Log message #4051593

# At Username Text
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:42 cleptric But we changed this in the skeleton app too, to set it back tp +2 Minute if debug is on
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:42 cleptric Yes
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:42 saeideng thats true?
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:42 saeideng https://github.com/cakephp/app/compare/3.2.5...3.4.2
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:41 saeideng _cake_core_' duration changed from '+2 minutes', to '+1 years',
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:41 saeideng config/app.default.php
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:40 saeideng hi again
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:24 kareylo Ahahaha :')
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:24 kareylo Project master tell me : "Now, you're the only one who can make a merge"
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:24 kareylo Not in this case
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:23 saeideng you can checkout
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:23 kareylo Yep
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:23 saeideng you use git!!!!?
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:22 saeideng @kareylo what?
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:21 kareylo I wanna die :(
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:21 kareylo He killed all the project
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:20 kareylo A guy make his FIRST MERGE on the project
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:20 chris-andre You see... ;) hehe. Soon.. soon
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:20 kareylo Oh god
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:18 savant CakePHP detects migrations are down, but tables exist
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:18 savant sure thats a good title
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:18 chris-andre Im still working on the title. "HEEELP! Migrations are down, but tables are up", how does that sound? ;P You see, I'm not a writer, even though I like it. And my english could/should be better.
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:15 kareylo Need to create mine too
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:14 savant welp
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:14 chris-andre @savant oh no, not yet
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:13 savant @chris-andre did you get a blog?
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:12 kareylo So, I got a great idea to put mine first
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:12 savant highly recommend for public slack :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:12 savant it lets everyone know where I am located
# Jul 13th 2017, 09:11 kareylo @savant You put your country flag ? Tsss :P
# Jul 13th 2017, 08:34 hmic not worth the hassle on application code for me too - makes sense in behaviors and plugins, sure.
# Jul 13th 2017, 08:34 hmic spritz: the second one is still wrong, your would want to use the primaryKey instead of the static "id"
# Jul 13th 2017, 08:29 saeideng thanks
# Jul 13th 2017, 08:29 lorenzo the second way I use when I need to build complex nested conditions
# Jul 13th 2017, 08:28 lorenzo @spriz I also use the first version more often
# Jul 13th 2017, 08:28 savant https://getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md#extra
# Jul 13th 2017, 08:28 savant yes
# Jul 13th 2017, 08:28 saeideng you add extra value on composer.json?
# Jul 13th 2017, 08:26 saeideng probably I can detect by commit date
# Jul 13th 2017, 08:25 saeideng I have git for my program
# Jul 13th 2017, 08:25 saeideng :+1: