Log message #4049949

# At Username Text
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:31 birdy247 'handler' => [StripesTable::class, 'webhookHandler'],
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:31 birdy247 I pass in this
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:29 birdy247 it tries to pass the data in the request to the Stripes webhookHandler
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:29 birdy247 and then if the endpoint matches
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:29 birdy247 My GridHook plugin attahces the middleware before router
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:29 birdy247 and a "webhookHandler" method
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:28 birdy247 I have a "Stripes" tables
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:28 lorenzo what method are you trying to call?
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:27 birdy247 How can I call a method in a Table dynamically
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:23 birdy247 I cant work out how to use the handler function
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:21 birdy247 and making it middleware
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:20 birdy247 @lorenzo I am following the Gridhook plugin
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:17 birdy247 Is there a way I can call it dynamically?
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:14 birdy247 But keep getting a strict error about it being a static method
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:14 birdy247 I am trying to call a callable method from middleware
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:03 hmic like: $this->Html->link('go there', ['controller' => 'anotherone', 'action' => 'someone', $this->request->params['pass'][0]]);
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:03 clementcrown ok...
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:02 hmic so you can use it to build another url
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:02 hmic - like i said.
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:02 hmic how do you get that info in a template?
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:02 hmic yes
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:01 inoas http://localhost/cakedkolibrary/books/view/3, this is my url, i want to get that "3" and send it to another controller so I can save it in my database table ... sounds like request action to me
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:01 hmic he did not ask for anything you are talking about inoas
# Jul 10th 2017, 13:01 hmic he asked for the information in the currently rendered template - this how he gets that.
# Jul 10th 2017, 12:59 inoas cakephp3?
# Jul 10th 2017, 12:58 inoas I am using it and I can only say it is the path of failure
# Jul 10th 2017, 12:58 inoas you can use request action... but it is pretty bad imho
# Jul 10th 2017, 12:58 inoas or create model layer logic (a class and some functions) where you pass down the request params that hmic referes to
# Jul 10th 2017, 12:57 inoas you can build "the other controller" as a cell if you need rendering
# Jul 10th 2017, 12:57 inoas you have one single front controller which dispatches and calls one single action in a specific controller
# Jul 10th 2017, 12:56 inoas celementcrown cakephp is a push framework, not a pull framework
# Jul 10th 2017, 12:56 inoas celementcrown you cannot
# Jul 10th 2017, 12:54 hmic $this->request->params['pass'][0]
# Jul 10th 2017, 12:51 clementcrown http://localhost/cakedkolibrary/books/view/3, this is my url, i want to get that "3" and send it to another controller so I can save it in my database table
# Jul 10th 2017, 12:50 clementcrown nope, @hmic
# Jul 10th 2017, 12:45 hmic so thats like /ohtercontroller/youraction/$id you would: $this-Html->link('go there', ['controller' => 'othercontroller', 'action' => 'youraction', $id]);
# Jul 10th 2017, 12:43 clementcrown @hmic i want to pass the id of the current post i am viewing to another controller, i do not waant to use form for this
# Jul 10th 2017, 12:38 hmic clementcrown: like /controller/action/your/data or /controller/action?your=data
# Jul 10th 2017, 12:32 clementcrown Hi guys, please how can I send information or a value from cakephp view to a controller without using form ?
# Jul 10th 2017, 12:15 Martz wow, It's been a while...
# Jul 10th 2017, 12:01 makallio85 okay.. ill try to figure something out