Log message #4051657

# At Username Text
# Jul 13th 2017, 14:17 johnwayne What is the best practice to build a query with a multi-word search string, searching multiple fields and/in multiple tables?
# Jul 13th 2017, 14:09 nemmons @jack-sparrow in the first iteration of the foreach loop, `$arrOfFields[$value]['option_labels'][$t]['count']` hasn't been defined yet. You could solve this by adding (on line 36 of the pastebin code) `$arrOfFields[$value]['option_labels'][$t]['count'] = 0;`
# Jul 13th 2017, 14:08 nemmons @devito https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/validation.html is a good overview. It looks like it says you should be able to validation before saving
# Jul 13th 2017, 13:47 devito cause something odd happened to me last night. i went to check entity->errors() before i save and its empty but after i attempt to save its got errors in it. is that the propper way to check?
# Jul 13th 2017, 13:44 devito do validation errors get set after a save attempt or before?
# Jul 13th 2017, 13:42 jack-sparrow https://pastebin.com/dRBTeCQF here i am getting //error : Warning (2): Illegal string offset 'count'.. i want to store how many time i got the specifc values like "Less than 6 months" count
# Jul 13th 2017, 13:02 obinoob for values that are not obligatory in view I use the ->has('property') in case I need property->name can i use "has"?
# Jul 13th 2017, 12:55 clementcrown if $sub <1, I still get the $audiomax and the rest complaining of variable undefined
# Jul 13th 2017, 12:54 clementcrown @mikesmoniker above is my code
# Jul 13th 2017, 12:42 mikesmoniker @clementcrown You’re referencing a variable $sub) that hasn’t been defined (yet), but we can’t tell much else from that one line alone.
# Jul 13th 2017, 12:23 clementcrown any idea ?
# Jul 13th 2017, 11:58 clementcrown for example, i do get this Notice (8): Undefined variable: sub [APP/Controller\SubscriptionsController.php, line 67] in my view.....
# Jul 13th 2017, 11:57 hmic admad: i guess he is talking about something like: $arr['key'] = null;
# Jul 13th 2017, 11:56 admad "how can i destroy something that doesn't exist"
# Jul 13th 2017, 11:55 clementcrown hi, how can I unset a variable if it does not have any value assigned to it? i tried using unset($variable) but it didnt work
# Jul 13th 2017, 11:47 admad src/YouDontSeeMe is also a good location
# Jul 13th 2017, 11:39 savant or next to the classes where the exception is used
# Jul 13th 2017, 11:38 savant src/Exception
# Jul 13th 2017, 11:38 neon1024 Where do people put their own exceptions? https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/development/errors.html#creating-your-own-application-exceptions
# Jul 13th 2017, 11:38 savant RC1 came out two weeks ago, RC2 will be soon
# Jul 13th 2017, 11:38 savant release date depends on what else is necessary
# Jul 13th 2017, 11:38 savant it’ll be done when its done
# Jul 13th 2017, 11:37 Bigsista hi all. is there a final release date for cakephp 2.10 already?
# Jul 13th 2017, 11:04 neon1024 Ooh, nice. The whole Schema vs Schema class name thing has been resolved :)
# Jul 13th 2017, 10:49 slackebot Action: neon1024 earns the Slack Noob badge
# Jul 13th 2017, 10:49 neon1024 Urgh, code paste fail
# Jul 13th 2017, 10:49 neon1024 ```
# Jul 13th 2017, 10:49 neon1024 ``` protected function getRequest(): ServerRequest { return $this ->getController() ->request; }
# Jul 13th 2017, 10:49 neon1024 Confused myself here I think!
# Jul 13th 2017, 10:48 neon1024 Hah, well, let’s hope not ;)
# Jul 13th 2017, 10:48 savant unless you’re doing something stupid like reassigning it to a client.
# Jul 13th 2017, 10:48 neon1024 Cool, thanks guys :thumbsup:
# Jul 13th 2017, 10:47 savant basically 100% of the time
# Jul 13th 2017, 10:47 savant ServerRequest is used in the dispatch cycle
# Jul 13th 2017, 10:47 neon1024 Right, so *most* of the time when I’m in a controllers request it’s a PSR7 type ServerRequest then right?
# Jul 13th 2017, 10:47 savant a the client\request is what you do to make get/post/put/delete calls to other services
# Jul 13th 2017, 10:47 savant ServerRequest versus Client\Request
# Jul 13th 2017, 10:47 dereuromark thus two different classes, dispatcher request (server) vs request (client)
# Jul 13th 2017, 10:46 neon1024 Yes I am, that’s what I’m hoping for clarity :)
# Jul 13th 2017, 10:46 dereuromark you are confusing two things, the request of cake as a whole and a client request like a curl call
# Jul 13th 2017, 10:46 savant no thats right