Log message #4049782

# At Username Text
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:41 inoas I can see the reason why to add it but there is a different way... namely doing something like pattern matching one could say
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:40 inoas but what is far worse is the interface which is ultra verbose
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:40 inoas what I fear is that the code required to do options validation will be very verbose and lack interactions such as nested validation, optionality and default values
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:40 inoas I can't follow entirely
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:39 hmic inoas, the idea to go with arrays is pretty clear, and i don't think it will change in the nead future, especially for routing/url generation. despite the fact that/if you would want your urlObjects frozen? how do you make your prefix optional? or add another query param? - pass this through like 3 layers of code down to where you need to build the urlObject
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:38 inoas hmic around?
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:37 Sebollson silly me
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:37 Sebollson ;)
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:37 Sebollson so not cake related
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:37 Sebollson insteed of AGAINST('+term1 +term2' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:37 Sebollson for some reasons i thougt it should be MATCH .. AGAINST ('+term1', '+term2' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:36 inoas ok - probably works now then ;)
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:36 Sebollson i did that alread - its just for some reasons i wanted to pass multipe arguments insteed of 1 into AGAINST clause
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:36 inoas before injecting it into the query builder
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:35 inoas then concat to build the string to match against
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:35 Sebollson in boolean mode, thats the syntax
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:35 inoas matching against +term1 +term2?
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:34 Sebollson g2k
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:34 inoas yes.
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:34 Sebollson ooo
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:34 Sebollson o
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:34 inoas it will be deprecated and removed in future.
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:34 inoas Sebollson: are you sure it is required ;)?
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:34 Sebollson thanks for help :)
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:34 Sebollson nevertheless, normally i dont use orWhere, but it is required in this case ;)
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:34 Sebollson but matching against term1 OR matching against term2 is not the same as matching against +term1 +terma2
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:32 inoas admad is this so far off the charts? because I still see Url Objects being pushed as a PR and I feel that it is related https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/issues/10866#issuecomment-313391901
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:29 inoas and I would recommend using where(['OR' => [list of conditions]]) then
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:29 inoas you can use it with a list of strings
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:29 inoas Sebollson: that's what I was hinting at ;)
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:29 inoas admad around?
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:25 birdy247 similar to dispatch filters?
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:25 birdy247 can options be passed to middleware
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:22 Sebollson temporary brain blackout ;P
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:21 Sebollson why the hell i tried to do that with separate arguments idk ...
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:21 Sebollson arguments supposed to be in single string...
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:21 Sebollson crap im using match agains wrong....
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:17 inoas I suggest you make the query work without binding first
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:17 Sebollson yes as you say it is similar
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:17 inoas however it no where uses arrays like that
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:16 inoas here is a very similar example