Log message #4054892

# At Username Text
# Jul 20th 2017, 20:20 gutts i just want a numerical array with unique 'type' fields from my original collection
# Jul 20th 2017, 20:20 gutts $coll->indexBy('type')->extract('type')->toArray(); this becomes [type => type] .. how can I turn this into a numerical array?
# Jul 20th 2017, 20:18 swimboy I’ve tried `return $query->find('important')->union($query->find('recent'));` as the content of my finder function, but it seems to recurse, because I get an error “Maximum function nesting level of ‘256’ reached, aborting! ”
# Jul 20th 2017, 20:07 swimboy I have created two custom finders named ‘important’ and ‘recent’. I’m trying to build a third custom finder that finds the union of the first two and am not having any luck.
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:58 mikesmoniker Either way, this is perfect. Now I can just `kill` away.
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:55 mikesmoniker Is that tagged?
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:54 savant and the worker will finish its current job and shut down
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:54 savant so you can send them a SIGQUIT or SIGTERM
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:53 savant @cleptric i think you use that
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:53 savant https://github.com/josegonzalez/php-queuesadilla/pull/65
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:53 savant @mikesmoniker queuesadilla supports signal handling
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:52 savant mikesmoniker sure whatsup
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:49 alysson-azevedo that `\` was missed somewhere
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:48 alysson-azevedo i need it to returns my data as `{"data": "Sa\u00fade"}`, but $request->input() returns `{"data": "Sau00fade"}`
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:45 alysson-azevedo Now i need help witht the $request->input()
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:43 styks1987 ok, thanks. Just wanted to check. It seems I have something wrapping the json response in html...
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:38 jeremyharris styks1987 usually the requesthandler is what does the automatic stuff, assuming you have extensions set in your routes
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:35 styks1987 what triggers an exception to render as json vs html?
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:34 gutts tried groupBy('type')->extract('type') but that defines 'a' and 'b' as the keys
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:34 gutts ex [['type' => 'a'], ['type' => 'a'], ['type' => 'b']] i just want 'a' and 'b'
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:34 gutts is there a way to extract by unique field in a cake collection?
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:26 alysson-azevedo and i'm using an middleware to do it before my app is called
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:25 alysson-azevedo the thing is that i need to validate an API signature.
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:24 alysson-azevedo i mean
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:24 jeremyharris oh ok
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:24 jeremyharris or if it’s a string you want to set, I’ve got to look it up
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:24 alysson-azevedo that works, thanks
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:23 jeremyharris is this post body data that you want to change then? you can use withParsedBody
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:22 alysson-azevedo yes.
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:21 jeremyharris sorry misunderstood your code. looks like it’s middleware that you want to modify the body?
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:21 jeremyharris it’s a response method
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:21 alysson-azevedo i'll try find what method returns that object
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:20 alysson-azevedo withStringBody does not exist
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:19 jeremyharris try ->withStringBody if it’s a string
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:19 alysson-azevedo how can i make that streaminterface?
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:18 alysson-azevedo how can i create a new request element with same headers but diferent body? ``` $data = somefunc( $request->input() ); $request = $request->withBody($data); return $next($request, $response); ``` returns the error `Argument 1 passed to Cake\\Http\\ServerRequest::withBody() must implement interface Psr\\Http\\Message\\StreamInterface, string given`
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:09 jeremyharris I’ve had no problems last few years
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:09 mikesmoniker Good to know.
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:08 jeremyharris yea they had a rough start, but they’ve been solid for a few years straight now after fixing their mesh issues
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:08 mikesmoniker Er. They’ve gotten better recently? A few years ago they were kind of rough.
# Jul 20th 2017, 19:08 mikesmoniker They'