Log message #4056415

# At Username Text
# Jul 24th 2017, 17:14 admad i was just about to link to that, @mikesmoniker beat me to it :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 24th 2017, 17:14 mikesmoniker @viraj.khatavkar Looks like what CakeDC did in Mixer was using Symfony/Composer libs: https://github.com/CakeDC/mixer/blob/master/src/Controller/Component/ComposerComponent.php#L79
# Jul 24th 2017, 17:05 viraj.khatavkar Would it be a good feature to have something like this in the core - to execute other commands and get them in realtime?
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:59 viraj.khatavkar Okay, but then I have to catch and echo the output. Anyways, I am now using the Symfony’s Process component to get the output in realtime and echo it to the console.
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:52 admad Using exec() for eg
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:52 admad @viraj.khatavkar you can run it just like you would any cli command
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:47 viraj.khatavkar Is it possible to run other commands like `composer dump-autoload` from a `main` method of shell command? I didn’t find anything in the documentation..
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:42 rudy1976s hello is there a way to reset belongToMany relation at runtime ?
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:04 hmic - this is *not* good practise, but only some lines of code to prove whats wrong.
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:04 hmic just add global no-cache headers - google! - to your bootstrap.php and see if it's working after clearing your browser cache
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:03 hmic so should your webserver! (on non-static content)
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:03 hmic it does not add headers you dont ask for
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:03 hmic why would it?
# Jul 24th 2017, 16:00 banna Isn't cakephp handles that thing by default?
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:58 hmic no ETag too
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:58 hmic and your browser caches *everything* as your headers tell it to do so!
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:58 hmic banna: because you never logged out
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:57 banna and when i hard refresh it, it displays current account information
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:57 hmic banna: check your headers on the logout action, like i suspected: Cache-Control: "max-age=172800", Expires: "Wed, 26 Jul 2017 15:55:22 GMT", Location: "/users/login", StatusCode: 302
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:57 banna One more thing, Its not only redirect problem, when i login with second account, it still displays first account information
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:57 inoas but well - time will tell
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:57 inoas people can use 3.x if they want to create old apps
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:57 inoas cleptric I think 7.2 should be the target - no reason to fall behind on new releases
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:55 banna Ok, thanks mate, I will try that with the server it that helps
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:53 hmic most people would thing that what you are doing should be working on the cake3 side. still i suspect your caching headers are wrong/bad. so these could be added by your server, proxy, loadbalancer, whatever too
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:52 banna Is there anything that needs to be changed on server? or it has to be done on my cakephp? I am using default function as you can see in the logout function, and not caching it anywhere
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:50 hmic make sure your cache header is setup correctly? do a temporary redirect only?
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:49 banna What I am supposed to do to overcome this problem?
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:48 banna @hmic It always happens, every time i login to a new browser
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:47 hmic banna: browser cache? as you redirect, it will directly go to where it got redirected the first time
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:44 slackebot 'action' = "login")); } Second time it doesn't even go to logout action
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:44 banna I am using cakephp 2.9, On the server i can't logout after logging in second time using two different account To see the issue please visit the url - http://dev.casaparticulares.net/dashboard First login using - tjax78@gmail.com> / test4321 You won't be able to logout second time. public function logout() { $this->Cookie->delete('remember_me'); $this->Auth->logout(); $this->redirect(array('plugin' => false, 'controller'
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:27 hmic sure. it will show us the failures of the past.
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:26 cleptric I don’t agree, but I’m fine with that :slightly_smiling_face: The future will tell us more ^^
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:26 hmic dont think this needs further discussion
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:26 hmic even today, ondrej has the php repo you use on ubuntu - everybody knows how to install from there
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:25 hmic ubuntu 18.04 will have it. thats about the time cake4 will be in the wild i guess. so every man and it's dog will have it by then.
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:24 hmic if they dont, they do not run their own server. simple as that
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:24 hmic and i said, the transition is taking place now, it will need a year to be carried out, but cake4 does too
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:24 cleptric If you know how to do it great. But not everyone does
# Jul 24th 2017, 15:23 hmic for your standalone server, it's no problem to go for current php verions