Log message #4056573

# At Username Text
# Jul 25th 2017, 11:00 neon1024 I don’t think calling me a robot is productive discussion :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 25th 2017, 11:00 inoas robots do not
# Jul 25th 2017, 10:59 inoas cause humans understand context
# Jul 25th 2017, 10:59 neon1024 You’ve swapped my example to the query class
# Jul 25th 2017, 10:59 inoas yes
# Jul 25th 2017, 10:59 neon1024 You’ve added context already
# Jul 25th 2017, 10:59 inoas where $query->getWhereClause() does not
# Jul 25th 2017, 10:59 inoas if you are a robot then you should not code... you do not need a docblock do know that $query->stuff() modifies the query
# Jul 25th 2017, 10:59 neon1024 (shrug)
# Jul 25th 2017, 10:59 neon1024 What is stuff doing?
# Jul 25th 2017, 10:59 neon1024 `$something->stuff()`
# Jul 25th 2017, 10:59 neon1024 You don’t have a docblock when calling a method.
# Jul 25th 2017, 10:58 neon1024 Pfft
# Jul 25th 2017, 10:34 inoas aynway I won't answer to that ticket anymore... there has been one answer by neon1024 basically saying the discoverability lacks when you don't have consistent set/get classes... and I think thats false as you cannot pretty much work with tools where you did not even read the docblock or 1st chapter of the docs... if you know you are working with a builder (we are not dumb robots, are we?), then you know calling methods will mutate the state of the object
# Jul 25th 2017, 10:31 inoas dereuromark if you make a statement it may happen that it counts also for what you do not support... that's just a good culture of finding solutions via discussions
# Jul 25th 2017, 10:11 johnwayne Sometimes you have to check out whole process from A to B -> to be sure :)
# Jul 25th 2017, 10:05 littleylv so it is a hard-coded path lol
# Jul 25th 2017, 10:03 johnwayne @littleylv error comes from developer, he has written that warning info in model and I was always getting same error. Thank you for help!
# Jul 25th 2017, 09:14 littleylv :cakephp:
# Jul 25th 2017, 09:12 johnwayne @littleylv if I debug that path it looks ok (always path from testing server - localhost, development or staging) but from somewhere during CSV Export hes taking that local url like that is somewhere hard-coded... however thank you for your support and time
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:48 neon1024 Especially if someone got hold of the session id
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:48 neon1024 If a session could be extended, and someone took over the session, the hijacked session could be kept alive indefinitely
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:47 neon1024 At least then you can invalidate the cookie on the server side giving you more control
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:47 neon1024 I’d probably just include a ‘remember me’ cookie or similar
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:47 neon1024 I can’t think why you’d want to, it feels like a security risk to me
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:47 neon1024 No idea, sorry, I don’t do it
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:45 tawriq @neon1024 rather than renewing the sessions' expiry date, is it possible to extend it by a specified amount ?
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:41 littleylv this is the path where to write cli-error.log
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:40 littleylv @johnwayne see `app.php` and check `‘error’ => [ ‘className’ => ‘Cake\Log\Engine\FileLog’, ‘path’ => LOGS,`
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:37 neon1024 s/must/just
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:37 neon1024 I must prefer to log them out myself
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:37 neon1024 Pretty sure that’s what @ionas does to keep his users logged in
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:37 neon1024 Ajax then I suppose, on a timer, which goes to hit a PHP method which does something to refresh the session
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:36 tawriq my bad :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:36 neon1024 Well you didn’t stipulate that! ;)
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:36 tawriq @neon1024 that would effect all sessions. I am trying to change the expiry date of a particular session.
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:34 johnwayne @littleylv Thats local path from another user, mine is different. He is trying to write log into this path, but I do not know how/where to change/set this path. Logically would be to take always path from current user/server
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:30 neon1024 Using `ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 3600);` would be my first thought
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:25 tawriq Hi, I am using php 7.1 and cakephp 3.3.*. Is there an easy way to manipulate a sessions expiry date on the fly ?
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:18 littleylv so you mean `/Users/chongChong/Documents/Work/myapp/logs/` is your local PC path. But when you run cli in your server, it attempt to write log into this fold?
# Jul 25th 2017, 08:17 neon1024 Morning everyone