Log message #4054358

# At Username Text
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:52 jeremyharris Not really aimed at the crm market, who want complicated features. We have things like custom fields, reporting, etc though
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:51 jeremyharris Yes, a light sort of crm
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:51 jeremyharris In the process of rewriting copy too, it's marketed too specifically
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:51 spencdev that like a CRM?
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:51 jeremyharris Yes, https://followfox.com .. Working on marketing right now. Need to hire a designer too :P
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:50 admad it hasnt
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:50 inoas jeremyharris urgh... is your startup app public?
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:50 gutts well, things could change in two years
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:49 admad gutts: given that the author of events system in cake says so, i would say "yes" :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:49 jeremyharris Inoas reading the code on mobile is hard :) But I think I'm following
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:48 gutts is https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/issues/7537#issuecomment-154719250 the preferred way of having multiple callbacks?
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:47 jeremyharris Yeah unfortunately not. Been without income for a while and things are getting tight. Hopefully my startup app starts getting traction
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:47 inoas https://gist.github.com/inoas/5d71c67f1714fc941a3e93bb408d1b7a#gistcomment-2152306 here are the other abstract classes for the options building
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:47 inoas I am not much into beer but I am also open to donate a few to you :)
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:46 inoas no money for beer? :/
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:46 jeremyharris Inoas honestly what?
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:46 jeremyharris That would make me just as happy
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:46 jeremyharris Gutts donate to the cake project instead :)
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:45 jeremyharris Inoas the options still come in as an array right? Then just converted to arrayaccess
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:44 gutts jeremyharris: do you have an app where i could get you a beer? i owe you one.. or a couple
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:44 inoas honestly jeremy?
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:44 gutts admad: so just specify it twice will do it?
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:44 jeremyharris No money for beer lately :( stupid lack of income
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:43 admad then i dont know :P
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:43 jeremyharris Unfortunately
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:43 admad are you sober?
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:43 jeremyharris I feel like my messages are getting dropped sometimes
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:42 gutts oh yeah?
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:42 admad gutts: you can have multiple listeners for an event and also set priorities for listeners
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:42 inoas but you do not have to
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:42 inoas so you CAN create all the setter functions for IDE magic
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:41 inoas and __call()
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:41 inoas so jeremyharris what I did is working with ArrayAccess and builder-type setters (aka without the setter word)
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:40 gutts would that be the cake way?
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:40 gutts i was goign to just define function afterSaveNewStuff(Event $event, Entity $entity) and do $this->importStuff($event, $entity); and $this->somethingElse($event, $entity);
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:39 gutts example: implementedEvents = ['Model.afterSaveNew' => 'importStuff'] , but I want to call something else in addition to importStuff and keep importStuff pure
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:39 jeremyharris Gutts wouldn't you have another listener for the second function's logic?
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:38 gutts versus specifying it a 2nd time? (guessing it only fires once)
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:38 gutts if i have a listener and for a specific event, bind it to a function... if i want 2 functions to fire should i just create a master function to call them both?
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:37 jeremyharris That was fast :) yeah that's looking like the right track. You can also look at the ConsoleOptionParser for inspiration, it does similar logic
# Jul 19th 2017, 20:34 inoas obviously the lines I marked need to be more of a declarative schema validator