Log message #4052488

# At Username Text
# Jul 16th 2017, 13:17 hmic might even be like: ...Actions.ControllerName.actionName... to be able to be more specific
# Jul 16th 2017, 13:16 hmic so one can easily provide jsut config instead of having to configure the actions in code all the time
# Jul 16th 2017, 13:16 hmic i'd like to have some global config merged with the action configs, like: CrudView.Actions.tables_blacklist and, per action *too* CrudView.Actions.index.tables_blacklist
# Jul 16th 2017, 13:15 hmic admad: working on crudview... regarding blacklisting the phinxlog table by default issue
# Jul 16th 2017, 09:49 casmo 'debug' => (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) andand $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '')
# Jul 16th 2017, 09:48 itamer How do I turn on debugkit for specific ip addresses? Easy to do with v1.2 and v2.2 but I can't quite get the method for v3
# Jul 16th 2017, 09:23 braeden \\o
# Jul 16th 2017, 08:56 bravo-kernel o//
# Jul 16th 2017, 08:05 braeden Is anyone using Memcached?
# Jul 16th 2017, 08:04 braeden G'morning
# Jul 16th 2017, 07:53 birdy247 Morning
# Jul 16th 2017, 03:14 braeden Howdy
# Jul 16th 2017, 00:14 hakuna https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/entities.html#accessors-mutators
# Jul 16th 2017, 00:14 hakuna I think mutators is a good way
# Jul 16th 2017, 00:02 hakuna yes @deyemi
# Jul 16th 2017, 00:00 deyemi @hakuna is a form submitted?
# Jul 15th 2017, 23:54 hakuna supposing that the field is null and i want to set a value for this
# Jul 15th 2017, 23:53 hakuna What is the best place for set the value of a field before save in database?
# Jul 15th 2017, 23:51 hakuna Hi guys
# Jul 15th 2017, 23:33 deyemi Any idea how to pass the crsf token with an ajax request?
# Jul 15th 2017, 23:33 deyemi thanks JD-Robbs
# Jul 15th 2017, 23:26 JD-Robbs Csrf is a separate component that's unaffected.
# Jul 15th 2017, 23:26 JD-Robbs deyemi: Have a look at the unlockedActions config of the Security component.
# Jul 15th 2017, 23:02 deyemi Need help ...Is it possible for me to send a form via ajax to a controller in cakephp 3.4 while the crsf and security components are enabled in the App controller?
# Jul 15th 2017, 21:47 waspinator k, thanks
# Jul 15th 2017, 21:47 tippexs91 sorry. timeout = mins, session.* = sec
# Jul 15th 2017, 21:47 tippexs91 timeout is min yes!
# Jul 15th 2017, 21:47 waspinator or is it still seconds for ini files?
# Jul 15th 2017, 21:47 tippexs91 oh sorry
# Jul 15th 2017, 21:47 waspinator https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/development/sessions.html
# Jul 15th 2017, 21:46 waspinator secs should be min though right?
# Jul 15th 2017, 21:44 waspinator thanks @tippexs91
# Jul 15th 2017, 21:43 tippexs91 there is something like ``` 'Session' => [ 'defaults' => 'cake', 'timeout' => `SECS 'ini' => [ 'session.cookie_lifetime' => SECS, 'session.gc_maxlifetime' => SECS ] ],```
# Jul 15th 2017, 21:42 tippexs91 @waspinator use the Session parameter in your app.php file
# Jul 15th 2017, 21:41 waspinator how would I change the user session timeout?
# Jul 15th 2017, 21:35 tippexs91 any ideas how to select a date field with find from a db table WITHOUT changing the field into a that: ´´´ [ (int) 0 => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenDate) { 'time' => '2017-08-01T00:00:00+00:00', 'timezone' => 'UTC', 'fixedNowTime' => false } ´´´
# Jul 15th 2017, 21:34 tippexs91 hey folks
# Jul 15th 2017, 19:57 admad the php intellisense extension still needs works but it keeps improving
# Jul 15th 2017, 19:57 admad for js coding it's simply awesome
# Jul 15th 2017, 19:56 admad it is very actively developed and has new release every month
# Jul 15th 2017, 19:55 siran mmm it looks yummy