Log message #4051270

# At Username Text
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:39 jarard01 when I load my view: Notice (8): Undefined index: listing_type_id [APP/Model\Table\ListingsTable.php, line 113]
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:39 jarard01 https://gist.github.com/spacebiscuit/ad07583634b8d732ad532e7f429477f3
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:39 jarard01 this looks to be a bug to me, this validation rule is taken from the book:
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:33 dariolap ok thanks jeremyharris
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:31 jeremyharris you can use the “on” key, like ‘on’ => ‘create’
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:30 jeremyharris dariolap have you checked out the docs on validation? they explain how to do so: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/core-libraries/validation.html#conditional-validation
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:29 dariolap Hi all, I have this code https://gist.github.com/anonymous/fe33d07deadd8ad3ad7fe9f45403cb17, how i can to validate this only on create?
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:10 jeremyharris haha perfect analogy!
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:09 ericadeefox nah I just didn't look at it hard enough. I just found the exceptions that were messin my tests up and turned em off lol. so I explain this to my husband, who is an auto mechanic, and he was basically like "you're dumb, that's like if one of your sensors is making your check engine light come on, and so you uninstall the sensor" lol!!!
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:08 jeremyharris always worth looking at the vendor code ;)
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:07 ericadeefox it never occurred to me that there could just be a built-in way to turn it off for testing.......
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:07 ericadeefox I was scolded by 2 people yesterday for just going into the source code and do that tho. like I went in and just turned the exceptions off and made it so that it'd return the state values anyway.
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:07 jeremyharris it’s working?
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:06 ericadeefox jesus christ all I had to do was turn the damn thing off lol!!!!
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:03 jeremyharris https://github.com/facebook/php-graph-sdk/blob/4.0-dev/src/Facebook/FacebookRedirectLoginHelper.php#L339
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:02 jeremyharris it’ll still write to the global, and everyone should be happy :)
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:02 ericadeefox "they probably just disable session checking" I had thought so...
# Jul 12th 2017, 16:01 jeremyharris @ericadeefox maybe check how facebook tests it. they probably just disable session checking, eg. that `$this->checkForSessionStatus`
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:59 ericadeefox ohhh smdh I did not even think of that
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:59 jeremyharris @ericadeefox I think I know what’s happening. cake sees it’s in the cli context so it doesn’t start the session the typical way. doing so usually breaks the cli if I remember correctly
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:59 jlroberts any idea what the entry point might be for that?
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:58 jlroberts I need to find the entry point and autoload the cakephp files
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:58 jlroberts but that isnt the entry point
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:58 jlroberts so, composer runs this, "post-install-cmd": "App\\Console\\Installer::postInstall",
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:58 jeremyharris again, cake isn’t bootstrapped at that point, so those convenience constants don’t exist yet
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:58 jlroberts so, do I load the bootstrap.php maybe from Installer.php?
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:58 jlroberts i did that with functions.php and it immediately threw an APP undefined
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:57 jeremyharris require /path/to/file
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:57 jlroberts lol =]
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:57 jlroberts ok,so MarkStory says composer doesnt autoload the CakePHP files, and I have to do it myself, so, how do I do that
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:57 jlroberts =]
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:56 jeremyharris I think you’re making this way too complicated for yourself :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:56 jlroberts brb stack trace research
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:56 jlroberts fuck
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:56 jlroberts god what I would do for an autoloader stack trace right now
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:56 jlroberts I need a break man, this doesnt make to much sense to me, if it autoloads classes, then it should autoload the functions.php
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:55 jlroberts jeremyharris: ok, and thats only when composer runs the php files?
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:53 ericadeefox now, see, no exceptions with `PHP_SESSION_NONE`. so the sessions are enabled.
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:53 ericadeefox ok here now I will see if `PHP_SESSION_NONE` throws me the same exceptions. we'll see......
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:52 jeremyharris jlroberts cake doesn’t make use of that composer option
# Jul 12th 2017, 15:52 ericadeefox I don't manually load it, no