Log message #4055641

# At Username Text
# Jul 21st 2017, 19:35 wp4nuv nvm, I was able to figure it out.. thanks for your positive thoughts!
# Jul 21st 2017, 19:16 wp4nuv I'm supposed to parse between a guid url parameter or a named action... something like budget/:guid or budget/enter_values
# Jul 21st 2017, 19:15 wp4nuv Hello all.. This is probably super dumb, but I'm having issues with Routing.. and frankly the named routes section doesn't make much sense to me..
# Jul 21st 2017, 18:41 ericadeefox ^^thanks!!
# Jul 21st 2017, 18:39 genellern You can set your connection with --connection test, but it's not required unless you have something that's not in your fixtures
# Jul 21st 2017, 18:38 dereuromark most dont, because they use fixtures which auto create everything all the time
# Jul 21st 2017, 18:37 ericadeefox can't tell if this is a dumb question or not: how to run a migration on a testing database?
# Jul 21st 2017, 18:24 savant no problem
# Jul 21st 2017, 18:21 swimboy s the sound of my head hitting the wall. Thank you @savant
# Jul 21st 2017, 18:21 swimboy BANG! BANG! BANG! That
# Jul 21st 2017, 18:20 savant https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/query-builder.html#advanced-conditions
# Jul 21st 2017, 18:19 swimboy That’s just it, I don’t know where or how to put an “or statement”. All I’ve found is the ->union() method for a query, and it seems to recurse indefinitely when I try to use it.
# Jul 21st 2017, 18:18 savant why not just write the or statement out?
# Jul 21st 2017, 18:18 savant ah
# Jul 21st 2017, 18:14 swimboy These two finders find records from the same table by two orthogonal criteria. I want a single finder that will find all records that qualify by either criterion.
# Jul 21st 2017, 18:13 savant and what do you mean by “union”
# Jul 21st 2017, 18:11 swimboy https://pastebin.com/VYrZm5cY
# Jul 21st 2017, 18:10 savant @swimboy might help to see the finders
# Jul 21st 2017, 18:00 swimboy I have two relatively simple finder methods, and I’m trying to create a third method that finds the union of the first two. I’m missing something because everything I try complains that my query has hit the recursion limit. Can anybody steer me in the right direction for this?
# Jul 21st 2017, 17:57 eax Thanks admad!
# Jul 21st 2017, 17:56 admad eax: https://github.com/cakephp/app/blob/master/src/Console/Installer.php#L113
# Jul 21st 2017, 17:54 eax admad: Which permissions exactly?
# Jul 21st 2017, 17:53 admad fix the permissions
# Jul 21st 2017, 17:52 eax Hey folks - I am getting: Script App\Console\Installer::postInstall handling the post-install-cmd event terminated with an exception [ErrorException] mkdir(): Permission denied - When I try to update my Cake3 project through Composer - Anyone know how to solve this?
# Jul 21st 2017, 17:13 nemmons more or less, yeah.
# Jul 21st 2017, 16:55 Alex__ ok, models have changed a lot. Do most of the methods that used to go into model now go into table?
# Jul 21st 2017, 16:36 admad i think it's currently broken but you can fix it :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 21st 2017, 16:35 admad @viraj.khatavkar https://github.com/cakephp/codeception
# Jul 21st 2017, 16:35 viraj.khatavkar Because it would do an actual HTTP request?
# Jul 21st 2017, 16:35 viraj.khatavkar But will the above thing work with Codeception then?
# Jul 21st 2017, 16:34 admad everything is done within same process
# Jul 21st 2017, 16:34 nemmons okay that makes sense, thanks admad
# Jul 21st 2017, 16:34 admad s/not/no
# Jul 21st 2017, 16:33 jeremyharris also, alias requires two params
# Jul 21st 2017, 16:33 admad also there's not actual http request
# Jul 21st 2017, 16:33 admad there's no separate thread :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 21st 2017, 16:33 nemmons oh unless the post method isn't actually making a separate HTTP request but just generating a new request object in the same execution context
# Jul 21st 2017, 16:30 nemmons in relation to Viraj's question above - say in a test i do something like ` ConnectionManager::alias('other_connection'); $this->post('/some/url', $params]);` to test some URL in my application. This shouldn't actually work, because in the new PHP `thread` for executing the post request, the alias as defined above won't be persisted, because it's executing from a separate context. Right? Or am i completely misunderstanding how php works?
# Jul 21st 2017, 16:26 Alex__ Found it!
# Jul 21st 2017, 16:25 admad plus we have crud and crud-view plugins ;0
# Jul 21st 2017, 16:23 jeremyharris There is!