Log message #4050981

# At Username Text
# Jul 12th 2017, 10:40 neon1024 Which makes me wonder what `->order('name')` might produce
# Jul 12th 2017, 10:40 neon1024 As I can’t seem to find one
# Jul 12th 2017, 10:39 neon1024 Also, does `->order()` have a default direction?
# Jul 12th 2017, 10:30 neon1024 How does the indenting work in Bake templates? If I have 0 indents on my closing `]` I still get 4 indents (4x4 spaces) in my generated controller code
# Jul 12th 2017, 10:26 steinkel if you are lazy, you have this too > https://gist.github.com/steinkel/70e1051e5a60eea9d2e02839d1fe4345
# Jul 12th 2017, 10:25 mjabi ok
# Jul 12th 2017, 10:14 steinkel https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/installation.html#nginx
# Jul 12th 2017, 10:12 mjabi ?
# Jul 12th 2017, 10:12 mjabi how I configure nginx for cakephp3.x
# Jul 12th 2017, 10:12 mjabi I have installed the CakePHP3.X on ubuntu in sub directory /var/www/html/cake_app, I am using nginx , url rewriting not working, i am accessing the cake app
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:59 davalb ok, thanks. I will look into it.
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:47 dereuromark I also once wanted to do sth like that, never had the time
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:47 dereuromark There are some 2.x plugins you could look for guidedance, there is also a symfony bundle you could adapt to cake
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:36 davalb Hello, I am looking for best practices on using a state machine with Cakephp 3.x Do you have a recommendation on which one to use or better yet a blog post about how to integrate a state machine with cakephp?
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:36 adriencs https://cakesf.slack.com/files/adriencs/F66RJNMEC/UserEntity.php
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:33 dereuromark others must have the same issue I believe..
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:33 dereuromark I should have just stayed in the local timezone :P
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:29 neon1024 @dereuromark Unfortunatly it’s not something I deal with very often being in the UTC timezone. Except when we do time sensitive stuff in British Summertime
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:29 jonasz i added there email notification, so you could implement logging to separate file, i presume
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:29 slackebot '#\\[Cake\\\\.*\\\\(BadRequestException|Missing(Controller|Action)Exception)\\]#' ] ],'''
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:29 jonasz @birdy247 i created custom handler for logs with additional features: ''' 'Log' => [ 'error' => [ 'className' => 'App\Log\MainLog', 'path' => LOGS, 'file' => 'error', 'levels' => ['warning', 'error', 'critical', 'alert', 'emergency'], 'url' => env('LOG_ERROR_URL', null), 'scopes' => [], 'email' => '', 'skipEmail' =>
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:28 neon1024 I know that birdy247 was also interested in an elegant solution
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:28 neon1024 I’m pretty certain than Ionas had a long ticket about the conversion of front-end to back-end timezones
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:27 dereuromark I have a solution on paper as latest comment, I will try to proof of concept it now.
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:27 dereuromark Yeah, that is sure one way, but I would like to keep it in core since we got outputtimezone now, and the shipped bootstrap recommends utc here. we need a solid core solution IMO
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:25 neon1024 I used a data type class
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:21 dereuromark Displaying is easy, but how to transform back to UTC the proper way?
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:20 dereuromark See https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/issues/10877
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:20 dereuromark How do other people handle the timezone issue with form inputs for datetime? I still have conversion problems here.
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:20 dereuromark thats exactly how cake does it in the form helper, too :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 12th 2017, 09:19 wouter0100 Ah, after reading some docs (outside cakephp) I found out the reason. Now using POST method with X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE. WOrks awesome.
# Jul 12th 2017, 08:57 jarard01 that's fine - just need to outout to the screen in this format - not my decison
# Jul 12th 2017, 08:57 neon1024 Or the helper, sure. Didn’t know there was a method in the helper :slightly_smiling_face: TIL
# Jul 12th 2017, 08:57 jarard01 $this->Number->format
# Jul 12th 2017, 08:56 neon1024 If you try and do any maths on the value, stuff will break because it has a comma in it ;)
# Jul 12th 2017, 08:56 neon1024 Do bear in mind that number_format returns a string!
# Jul 12th 2017, 08:56 neon1024 http://php.net/number_format
# Jul 12th 2017, 08:56 neon1024 Yes, you can use `number_format()`
# Jul 12th 2017, 08:55 jarard01 however currency is not quite what I need, is it possible to format 1250 as 1,250 without any currency symbol
# Jul 12th 2017, 08:54 jarard01 i lied, that does work
# Jul 12th 2017, 08:53 neon1024 Perhaps the helper isn’t loaded in your AppView.php