Nov 15th 2017, 07:41 dfens *field
# Nov 15th 2017, 07:41 dfens hi, how can i validate one time based filed to be greater than another (start-end time)?
# Nov 14th 2017, 23:14 saeideng set json in bedorefilter
# Nov 14th 2017, 22:24 meder is there a way to force an entire controller to use a json response, even with exceptions being thrown by cake?
# Nov 14th 2017, 20:49 stoykovnet Everything, without vendors dir (which is ignored by default after cake installation)
# Nov 14th 2017, 20:47 fensd ok thanks, makes sense, do you als have the whole cakephp in git?
# Nov 14th 2017, 20:44 stoykovnet It's much better than ftp.
# Nov 14th 2017, 20:42 stoykovnet @fensd I use this approach for deploying local changes to my remote server https://mikeeverhart.net/2013/01/using-git-to-deploy-code/
# Nov 14th 2017, 20:39 fensd is there something like yeoman for cakephp to create a nice build environment