Log message #4053272

# At Username Text
# Jul 18th 2017, 10:04 neon1024 So am I right in thinking that this forces each class which is put into the registry to take it’s configuration as an array? https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/src/Core/ObjectRegistry.php#L93
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:50 dereuromark You should be able to use a ArrayDatasource or sth here
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:38 johnwayne I am now making so that I am collecting ids from my array and make where in $thoseIds - than I am getting "normal" cakephp pagination (if you have understood me :) )
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:36 johnwayne @dereuromark 3.3.2
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:31 slackebot !tell johnwayne about v
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:31 slackebot Command sent from Slack by dereuromark:
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:24 johnwayne Is there an easy way to make pagination from an array wich look 100% like cakephp object compatibile with pagination
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:16 MartOn dakota - I will see.. First I will look into tests and see if its tested
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:13 dakota If you figure it out, would you be able to add something to the docs? :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:12 dakota Probably is, most of the 2.x tree methods are well tested, but poorly documented
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:12 MartOn I will se if this is tested in tests
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:12 MartOn dakota - hm.
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:10 dakota I have no idea if it actually works or not though
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:10 dakota There is a scope config option
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:10 dakota https://api.cakephp.org/2.9/source-class-TreeBehavior.html#46-49
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:09 MartOn its basically that I am looking for. I found 2 repos.. but the lack tests and did not work on my 100 000 node tree at least
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:09 MartOn dakota - v2 does not support scope. AFAIK
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:08 dakota Haven’t written any 2.x code for nearly 3 years
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:08 dakota If I remember correctly, the 2.x behaviour works the same/similar
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:08 dakota Documentation on 3.x: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/behaviors/tree.html#scoping-and-multi-trees
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:08 dakota using the scope option
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:08 dakota I think it can
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:07 dakota Oh right :slightly_smiling_face: You mean multiple trees
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:07 MartOn dakota - Yes. but still there is only one set of lft-rght values?
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:06 dakota A root is simply a node with a parent_id of null
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:06 MartOn dakota - where is that documented?
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:06 dakota You can have as many roots as you want
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:06 dakota It does
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:06 dakota What? The tree behaviour?
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:05 MartOn dakota - does it support multiple root nodes in cake 2?
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:04 slackebot ~slackebot
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:04 slackebot Command sent from Slack by dakota:
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:03 MartOn slackebot does it support multiple root nodes in cake 2?
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:03 dakota Ah, MPTT trees tend to have issues with a large number of nodes
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:02 MartOn not able to reproduce what is causing the corruption, so need to limit affected rows on insert.
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:02 MartOn Struggling with TreeBehaviour tree corruption all the time now in a tree with approx 100 000 nodes.
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:01 dakota The built in tree behaviour supports multiple root nodes
# Jul 18th 2017, 09:01 MartOn Does any1 know if there is a working Nested set behaviour that supports multiple root nodes available for Cake2.x? with working tests..
# Jul 18th 2017, 08:57 neon1024 Would be `example.com/example_plugin/examples/first`
# Jul 18th 2017, 08:57 neon1024 `['controller' => 'Examples', 'action' => 'first', 'plugin' => 'ExamplePlugin']`
# Jul 18th 2017, 08:56 neon1024 Usually just add the plugin to your route `'plugin' => 'MyPlugin'`