Log message #4055310

# At Username Text
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:10 neon1024 As that will automagically add my methods, so my components call to allow() which I”m trying to test becomes irrelevant
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:09 neon1024 Sidesteps the code I’m trying to test it would seem, https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/src/Controller/Component/AuthComponent.php#L621-L623
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:09 slackebot Action: neothermic stabs the ORM in cake2
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:08 neothermic so what does allow() do to the data that makes it all work?
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:07 neon1024 It seems I have to call allow() and then dump allowedActions
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:06 cleptric Doesn’t look like anything is mutated here
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:06 cleptric ``` public function __debugInfo() { return [ 'components' => $this->components, 'implementedEvents' => $this->implementedEvents(), '_config' => $this->getConfig(), ]; } ```
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:05 cleptric Is `$controller->Auth` the right instance?
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:04 neon1024 I find it very confusing that a call to var_dump would change the internal state of the object it’s dumping
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:04 neothermic Something's modifying your scope
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:04 neothermic @neon1024 Yeah, I'd be wear of magic there
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:03 neon1024 Is this down to the accursed magic method `__debugInfo` again?
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:03 neon1024 With both var_dump calls, ln12 is NULL and ln13 is the array I’m expecting
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:02 neon1024 I’ve encountered a very strange bug in my test, https://pastebin.com/uzXP8FYB, which if I comment out line 12 of my paste, it makes line 13 empty.
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:02 jay Post on the issue :slightly_smiling_face: would be good to get a different opinion
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:02 neothermic maybe -t should take something like `all` as an argument, rather than `--all` being a flag
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:01 jay If you have the ability to rollback migrations to a certain point, then I would expect to be able to rollback from the starting point without having to find the reference
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:01 neothermic in our context, a new dev starting today would get a copy of the structure from today, not from 2015 :P
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:01 jay But you shouldn't limit a tool just because a developer might use it wrong, that's down to them
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:00 jay depends on when the structure was updated, yes.
# Jul 21st 2017, 11:00 neothermic a fresh environment should be bootstrapped from a modern copy of the structure, not from the starting structure.
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:59 jay I disagree. You may want to rollback all migrations to test that all migrations run on a fresh environment. You may have rotated your migrations for a new release, and need to test that they all run correctly before releasing to live. etc..
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:59 neothermic (I mean, for context, we have 317 migrations in our project since 2015.. if anyone rolled back all of them on live, we'd have to restore from backups!)
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:58 neothermic but your development env should be mostly faithful to the live env; so if you'd never rollback ALL migrations on live, you shouldn't be doing that on dev, IMO
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:56 jay I can see the use case in development environments
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:55 neothermic (I can't imagine production environments wanting to roll back all migrations(!))
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:55 neothermic Hmm, what usecase would --all be handy for?
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:53 jay I wasn't having a dig, I was just looking to help and try and get some more support
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:53 neothermic I've tried doing `hour(event_occurred) as \`Stats.hour\``, but that doesn't work (they just appear as `Stats.hour` under the `0` key still)
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:53 jay @lorenzo I got the 15 day mark from this https://github.com/cakephp/phinx/issues/1128 I can't see any issue that has been responded to since that one
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:53 neothermic Mrr. Is there any way to get cake to put dynamic fields under the structured data? Lets say I'm pulling data back from the Stats model, and I have a computed field `hour(event_occurred)`, how can I get that to appear under the `Stats` key rather than under the `0` key? :S
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:43 lorenzo @jay any issue in particular you are referring to?
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:41 lorenzo So that 15 day mark does not hold
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:41 lorenzo @jay I've bee merging and responding to issues this week
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:29 neon1024 Can just create a stub class in the test in the correct namespace :)
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:29 neon1024 Solved! http://php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.definitionmultiple.php
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:28 neon1024 I don’t want the mess of a test app for a single class, along with it’s autoload configuration
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:28 jay Why do you want to sidestep it?
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:26 neon1024 I’d like to unit test my plugins controller, but it extends AppController. Is there a neat way to sidestep that in my tests? Or do I need to make a TestApp, like the core does? https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/tests/test_app/TestApp/Controller/AppController.php
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:19 jay Alright, sounds good. /cc @lorenzo ^
# Jul 21st 2017, 10:15 neon1024 @jay Perhaps it’s worth opening a ticket on cakephp/migrations repo? Although it does feel more like an email to core team might be better. Maybe you can get in touch with @megan and ask her if she has any news which could be made into a blog post to keep the community appraised of the current plans with cakephp/phinx and cakephp/migrations. Depends on how far the core team have got with the plans I suppose