Log message #4054457

# At Username Text
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:41 josexato @hmic from point, do you think that using the views and templates in cake are not the best option to lauch a platform to the public?
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:39 saeideng but you no force to using this plugin
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:39 saeideng and is very useful
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:39 saeideng even that sent to you redirect url for especial usage
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:38 saeideng this pluggin separate response content and error message
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:37 saeideng i personally use dereuromark ajax plugin
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:35 hmic use a frontend framework and an api to get your data :p
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:35 hmic ajax is so 2000...
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:35 saeideng ``` $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: '?php echo $this->Html->url(['action' => 'favorites']); ?', success: function(response) { $('#target').html(response); }, error: function(e) { console.log(e); } }); ```
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:34 neon1024 If you want a super basic introduction, https://www.w3schools.com/xml/ajax_intro.asp
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:33 saeideng cake 3 have not helper for this
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:32 saeideng you just need js to send ajax request
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:32 josexato thanks, the views documentations is what is a bit fuzzy, I am still trying to undestand it better
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:30 saeideng in controller area
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:30 saeideng but you can detect it by `$this->request->is('ajax')`
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:29 saeideng ajax and normal request is equal
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:28 josexato thank, I am using cake 3 but i'll read to understand the aproach
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:28 neon1024 http://sandbox.dereuromark.de/sandbox/jquery-examples> => <https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-sandbox/tree/3.0/plugins/Sandbox/src/Template/AjaxExamples
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:28 saeideng ajax is very simple in cakephp3
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:28 saeideng but is useful to reading it
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:27 saeideng this used a plugin on cake2
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:27 saeideng http://www.dereuromark.de/2014/01/09/ajax-and-cakephp/
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:24 josexato Hello, I am looking to do a view that updates by it self, I think this is ajax, I've search for this in the cookbook but did not find anything explicit in how to implement an ajax view. can you please recomend me some tutorial?
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:19 saeideng good morning
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:17 lorenzo good morning :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:17 lorenzo hehe
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:12 neon1024 @lorenzo even!
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:12 neon1024 On another note, Morning @lorello
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:08 neon1024 It’s a minor thing, but it just popped into my brain when I saw it
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:08 neon1024 They’re feature toggles I guess
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:06 lorenzo I think it is ok to have a few Configure::read() around, it if is static configuration (defined n the bootstrap or app.php)
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:06 lorenzo what configuration do you want to pass?
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:03 neon1024 Passing configuration to a helper or similar is very simple, but with a controller it doesn’t feel as obvious
# Jul 20th 2017, 09:03 neon1024 Is it ‘okay’ for Controllers to read from Configure::read() as it feels like this is an object reaching out for it’s dependancies rather than being given them on creation
# Jul 20th 2017, 08:29 mirec no, these are two different problems
# Jul 20th 2017, 08:26 sonu_nk Does the SSL include XSS protection as well?
# Jul 20th 2017, 07:54 mirec morning :)
# Jul 20th 2017, 07:53 neon1024 Morning everyone
# Jul 20th 2017, 05:57 miks just did hahaha thanks.
# Jul 20th 2017, 05:54 admad miks: have you set inner join in the association config or left join?
# Jul 20th 2017, 05:25 miks I just want to understand this behavior