Log message #4050736

# At Username Text
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:48 jeremyharris collections sort of figure that out for you
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:48 hmic or explain your usecase
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:48 hmic check the docs maybe on what you need to do
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:48 hmic of course not
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:48 rudy1976s but i cant use {n} like in hash
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:46 rudy1976s I tried with collections
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:40 jeremyharris that’s why we’re here :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:40 sturm Thanks, @hmic. As a newb, I most definitely will need to do so. Thus, I apologize in advance for the mass of questions I’ll inevitably be asking in the coming days/weeks.
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:40 ericadeefox I learned from just making databases of random stuff I thought was cool, like discographies of my fav musicians, and baking everything to death and then picking apart whatever was baked and spending a million years in the docs
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:39 hmic you'll love it! and you are in the right place to ask your questions too
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:38 sturm That’s where I’m going now, @hmic.
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:38 hmic you could just have followed the tutorials from the book. they are very good
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:37 sturm @ericadeefox Yes.
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:37 ericadeefox @sturm was it lousy or unhelpful?
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:37 sturm Wow. Finally finished the Lynda course on learning CakePHP 3. I’ll never get those 5 hours back, sadly.
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:37 hmic rudy1976s: thats only a convenience argument, as the Collection will need to foreach your resultset anyways!
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:37 awi "Like quota full"
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:36 awi How do I parse back an error?
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:36 awi hi. anyone working with dropzone.js in cake?
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:36 ericadeefox why not use foreach?
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:35 rudy1976s I will try
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:35 rudy1976s I need to extract data without foreach it
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:35 jeremyharris resultsets are collections by default, so you can do things like $this->find()->combine()
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:35 rudy1976s ah cool thank you
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:35 jeremyharris hash is meant for arrays only. you should use collections instead
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:34 rudy1976s Cake\Utility\Hash::extract is able to return entity interfaces instead of arrays?
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:33 rudy1976s Hello
# Jul 11th 2017, 15:18 ericadeefox getting tons of "Session not active, could not store state" Facebook SDK errors in my tests after installing a new FB helper plugin. adding `session_start();` to the top of the tests doesn't really solve the issue, since now my `$this->session()` setters aren't working, rendering stuff like admin tests useless. anyone faced this and know the most efficient way to set the session for FB?
# Jul 11th 2017, 14:54 chris-andre Seems more reasonable to add it to .gitignore
# Jul 11th 2017, 14:51 chris-andre Is the lock file generated when `migrations migrate` is run?
# Jul 11th 2017, 14:48 jeremyharris @chris-andre I use `--no-lock` on prod as mine are built from scratch each time and are read-only at that point (couldn’t write the lock even if it wanted to)
# Jul 11th 2017, 14:45 ericadeefox 2.x to 3.x upgrade is basically just rewriting the whole site. O.O it's already daunting haha
# Jul 11th 2017, 14:45 chris-andre `git pull` gives me error almost everytime because of modified `schema-dump-default.lock`
# Jul 11th 2017, 14:43 chris-andre Is `bin/cake migrations migrate --no-lock` recommended to use on prod. server? Was reading some about it here https://github.com/cakephp/migrations/issues/252#issuecomment-254080302
# Jul 11th 2017, 14:42 admad but for 2.x to 3.x you are already gonna have to change a lot
# Jul 11th 2017, 14:42 admad if one is already using 3.x i wouldn't recommend wasting time updating the deprecated methods until 4.0.
# Jul 11th 2017, 14:41 jeremyharris I see your point though. the getter/setters are a lot of changes; but having to do ALL of those immediately is much more daunting than doing the other things first, imo
# Jul 11th 2017, 14:41 neothermic true
# Jul 11th 2017, 14:41 admad @neothermic sure, but no point changing to already deprecated methods and waste time fixing them again in future
# Jul 11th 2017, 14:40 jeremyharris I just found it’s generally easier to take small steps - also mentally getting rewarded is a benefit
# Jul 11th 2017, 14:40 neothermic @admad Hundreds of thousands of lines of code can't be changed in a night ;)