Log message #4052022

# At Username Text
# Jul 14th 2017, 15:02 jeremyharris in your templates, do you do something like $this->FBRLH->whatever() ?
# Jul 14th 2017, 15:02 ericadeefox rather, it's _why_ the helper is first used, I suppose--and why it makes an appearance on every page of the site, even tho I haven't begun building much features.
# Jul 14th 2017, 15:01 ericadeefox it's where the helper is first used
# Jul 14th 2017, 15:01 jeremyharris how does JS factor into injecting PHP?
# Jul 14th 2017, 15:00 ericadeefox the component is first loaded in the app controller, after it's installed and all that. then the Javascript SDK is loaded onto the default layout, hence a FBRLH object is created on each page.
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:59 jeremyharris or do you use new FBWhateverHelper in each template?
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:59 jeremyharris how/where is the helper itself instantiated? that’s the first goal to find. is it created as a cake helper in a view?
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:58 ericadeefox more frustrating than having to fish through hundreds of lines of HTML in the command line looking for the error messages I need?
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:57 jeremyharris would just be more frustrating
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:57 ericadeefox so how do I break em, is what I'm asking?
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:57 jeremyharris it wouldn’t recreate in the browser because sessions work there ;)
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:57 ericadeefox trying to do all this from the command line is horrible. I want to recreate this issue in my browser.
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:56 pedroseco probably this :P
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:56 pedroseco “You are not using the latest version of PHPUnit. The latest version is PHPUnit 6.2.3.”
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:56 ericadeefox actually to hell w it what's the best way to turn off sessions in my app?
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:55 pedroseco probably something about my installed version or something. I did made some updates
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:55 jeremyharris oh strange
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:55 pedroseco i think its systemwise, i just tested it on other project.
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:53 jeremyharris basically you run the tests on each commit since it was last known as “fast” until you find the commit that introduced the slowness
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:53 pedroseco git bisect? let me learn something new then :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:53 jeremyharris @pedroseco here’s a quick tutorial on git bisect that might help: http://webchick.net/node/99
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:50 jeremyharris maybe an API call? a sleep(1000)? could be anything really
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:49 pedroseco without any fixtures for example. But running plugin tests by using phpunit plugins/MyPlugin/ --filter mymethod
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:49 jeremyharris find the culprit
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:49 jeremyharris git bisect might help
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:49 pedroseco any reason why phpunit suddenly gets too slow when running tests? I started having something like: Time: 8.94 seconds, Memory: 14.00MB
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:48 jeremyharris unless they were *just* testing the helper in that test - which means it’s not an integration test
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:48 jeremyharris hah that makes no sense
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:48 pedroseco hi guys
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:48 ericadeefox completely frustratingly: I checked FB's integration tests, and they were set up the exact same way as my failing ones were. create a new FBRLH object, disable session check, and send your request.
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:47 jeremyharris and perhaps that object has a static setter for this particular situation
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:46 jeremyharris or, see how FB integration tests (if they have some) work. perhaps some other object that creates the helper disables it under certain conditions
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:46 jeremyharris yes, it’s not static. you might need to overwrite the object and check for the CLI context
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:45 ericadeefox but it seems every time I do a `$this->get()` request, a _new_ FBRLH object is created that doesn't have the status check disabled, hence I get another 500 w exception.
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:45 ericadeefox I swear, dang, dude. OK, so, I try this. I create a new FBRLH object and call `disableSessionStatusCheck()`, which is what FB uses to prevent the app from checking if there's an active session or not. (since I'm testing, no, there's not.)
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:43 jeremyharris disableSessionCheck didn’t work eh?
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:43 ericadeefox but literally each test throws me this exception and a 500: `Session not active, could not store state.`
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:43 ericadeefox so, I've got this plugin by Akkaweb. it's a very good plugin and builds a Facebook helper from SDK v4.0.*. so the helper does things like allow the user to create an account or log in via FB, like or share pages from my site, etc. it requires v4 of FB's graph SDK. I'm not trying to test _anything_ specifically to do with this helper or with FB yet, I'm just testing my site as per usual with the tests I've had written for a while now
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:41 mikesmoniker It also matters whether you’re trying to test something related to FB specifically vs. something else.
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:39 slackebot that’s a deal-breaker for the SDK).
# Jul 14th 2017, 14:39 mikesmoniker You might want to elaborate on what you’re doing. The FB SDK has lots of features. Are you trying to test a social login flow or just some random controller action that reads some data from FB? Is this through a Component? Ultimately you probably want to find a spot in the code where there is a clean break between your functionality and the FB implementation and replace the latter with something that doesn’t actually talk to FB (