Log message #4050205

# At Username Text
# Jul 10th 2017, 21:07 admad https://github.com/CakeDC/users/blob/master/config/routes.php doesn't have any route setup for /users/register
# Jul 10th 2017, 21:07 durbster @savant I got a bunch of errors from that debug
# Jul 10th 2017, 21:06 durbster @admad Aha! That works.
# Jul 10th 2017, 21:05 admad @durbster try accessing /users/users/register
# Jul 10th 2017, 21:03 savant and load the page?
# Jul 10th 2017, 21:03 savant debug(Plugin::loaded(‘CakeDC/Users’))
# Jul 10th 2017, 21:03 savant can you do
# Jul 10th 2017, 21:03 savant after you load the plugin
# Jul 10th 2017, 21:03 savant okay so its installed
# Jul 10th 2017, 21:02 durbster just has two folders: >>>auth users
# Jul 10th 2017, 21:02 savant ls -lah vendor/cakedc
# Jul 10th 2017, 21:01 durbster @savant using composer e.g. composer require cakedc/users
# Jul 10th 2017, 21:01 durbster @backstageel if it helps, I just tried that on php 7.0.15 and it returns 9.3
# Jul 10th 2017, 21:01 savant how did you install the plugin
# Jul 10th 2017, 21:01 savant oh wait
# Jul 10th 2017, 21:00 savant @durbster strange, that seems like it should work
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:58 savant we cant modify a function exported by the standard library
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:58 savant @backstageel well thats certainly not a cakephp issue
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:57 backstageel @savant maybe... i will research
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:56 durbster @savant https://gist.github.com/anonymous/18fdbe991178d3bfae5e8a57f2fe7d47
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:56 savant sounds like a php bug?
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:55 backstageel PHP 7.1 is returning 9.3000000000000007 :(
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:54 backstageel Having this: $returnValue = round(9.3, 1);
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:53 savant gist the output
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:53 savant ls -lah plugins
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:52 durbster ok, it's a clean install so I've just added that one line, but here you go: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/2cd108a74ee92d4f4863eb3894cad0e5
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:49 slackebot ~tell durbster about gist
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:49 slackebot Command sent from Slack by savant:
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:48 savant can you gist your `config/bootstrap.php` ?
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:46 durbster I've tried with/without the options too
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:45 durbster that's set up as per the cakedc instructions i.e. has this line: ```Plugin::load('CakeDC/Users', ['routes' => true, 'bootstrap' => true]);```
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:45 saeideng in `/config`
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:45 saeideng see bootstrap.php file
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:44 durbster sorry, where would this be, in the plugin folder itself?
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:34 saeideng i o using this plugin but check your `login::load()`
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:33 durbster and /register returns ```Error: RegisterController could not be found.```
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:33 durbster e.g. /users/register returns ```Error: CakeDC/Users.RegisterController could not be found.```
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:31 durbster I assume it's a routing issue and can hack it to get it working, but that it doesn't work out of the box suggests I've not set it up correctly.
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:28 durbster OK, thanks. Short version: I can't seem to get cakedc/users working, even on a clean install. I can login and out, but most links (e.g. /register) throws a missing controller error
# Jul 10th 2017, 20:23 savant @durbster just ask your question and maybe someone can help
# Jul 10th 2017, 19:59 durbster Hello all. Anyone from CakeDC about? I could do with a hand setting up the users plugin.