Log message #4052339

# At Username Text
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:04 aro how do you turn it off in RH?
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:02 savant what isnt on
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:01 aro it isnt on
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:00 savant or remap the class
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:00 savant so turn off json in RequestHandler
# Jul 15th 2017, 05:00 aro i just want to make it use AppView and not JsonView
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:57 aro to return back for my form to use
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:57 aro like html
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:57 aro i want to render a view
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:57 savant and then set the response body
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:57 savant you can json_encode
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:57 aro id much rather it didnt
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:57 aro from loading?
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:57 aro is there a way to prevent jsonview
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:54 savant iirc all we do is json_encode at the end of the day in JsonView
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:54 savant weird
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:44 aro see how it preserves the order? thats after running it thru json encode
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:44 aro damn it slack
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:44 aro shoot
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:44 slackebot "Reactive Broadband Support Services", "11430115": "SCG 3G\/4G Failover Services - Wired Ethernet Option with 100MB", "14980322": "Secure Cloud Gateway (SCG)", "16200160": "SecureCompliance", "5357180": "SecureCompliance Premium", "11042214": "SecureHIPAA", "4999387": "SecurePCI", "8233419": "SecurePCI Enhanced", "12399691": "SecurePCI Premium" } }```
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:44 aro ```{ "products": { "8604451": "Cisco Meraki MX64w", "11929191": "Guest WiFi with WAP", "16289495": "Managed Security", "8265018": "PCI Compliance, WiFi \u0026 Firewall Services", "16598517": "PCI Portal", "8599719": "PCI Protect - Bronze", "8540716": "PCI Protect - Gold", "1975928": "PCI Protect - Silver", "2571398": "Professional On-Site Installation (Per Location)",
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:43 aro irregardless of the integers
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:43 aro and savant: with regards to json encode, it DOES preserve the order of the array
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:42 aro try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:42 aro i have it set up per the book config
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:42 savant i would check your nginx config to see if its handling more than just existing files when not sending to php
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:41 aro hang on
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:41 aro let me test that
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:41 savant so I think when it json encodes, it decides it sees integers and reorders
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:41 aro i know that
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:41 savant php doesnt have any concept of ordered arrays if the keys are all integers
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:41 aro so i figured id try doing a data view using the template, so i added .json to my request url, and now i get 404 errors
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:40 aro instead of the way it appears in the php array
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:40 aro like ordered by key
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:40 aro it shows up in my json view as reordered
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:39 aro but when i do $this->set(compact('products')); $this->set('_serialized', ['products']);
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:39 aro which works great
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:39 aro well, i do a $this->Products->find('list')->order([my => 'asc'])->toArray();
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:38 savant what do you mean by serialized list
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:38 savant you’re probably not sending all requests to php-fpm or php-fastcgi
# Jul 15th 2017, 04:38 aro do we need any specific config for nginx to make that work?