Log message #4052139

# At Username Text
# Jul 14th 2017, 18:08 siran I guess debug isn't sincere in the content of the object
# Jul 14th 2017, 18:08 siran @mikesmoniker THANK you!!
# Jul 14th 2017, 18:07 siran ill call body and see...
# Jul 14th 2017, 18:07 siran y never call body(), i just debug _response
# Jul 14th 2017, 18:07 mikesmoniker Are you calling body() more than once?
# Jul 14th 2017, 18:06 siran AND from the actual app in the browser I can see the JSON
# Jul 14th 2017, 18:05 gonzela2006 Hello can any one help me with my question at http://discourse.cakephp.org/t/add-client-ip-into-error-log-from-some-exceptions/2716 as the last reply was from 26 days ago
# Jul 14th 2017, 18:05 siran i can see the data debugged in the controller, but an empty body in _response
# Jul 14th 2017, 18:05 siran yup
# Jul 14th 2017, 18:04 mikesmoniker So when you run phpunit you see the data before it goes to the view?
# Jul 14th 2017, 18:04 siran and i have a debug in the test as i just showed
# Jul 14th 2017, 18:04 siran i have a debug on the controller, which shows the data that should be encoded as json and sent to the view
# Jul 14th 2017, 18:03 siran but really only debugging `debug($this->_response->body());`
# Jul 14th 2017, 18:03 mikesmoniker And if you put a debug() or something in your controller code to check the data going into the response you see that it looks good when you run your test on the CLI?
# Jul 14th 2017, 18:01 siran https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/development/testing.html#testing-a-json-responding-controller
# Jul 14th 2017, 18:01 siran im basically doing ```
# Jul 14th 2017, 18:00 mikesmoniker I don’t know why that wouldn’t work.
# Jul 14th 2017, 17:59 siran @mikesmoniker i'm using the _serialize way to return the json, that maybe it, somehow?
# Jul 14th 2017, 17:58 siran @mikesmoniker from the test it also return 200 OK, but an empty body
# Jul 14th 2017, 17:57 siran @mikesmoniker the controller works: from the browser it renders correctly the real data... on the test I can debug() the fixture data
# Jul 14th 2017, 17:55 siran @rogerpro not a clue
# Jul 14th 2017, 17:50 rogerpro That’s on the view. The code on a Controller runs well.
# Jul 14th 2017, 17:49 rogerpro Hi everyone! How is this possible? with `debug($moment instanceof Cake\I18n\FrozenTime);` I get `true` and with `debug($moment->format('G:i:s'));` just next line I get a “Call to a member function format() on null” Error :S
# Jul 14th 2017, 17:46 siran the controller fetches correctly the data of the fixture... I can debug() it
# Jul 14th 2017, 17:42 mikesmoniker Are you sure your controller code is actually running? Can you verify that it is and you aren’t getting a 200 (maybe erroneously) for some other reason?
# Jul 14th 2017, 17:38 siran oh, i really hate to waste time in things like this... why would the browser show the JSON response and the test shows an empty response although its status is 200 ?
# Jul 14th 2017, 17:28 ben And, yes, we're looking to override it at the config level.
# Jul 14th 2017, 17:27 ben Yes, we found that, but [maybe obviously] don't want to override it with each command we issue.
# Jul 14th 2017, 17:26 mikesmoniker Check out `bin/cake migrations help migrate` and the `--source` option. I’m not sure if it’s possible to override it at a config level.
# Jul 14th 2017, 17:23 ben We've already overheated "the Google" searching for this, and thought you all would have a quick link to the answer, if not the answer itself.
# Jul 14th 2017, 17:22 ben If we're using CakePHP's migrations and want to use a custom path for the location of migration class files, is this configurable? If so, where?
# Jul 14th 2017, 17:12 siran im testing a controller action that returns a JSON, from the browser I get a JSON responde, but if I do debug($this->_response) then 'body' is empty although response's status is 200... am I doing something wrong here?
# Jul 14th 2017, 17:08 mikesmoniker Answered my own question: ->update()->set(‘foo’, new QueryExpression(‘foo = foo + 5’));
# Jul 14th 2017, 16:58 mikesmoniker Can anyone point me to an example of the syntax for something like `SET foo = foo + 5` using query()->update()… ?
# Jul 14th 2017, 16:35 awi Or did anyone do some deeper file handling and blog about it?
# Jul 14th 2017, 16:33 awi did someone sample a MIMEtype Helper which displays images, and implements some Preview-Helpers for pdf, word, excel...
# Jul 14th 2017, 16:31 siran hey moose
# Jul 14th 2017, 16:29 moose517 good friday afternoon!
# Jul 14th 2017, 15:57 dvd_ i will change
# Jul 14th 2017, 15:50 jeremyharris yes, it is not configured correctly, you are using the wrong key names to set your custom fields
# Jul 14th 2017, 15:50 dvd_ this was in my initialize() function on AppController