Log message #4051364

# At Username Text
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:28 sturm I can see that one of my stumbling blocks is going from “I know what I want the app to do” to “here’s the files I edit and what I put in them to make that happen.” I may be too much of a newb to really understand what each line does in the bookmarker tutorial and why they are all necessary.
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:26 cleptric saeidneg: see https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/pull/10821 but don’t ask me questions ,:)
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:25 saeideng i no problem by test core before , but i install new core code/tests
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:24 saeideng :loudspeaker:
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:22 saeideng cakephp core member
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:22 ericadeefox lol I'm back, does anyone have any experience using the `disableSessionStatusCheck()` method in the Facebook PHP SDK?
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:21 saeideng but i receive error
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:21 saeideng and I use new phpunit 5.7.21
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:20 saeideng `composer install --prefer-dist --no-interaction`
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:20 saeideng and
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:20 saeideng i install new core
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:19 saeideng why?
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:19 saeideng `PHP Warning: Cannot redeclare class PHPUnit\Framework\Test in /var/www/html/cakephp-core/tests/phpunit_aliases.php on line 7`
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:19 saeideng i receive this error
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:19 saeideng for testing core
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:18 saeideng i have an issue by phpunit
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:17 saeideng for check field exist or no yo should use `requirePresence()`
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:15 saeideng `notEmpty` say input can not empty
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:15 saeideng notEmpty no related to exist or no
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:13 saeideng hi alex
# Jul 12th 2017, 19:12 gutts will notEmpty('title', 'title is required'); trigger if 'title' exists but is null?
# Jul 12th 2017, 18:54 AlexCake hello
# Jul 12th 2017, 18:44 Sankho its my first time on IRC
# Jul 12th 2017, 18:44 cleptric Hi Sankho :wave:
# Jul 12th 2017, 18:43 Sankho hi all
# Jul 12th 2017, 18:43 Sankho JOIN
# Jul 12th 2017, 18:43 dereuromark backticks would help, yeah
# Jul 12th 2017, 18:41 slackebot Action: cleptric writes this down
# Jul 12th 2017, 18:41 cleptric Oh, we should improve this message… This two spaces are hard to spot
# Jul 12th 2017, 18:38 ericadeefox my impression of Facebook's PHP SDK is like "hi, I'm Facebook, all my classes work in the app just fine but if you try to test me I will test you right tf back" :fire: :fire: :fire:
# Jul 12th 2017, 18:37 sturm Yeah, I fear for the days when I will start getting those messages.
# Jul 12th 2017, 18:35 ericadeefox `Cake\Routing\Exception\MissingControllerException: Controller class could not be found.` dang
# Jul 12th 2017, 17:31 sturm Hmmm… I’ll mark that down for a future project, perhaps. When I am more comfortable/familiar with CakePHP.
# Jul 12th 2017, 17:29 dereuromark I bet you could provide an option for it
# Jul 12th 2017, 17:28 sturm Hmmmm, I wonder if it’s possible to modify the Text Helper’s toList() method so that it will include the Oxford Comma…
# Jul 12th 2017, 17:27 sturm You guys are awesome!
# Jul 12th 2017, 17:26 cleptric Sure, there are enough people around that kindly answer all your questions :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 12th 2017, 17:25 sturm Excellent. It’ll be slow going, but I don’t mind investing the time in it. The project is already working (mostly) as a Java desktop app. This will be my chance to not only move it to a web app, but also to improve upon it. And you can bet I’ll be in here almost daily to ask questions.
# Jul 12th 2017, 17:23 cleptric Nice :slightly_smiling_face: I also started with a way to big project but it turned out quite well after some months. And I learned a ton
# Jul 12th 2017, 17:22 sturm Oh, I definitely have a project in mind. It’s a big one and might be over my head, but it’s something I really need to do for my employer. (Not to mention something I can showcase to get a better job elsewhere.)
# Jul 12th 2017, 17:20 cleptric Any plans what you want to build after the tutorials? I find it quite motivating to have a little project which can actually be used when finished.