Log message #4056449

# At Username Text
# Jul 24th 2017, 19:24 chrisshick then a field for the directory
# Jul 24th 2017, 19:23 chrisshick So, if you have a Links table then there should be a field called 'image' ( this is configureable )
# Jul 24th 2017, 19:23 chrisshick Actually, I thought the Proffer plugin uses a field inside your table
# Jul 24th 2017, 19:23 jarard I need to re-visit it I think
# Jul 24th 2017, 19:21 chrisshick I thought the Proffer plugin works as a hasOne by default
# Jul 24th 2017, 19:20 jarard so I kind of hacked it to work with HasMany
# Jul 24th 2017, 19:19 jarard I couldn't get the Proffer plugin which I am using to upload images to work with HasOne
# Jul 24th 2017, 19:18 chrisshick Is there a reason you have it as a hasMany?
# Jul 24th 2017, 19:17 jarard it's actually hasMany but I want to force it to hasOne in this case
# Jul 24th 2017, 19:16 chrisshick Is this a hasOne association?
# Jul 24th 2017, 19:15 jarard chrisshick - but how would I know the associated record to be deleted?
# Jul 24th 2017, 19:15 jarard so once the edit has saved successfuly I would delete the exisiting assoicated record?
# Jul 24th 2017, 19:14 chrisshick jarard, the afterSave might be better because then you know that the save actually succeed or not.
# Jul 24th 2017, 19:12 jarard would I use a beforeSave call?
# Jul 24th 2017, 19:10 jarard I have a Link model which has an associated Image - what is the best way to remove the previously saved Image on the edit action?
# Jul 24th 2017, 18:27 aaronc Cool cool. mysqldump it is...
# Jul 24th 2017, 18:14 jeremyharris whereas duplicating the schema in a lockfile is a little more trivial
# Jul 24th 2017, 18:13 jeremyharris it would need to know all the data that was ever stored, essentially duplicating the db :P
# Jul 24th 2017, 18:12 jeremyharris no, there is not
# Jul 24th 2017, 18:12 aaronc Got it, but theres no equivalent of ```bin/cake bake migration_diff NAME``` that also automagically handles row data?
# Jul 24th 2017, 18:10 jeremyharris you can use the cake orm to play with the data, or phinx which has various helper methods
# Jul 24th 2017, 18:10 jeremyharris you can modify data in migrations as well. I usually make a separate migration for such cases
# Jul 24th 2017, 18:09 aaronc So migrations only handles the DB schema? How can I keep database state (rows/data) in sync between development machines?
# Jul 24th 2017, 18:01 viraj.khatavkar @mikesmoniker @admad Sounds great :thumbsup:
# Jul 24th 2017, 17:18 mikesmoniker I don’t believe so.
# Jul 24th 2017, 17:17 styks1987 Does the http\client have something like https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle-services for client service descriptions?
# Jul 24th 2017, 17:16 admad just make a plugin and share with the community :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 24th 2017, 17:16 admad right, that's unlikely to make it into core.
# Jul 24th 2017, 17:15 mikesmoniker I’m guessing that’s a little too niche for something in core based my limited observations of how Cake core PRs tend to go.
# Jul 24th 2017, 17:14 admad i was just about to link to that, @mikesmoniker beat me to it :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 24th 2017, 17:14 mikesmoniker @viraj.khatavkar Looks like what CakeDC did in Mixer was using Symfony/Composer libs: https://github.com/CakeDC/mixer/blob/master/src/Controller/Component/ComposerComponent.php#L79
# Jul 24th 2017, 17:05 viraj.khatavkar Would it be a good feature to have something like this in the core - to execute other commands and get them in realtime?
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:59 viraj.khatavkar Okay, but then I have to catch and echo the output. Anyways, I am now using the Symfony’s Process component to get the output in realtime and echo it to the console.
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:52 admad Using exec() for eg
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:52 admad @viraj.khatavkar you can run it just like you would any cli command
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:47 viraj.khatavkar Is it possible to run other commands like `composer dump-autoload` from a `main` method of shell command? I didn’t find anything in the documentation..
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:42 rudy1976s hello is there a way to reset belongToMany relation at runtime ?
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:04 hmic - this is *not* good practise, but only some lines of code to prove whats wrong.
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:04 hmic just add global no-cache headers - google! - to your bootstrap.php and see if it's working after clearing your browser cache
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:03 hmic so should your webserver! (on non-static content)
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:03 hmic it does not add headers you dont ask for