Log message #4052369

# At Username Text
# Jul 15th 2017, 09:50 birdy247 Hey @savant, quick question
# Jul 15th 2017, 09:46 birdy247 If a plugin Table and an App table share the same name, is that bad news?
# Jul 15th 2017, 09:31 savant nah
# Jul 15th 2017, 09:31 birdy247 Is it bad practive to write things like if ($entity->has_image) echo $this->......
# Jul 15th 2017, 08:29 birdy247 Morning
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:50 savant oh bye
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:50 savant hi
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:25 Strelok Hey everyone
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:16 aro and its in the right order!
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:16 aro thanks
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:16 aro score
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:16 aro but thats okay
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:16 aro its still looking in the Admin/Products/json folder for the list.ctp
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:15 aro oh there we go
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:14 aro the content length of my response is 0
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:14 aro now i get no response, well i get a null response
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:14 aro okay
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:14 admad set _serialize to false
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:12 aro even this fails: ``` $this->viewBuilder()->setLayout('ajax')->setTemplate('list');```
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:09 aro which doesnt seem to happen at all. cake just sends an echo of json_encode
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:09 aro it doesnt matter about those anymore, i just want to be able to render the template file
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:09 admad cakephp doesn't reorder the keys, i bet it's the JS code which consumes the json does
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:07 aro thats what i am posting to
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:07 aro https://nuarx.vengeance.io/admin/products/list
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:07 aro Heres the thing. When I use it without the .json extension, it tries to render it as a json request, when I have the .json there, nginx throws a 404
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:06 admad show the rendered .json url
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:06 aro it made no difference
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:05 admad and?
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:05 aro i tried that
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:05 admad try using JSON_FORCE_OBJECT option
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:04 aro how do you turn it off in RH?
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:02 savant what isnt on
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:01 aro it isnt on
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:00 savant or remap the class
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:00 savant so turn off json in RequestHandler
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:00 aro i just want to make it use AppView and not JsonView
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:57 aro to return back for my form to use
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:57 aro like html
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:57 aro i want to render a view
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:57 savant and then set the response body
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:57 savant you can json_encode