Log message #4050298

# At Username Text
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:38 heter @savant lol. server is the problem.
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:30 joris_ Hi neon1024
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:25 neon1024 Morning everyone
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:19 heter @savant ill run up this website on the server on which its working for other websites and ill let u guys know if its server -side issue so maybe in future somebody could use this information on debugging
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:18 heter never had problem like this before, but as far as this hosting company provided me a lot of issues overall already im ready to think that they screwed up again
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:17 heter it would be silly but is there possibility that server configuration may affect SMTP transport ?
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:17 savant `phpinfo()` may hel
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:17 savant heh
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:17 heter ive just noticed that this website is on different server than the rest websites on which its working
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:16 heter im using 2 servers with shared accounts which should have 1:1 configurations (but my hosting providers are idiots so they arent 1:1 at all)
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:16 heter @savant wait, weird thing
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:15 savant let me check our own sendgrid stuff
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:15 savant those docs seem strangely worded
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:15 savant also the username/password are your account credentials
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:14 savant https://sendgrid.com/docs/Classroom/Basics/Email_Infrastructure/recommended_smtp_settings.html
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:14 savant port 587 is their tls server
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:14 savant thats interesting
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:12 heter @savant after setting tls to true:
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:10 heter so i think the "from" is causing problem, no idea how this smtp transport works but it seems like its trying to connect with server which is given after noreply@
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:10 savant @heter set tls to true
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:10 jmenendez In*
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:10 jmenendez I my case I use mandrill so, I can't help you heter :(
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:10 heter @savant so ive got different clients where im using sendgrid to send emails, and theyre having like same version of cakephp3, everything is same, same settings and on some of these im having this issue, and on some of them its working perfect
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:09 savant https://bakery.cakephp.org/2017/06/23/upcoming-cakephp-roadmap.html
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:09 savant @david_kim we have a public doc on how an upgrade will work for Cake4. Basically, just ensure you remove deprecated code (we’ll raise warnings in a later version of 3.x) and upgrade to php 7.1 and you should be fine
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:09 david_kim @jmenendez yes, but cakephp2 to 3 case was difficult to adapt to me. cakephp3 orm code need more object oriented. table/entity structure split no more need modern web programming. any other comments?
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:08 savant what do you mean, different websites?
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:08 savant havent used sendgrid before
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:07 heter with sendgrid ur username is literally "apikey" (not generated apikey, just "apikey" is ur username")
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:07 heter i think the problem is in the "from" setting
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:07 heter @savant yes, ive tried it with settings which are working on different websites without any problems
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:07 savant @heter is your password actually correct?
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:06 slackebot has similar problem and found a solution?
# Jul 11th 2017, 07:06 heter hello there, ive got problem with smtp transport using sendgrid - ive got same setting on several pages (on different api keys honestly but same email configuration) and on some websites it works, on some im receiving error with message ```SMTP server did not accept the password.``` from file ```/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Mailer/Transport/SmtpTransport.php``` ive tried various configurations with ssl / tls but none of these did succed, mayb
# Jul 11th 2017, 06:56 jmenendez In mi case I think cakephp is more simple, I worked with laravel , symfony and cakephp and I prefer cakephp :)
# Jul 11th 2017, 06:55 jmenendez nop, no broken , only force to use php 7.1
# Jul 11th 2017, 06:53 david_kim I think the advantages of cakephp compared to laravel are backwards compatibility. But this time cakephp3 discards compatibility with 2, is 4 backwards compatibility broken again?
# Jul 11th 2017, 06:22 pidlo can anyone kick me? howto do this
# Jul 11th 2017, 06:22 pidlo hello all i would like create validation (for unique field) rules in cakephp3 but i dont understand if i set in validationDefault notEmpty to name and in buildRules method unique validation for persnum, if then validate i see first error for name and then if i fill it then cake give me error for persnum field..
# Jul 11th 2017, 06:13 littleylv does it work?
# Jul 11th 2017, 06:13 mallick @littleylv thanks